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  • English - BK murli today 1 May 2018

    Brahma Kumaris murli today in English for 1 05 2018 - BapDada -Madhuban - Essence: Sweet children, you are spiritual social workers. You have to serve Bharat to make it into heaven and make the land of sorrow into the land of happiness. Question: In which aspect do you Brahmin children become experts at the confluence age? Answer: You have now become experts at fulfilling the desires of all human souls. Human beings desire to attain liberation or liberation-in-life and you have to fulfil that desire. You have to show everyone the path to peace. Peace is not found in the forests, but the original religion of souls is peace. Become detached from your bodies and remember the Father and you will receive the inheritance of peace and happiness. Song:Look at your face in the mirror of your heart, o man! Om shanti. The unlimited Father explains to His long-lost and now-found children, the ones who know the Father and have taken refuge with Him. It is said: God, I have come to seek refuge with You. Refuge is taken when the Father comes and explains to you children. Devotees seek refuge with God because, everyone here is unhappy. Bharat is the land of sorrow; they continue to cause sorrow for one another. The Father has explained that this is your gathering of swans. No one except pure children can come here. The Father explains: Children, pure Bharat is called the land of happiness. No other land can be called the land of happiness. Bharat becomes the land of happiness and Bharat becomes the land of sorrow. People of Bharat are very unhappy because they are impure. However, no one explains these things to them. The Father explains: Sannyasis are pure and they leave their homes and families but they themselves sing: The Purifier is Rama who belongs to Sita. You have now come to the Purifier Father. The one Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, purifies the whole world. Human beings cannot purify human beings. This is the impure world; not a single person is pure. They say: O Supreme Father, Supreme Soul! Then they say that God is omnipresent. Shivohum, tattwam! (I am Shiva, and the same applies to you.) All the poor helpless people have forgotten the Father. When a person is drunk, then, even though he may have gone bankrupt, he is very deeply intoxicated with alcohol. In the same way, people don’t know that it is these vices that make them impure. This is why, in order to become pure, sannyasis leave their homes and families. However, that is the path of isolation. The Father has come here. Those who have been unhappy for half a cycle come here and take refuge. It is Maya that makes you unhappy. Everyone is greatly diseased with the five vices. Ravan has made human beings into complete devils. When this land completely becomes the land of sorrow, the Father comes and establishes the land of happiness. You are spiritual social workers. The Father makes you do service: Children, make this Bharat into heaven. Everything depends on yoga. If someone stayed in yoga very well for seven days, it would be a wonder. Generally, hardly anyone is able to stay in yoga. They remember their homes or their minds wander everywhere. “Seven days” are very well known; they hold readings of the Gita, the Bhagawad, the Granth etc. for seven days. This system is one of this confluence age. You have to stay in a bhatthi for seven days. No one should be remembered. Your yoga should be connected to the one Father alone. It is very difficult to stay in this stage constantly for seven days. The memorial of you children is also here. You are now sitting beneath the tree and doing the tapasya of Raja Yoga. There is Jagadamba and also you children. You are the ones who fulfil all the desires of all human beings for heaven, that is, you are those who give the fruit of liberation and liberation-in-life. You are experts. No one in the world knows what liberation or liberation-in-life is. They don’t know who gives it or who can make everyone in the impure world pure. Sannyasis leave their homes and families for peace and go into the forests, but they cannot find peace. The original religion of souls is peace and yet people search for it outside. No one knows that the original religion of souls is peace. (The example of the queen’s necklace.) Those are your organs, and you can make them work or not. I, the soul, detach myself from this body, just as souls become detached at night. The soul forgets everything; that is called sleep. Here, you simply sit in peace. The soul says: Having made the physical organs work, I have become tired. Achcha. Detach yourself from your body. Those are your organs to work with. Only the Father gives you this knowledge. Detachyourself and sit down. Don’t say anything. However, for how