Soul - Who am I?
If someone asks you a question “Who are you?” What shall be your answer? You will say I am…. Either your name, profession, designation, gender, and such physical descriptions. I say my name, my designation, my profession. Hence, all these are 'mine', and they are not 'me'. Then WHO AM I? We must have our own indentity first. This is the foundation for everything else. We welcome you to learn the first spiritual lesson in what we call "RajYoga course". This is knowing the self, who does not end when the body does, who is eternal, unborn, timeless, the life energy, the soul.
There is a divine energy within this body that runs the body, the conscious energy that controls the body through the brain, sees through the eyes, takes decisions, and does actions using the body. That energy is a tiny point of divine light residing at the very center of the forehead. This light represents the virtues and powers of that soul. The soul is a very subtle point of energy, and yet contains the records of this birth and previous births. Where is the proof of this? Many near-death experiences (NDEs) have revealed that "the Self" is not this physical body, but an eternal consciousness that resides in this body to experience life. When the body becomes old or inhabitable, the soul leaves it and takes another. One can experience soul consciousness with a regular practice of rajyoga meditation.
Human life is invaluable. We can shape our future by our decisions and deeds. We have the intellect to differentiate the right and wrongs. God has said to us - 'Realise the Self-first'. Without that, everything is baseless. So let's begin the first chapter of this godly knowledge.
Life exists as a result of a union of Soul and body. The soul enters the mother's womb somewhere between 3 and 4 months after pregnancy. As the soul enters, the process of creation of the main organs (nervous system) of the body begins. This process includes the creation of the brain, heart, and sense organs. Such as the sanskar of the soul, such would be the creation of its body (features).
The organs of the body are controlled by the soul through the faculty of what we call 'brain'. The soul is not a physical light but a light of conscious energy, the fundamental being who brings the life-energy in this physical body. I am the one who experiences this life through this body made of 5 elements (soil, water, fire, air, and space)
Watch FULL movie: 'Who am I' in multiple languages.
Seat of the Soul
Soul is located in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus. Sitting on this seat, we the Soul can control the nervous system and, through it, various organs in the body. Just as a driver controls a car through its control mechanisms while sitting in the driver’s seat, the soul uses the brain to control the body. The brain is the machine by means of which the soul thinks, remembers, receives, and sends messages to physical organs through the nerves. Apart from physical sensations, the soul experiences pleasure, pain, happiness, and sorrow through the brain.

Sacred Geometry (pdf)
Nature of the Soul
Soul has no gender. It is a tiny, metaphysical, conscious point of spiritual light, not the light which comes from stars but we are a light of consciousness, powers, and virtues. The number of souls is finite and all souls are unique and eternal: are never created and can not be destroyed by any means. We only change the body as the body gets weak or old or due to an unnatural incident.
Invisible to the physical eye, we exist as a fundamental truth, the creator of feelings that we ourselves feel. We can experience our presence through meditation, as simple as looking inside us, and the reality as a detached observer.
The intrinsic nature of the soul is of peace, love, truth, bliss, and purity. We only can desire what we once had. All powers are born from the Purity of a Soul. When we became impure, we lost our inner unlimited powers. The soul is unlimited, all happiness is on the basis of purity of the soul. We could only see the body with these eyes. Yet there are many those who had visions of the Soul or of God as light. This is all true and is revealed in Murli also. A divine vision is a vision that we get in our mind, but not through our physical eyes.
Faculties (properties) of the Soul
It is very subtle to understand the properties of the tiniest Soul, but it is a very fundamental nature. While the Soul is a point of light, we can think and reflect; we can experience pleasure and pain; we can decide to make efforts, either good or bad. The soul has three intrinsic faculties – mind, intellect, and impressions.
The first property of the soul is called Mind. Yes, not this mind (brain), but the mind of the soul. Through the mind, we perform actions. This first property is most commonly used in our life - while doing every Karma (action). The mind gives us suitable suggestions which are for the welfare of the body for example.
Now a higher property of Soul, through which we decide and differentiate. 'We shape our Life with our taken decisions' There is a unique role of Intellect. It is said that the intellect is hidden, but is higher than the mind. When we want to decide between a few options or judge right and wrong, the intellect is used. Then the mind orders the organs to bring the outcome in practical action. This is the procedure. Hearing this, you would say, it is almost instant that I think and I do it, but there lies the third faculty that plays its part.
'' Mind is a machine that can think everything of the world, from which the Intellect chooses what is Right and What is wrong to do. Intellect is the judge. As without the mind, the Soul cannot think, without the Intellect we cannot differentiate right and wrong.''

This third faculty is very different from the others. Sanskaar or Sanskaras (Impressions of past Karma) is not directly related to the mind. But is related to it through Intellect. Impressions are registered deeply within the Soul. This property is the highest and thus sits deeply hidden. When we decide anything through our mind and Intellect, an impression is created. The impression of our response to the situation, etc. Now the second time the same situation or question comes to the Intellect, the mind suggests the response that was given in such a situation before. Hence these impressions are a facility to remember the past and repeat, just to make life easier and faster to respond the life situations or questions. God says in Murli: 'Your sanskaras were of Purity, Peace, love, and Bliss. Now they have turned into the opposite.' So our sanskaras are the root cause of what we do. We are now creating divine sanskaras and virtues. Through RajYoga (connecting intellect with God) our own intellect becomes divine like of the Supreme Soul (God). Source: Self-transformation.
Body Consciousness – the root cause of sorrow
A person is body-conscious when the Soul identifies itself with the physical body i.e. when the thinking, feeling, actions, and behaviors are with the awareness of being a body or the physical mind. Being body-conscious is the root cause of all the evils in the world because the vices of lust begin upon looking at others as a body. Anger is another big enemy of wisdom. Peace is the source of wisdom. Hence God says - become Soul conscious and bring it into your awareness. You are a tiny point of spiritual light and might. You are my child.
Soul Consciousness – the key to a blissful life
When we are in the state of awareness that “I am a Soul and not this physical body”, then our powers are unlimited, as the soul is not limited to anything. In other words, the person thinks, feels, acts, responds, etc with the awareness that he (soul is referred to) is the master of the body. When in soul-consciousness, the original qualities of a soul (peace, purity, love, bliss) naturally emerge. Me the soul is not dependent on external (physical) things for peace and happiness. They are our inner nature. Vices are the reason for experiencing sorrow or peacelessness. Thus it is now a message of God and it is time to awaken. We all are brothers, son of one incorporeal God.
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