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God Has Arrived (Film: English)

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"GOD HAS COME/ARRIVED": A must watch film (recommended) This is an international award-winning film, directed by John Urich-Sass, and published by the Films Division of Brahma Kumaris Godly Spiritual University. Producer➤ Brahma Kumaris Films Division, Mount Abu Director➤ John Urich-Sass ✱✱✱ Story ✱✱✱ ✶Essence➥ A father and son share an intimate moment in time of how this father finds God. A search that started in Mexico and culminated in India, in the mountains of Rajasthan. "A eye-opening, and eye-watering master creation film." ➤This masterpiece film is an eye-watering divine experience of a brother who has been searching for GOD and learning all religions, texts, & scriptures... And finally... he finds GOD, learns the truth, gets God's message, and his life is forever transformed... ➤Even more touching part in this film is when he imparts his life story to his 8-year-old son. That how he found God, or how God the supreme father, found him. ➤To his son, he explains the knowledge of Soul, the Supreme Soul (god), the eternal world cycle, and laws of existence... it all just adds to the magical divine experience. ✱MUST watch✱ SHARE this video page link (via SHARE buttons) to your family, friends, and connections. Give them the message: "God has Arrived for Us Children"

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