long would you sit detached in that way? You know that no one can stay without performing actions. You become detached, but you also need the benefit of that. If you only detach yourself, there would not be that much benefit. Detach yourself and remember Me and you will be benefited and receive power. The Father explains to His children: Children, this is the court of the knowledge of Indra. All of you sitting here are jewels. If anyone with a stone intellect sits here, he would spoil the atmosphere because he would not stay in remembrance of Shiv Baba. He would continue to remember his friends and relatives. You have to remember the Father constantly. This is not a common spiritual gathering. This is a big university. If an uneducated person sat in a medical college, he wouldn’t understand anything. He wouldn’t be allowed in. He wouldn’t be able to understand anything by simply observing. Nor can impure, vicious human beings understand this knowledge. This is why such people are not allowed here. If they come to class to listen to a lecture , they wouldn’t be able to understand anything. This is a university to change from dirty beings into clean and pure deities. No such beings are allowed here just like that. They cannot know the Father. The Father is incognito. You know that you have taken refuge with the unlimited Father in order to claim the inheritance of constant happiness from the Father. The Father Himself says: This body of Brahma is the last one of many births and is in its stage of retirement. This one has also studied many scriptures. I am now telling you the essence of all the Vedas and scriptures through this one. They have shown the scriptures in the hands of Brahma. They show Brahma emerging from the navel of Vishnu. It has been explained how Brahma emerges from the navel of Vishnu and how Vishnu emerges from the navel of Brahma, how Brahma and Saraswati become Lakshmi and Narayan and then, having completed their 84 births, how they become Brahma and Saraswati at the end. They have then shown Nehru emerging from the navel of Gandhiji. There is no ocean of milk here. This is the ocean of poison. They show an ocean of milk in the golden age. You children know that Maya made you unhappy for half the cycle. No other place is as unhappy as Bharat. No other place can be as happy as Bharat either. The Father says: The deity religion has to disappear. Only then do I come and once again establish the new religion. It is truly being established now. You children have come and are claiming your inheritance from the Father. You know who rules in heaven. In their childhood they are Radhe and Krishna and they then become Lakshmi and Narayan. The Father has now come. Lakshmi and Narayan are studying with different names and forms. The ugly form of Shri Krishna is sitting here. The Father takes this one across to the other side. In the scriptures, they have shown Krishna being carried in a basket across to the other side. Shiv Baba has now come. He seats you children on His eyelids and makes you into the masters of heaven. The Father teaches the whole clan and then takes them from the land of Kans to the land of Krishna. It is not a question of just one. He removes all of you from the land of Ravan, He seats you on His eyelids and takes you to the land of happiness. I have come to enable you children to reach heaven. This old world will then be destroyed. They have mentioned the war in the scriptures. However, they don’t understand anything. This Dada has also studied many scriptures. Baba says: Now forget all of them and constantly remember Me alone. I am the Satguru of all. The iron age is called the land of Kans and the golden age is called the land of Krishna. I am now taking you from the land of Ravan to the land of Rama, the land of Krishna. Will you go to the land of happiness, the land of Krishna? They sing: Chant the name of Radhe-Govinda. That is the path of devotion. You are now once again becoming Radhe and Govinda. Now you have neither of the two crowns – neither the crown of light nor of the kingdom. Only those who are pure are given a crown of light. Lakshmi and Narayan are ever pure. They never have to renounce anything. Sannyasis take birth, then renounce their homes and families in order to become pure. You have renunciation in this one birth for 21 births (of purity). They don’t become pure for 21 births. They take birth to vicious ones, they become impure and then they leave home in order to become pure. That is rajoguni renunciation. The Father says: I am knowledge-full ; k nowledge-full, blissful – I alone have the full knowledge. I give you children the full knowledge of the subtle region, the incorporeal world and the corporeal world and the beginning, the middle and the end of the world through which you become full. Deities are full. You children have come