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Satyug, the Golden Age (Hindi)
Video Description
Science of establishment of Satyug (Golden Age). This is a clip from our film "Polaris Star" in Hindi. In this video, you will know the scientific understanding of the perfect world (heaven) - How will our golden aged world be like? How will we live there? How is everything pure and perfect?, come and know as explained in this video.
इस वीडियो में आपको सतयुग (परमपिता परमात्मा शिव द्वारा रची गयी नयी दुनिया) का वैज्ञानिक विवरण दिखाया जायेगा - जानिये की हमारी सतयुगी दुनिया कैसी होंगी? वह प्रकृति कैसी होंगी?
Please SHARE this video to your family and connections and invite them to know that God has come to establish Satyug world for us children.
यह वेबसाइट पेज व वीडियो को अपने परिवार, सगे सम्बन्धियों को SHARE जरूर करे।