into the lap of the Father. You know that you are following shrimat and are once again claiming your fortune of the kingdom. This is a game of victory and defeat. Those who are defeated by Maya are defeated by everything. Those who conquer Maya conquer everything. You have yoga with the Almighty Authority Father, you take power from Him and gain victory over Maya. You understand that your drama of 84 births is now coming to an end. We are once again claiming our fortune of the kingdom. Lakshmi and Narayan are shown in an ocean of milk. This is the ocean of poison. Radhe and Krishna are young children. People rock Krishna in a cradle with a lot of love because they believe that he was the prince of heaven. Krishna is said to be 16 celestial degrees full and Rama 14 degrees. That same Krishna also becomes 14 degrees from 16 celestial degrees full; he has to take rebirth. Baba has explained that not everyone takes the full 84 births. Those of other religions do not take 84 births. These things have to be understood. You definitely have to receive your inheritance from the Father. He is the Creator of heaven, and so He would surely make you into the masters of heaven. That Father resides in the supreme abode. We too come from there. You have to remember Baba very well. You will receive peace by having remembrance. People ask: How can we have yoga with Supreme Soul? They become confused. You have received this full understanding. The Father comes at the confluence of the land of sorrow and the land of happiness. The end of the iron age is the land of sorrow, and the beginning of the golden age is the land of happiness. Only the Father removes you from the land of sorrow and makes you sit in the land of happiness. This is a matter of understanding. No one without purity can study this knowledge. That is why impure ones are not allowed to sit here. You have to explain: You have been greatly diseased for half the cycle. Maya has made you greatly diseased and this is why you are first kept in a bhatthi. You children know the occupation of everyone. When you go to a Shiva Temple, you understand that that Baba is the Bestower of Liberation and Salvation. Bharat is the greatest pilgrimage place. However, they have put Krishna’s name in the Gita. They have made Shiv Baba’s name disappear. Shiv Baba Himself comes and liberates everyone from sorrow. The water of the Ganges is not the Purifier. That comes from the mountains. How can that be called the Purifier? That is called blind faith. Look what human beings continue to do! It is sung that no other birth is as valuable as a human birth. Your present birth, when the Father has come, is valuable. This is your most valuable birth. You become pure and make Bharat into heaven. That is why you Shiv Shaktis, you mothers of Bharat, have been remembered. You know that, with the help of purity, Baba makes not only Bharat, but the whole world, pure. Those who give their finger of purity and who remain “Manmanabhav” are helpers. You understand the meaning of this. This Dada didn’t understand at first either. He had adopted many gurus and studied many scriptures. This is why Baba says: Constantly remember Me alone. I alone am your everything. I am the Bestower of Liberation and Liberation-in-Life. Human beings are impure. You have now come to Shiv Baba to claim your inheritance through Brahma. No one can come here without this faith. If they did, they would spread even more peacelessness. You take Bharat into supreme peace. This is the task of establishment which human beings cannot carry out. You are doing this with Shiv Baba’s help. What prize do you receive? I make you into the masters of heaven. If, after belonging to such a Baba, your intellect doesn’t have faith, Maya completely swallows you. Achcha. To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for dharna: Renounce the old world in this one birth and become complete helpers of the Father. Give your finger of purity and remain “Manmanabhav”. Do the service of taking Bharat into supreme peace. Detach yourself from that body, stay in remembrance of the Father and take power from Him. Give the donation of peace. Blessing: May you become equal to the Father and through your perfect form of a blessed image grant blessings to everyone. In Bharat especially, goddesses are remembered as beings who grant blessings to everyone. However, only those who become equal to the Father and who remain close to Him become such images that grant blessings. If you are sometimes equal to the Father but not at other times and are just an effort-maker for yourself, you cannot then become an image that grants blessings because the Father does not make effort. He is constantly the Image of Perfection. When you are equal, that is, when you are in your form of perfection, you will then become one who grants blessing. Slogan: Run fast in the race of remembrance and you will become a victorious bead in the garland around the Father’s neck. #Murli #english

  • Time of God’s Descent for World Transformation

    When does God has to appear before us, and what does he come and do? Every aspect to the supreme being is NOW revealed.. Change has many stages. Everything in this world begins fresh and new, then it slowly grows old and decays, and finally it ends to begin anew. Thus see there is a constant cycle. The change that humanity has been waiting for for millennia is now happening. Every time humanity faced a social, moral or religious crisis, great souls emerged on earth to lead them towards a better future, closer to the truth of life, to the God. It is in times of moral decadence and social unrest that religious preceptors, prophets, messiahs and saints were born to deliver humanity from unrighteousness and suffering. However, in spite of all their efforts, the world has continued to fall deeper into the quagmire of immorality, unrighteousness and falsehood. The magnitude of human suffering has been compounded to extreme levels. Just as when a building becomes old and develops minor cracks it is repaired by skilled workers, but when it becomes very old and begins to fall apart, the builder pulls it down and builds it anew, the present world, in the Iron Age, has reached a stage of total decay. Now is not the time to talk about temporary fixes and change, but to bring about complete transformation. In perhaps the most famous passage in the Bhagavad Gita, God as represented by Shri Krishna is quoted as saying that He descends on Earth when unrighteousness reaches extreme proportions. God says that he comes to redeem all souls, destroy evil and re-establish a righteous order. But when in the history of this world does God perform this task? The passage in the Gita contains the words sambhavami yuge yuge, which has led people to believe that God’s descent takes place in each of the four yugas or Ages in the cycle of time. Is that the case? After some reflection it becomes clear that this is not possible. The cycle of time begins with the Golden Age, when both human souls and the elements of nature are in their purest state. In the Golden and Silver Ages all souls are happy and no one calls for God’s help. If God were to come at the end of both these Ages, then peace, prosperity and joy should continue and there should be no suffering. But pain and sorrow begin in the Copper Age, when humans lose the awareness that they are souls and begin to identify themselves with their bodies, which gives rise to vices such as lust, anger, greed and ego. As humans come increasingly under the influence of vices, their suffering increases. As the Copper Age gives way to the Iron Age, this process of degradation gathers pace – which would not have happened had God come to salvage humanity at the end of the Copper Age. Humans call out to God in times of sorrow and when things deteriorate beyond human tolerance. God, the redeemer, rejuvenator and remover of sorrow, then comes to restore peace and happiness in this world. God’s descent, thus, is meant to remove human suffering and rejuvenate the world. Finally, seeing that His children are unable to get out of the grip of vices and suffering, God comes to this world to remind them of their true, spiritual identity and their innate virtues. He also tells them about their relationship with Him and how they can regain their original, pure state by remembering Him. By this remembrance, souls fill themselves with power and virtues, gradually overcoming the influence of vices. Souls that make the effort to get cleansed in this way and attain a divine status become worthy of taking birth in the Golden Age that dawns after the Iron Age. All other souls are also liberated from sorrow in this process of change when God brings about the destruction of all evil and paves the way for the dawn of the Golden Age. In the entire cycle of time, it is only at the end of the Iron Age that this massive and positive process of world transformation takes place. It can only be carried out by God. During the rest of the cycle souls undergo a process of degradation – very slow in the beginning and faster as time goes by. It is only at the confluence of the Iron and Golden Ages, when God intervenes, that this process ends and there is a new beginning. One of the most quoted and famous verses of the Bhagavad Gita is this verse from Chapter 4 “Yada yada hi dharmansya glanirbhavti Bharatam abhuytthanam adharamasya tadatmaanaam srajamyham paritranayaye sadhunaam vinashaaya duskritam dharma sansthapanarthya...” According to this verse, God says that whenever there is decline of dharma or righteousness, He manifests Himself to destroy evil and re-establish the principles of dharma in every cycle of yugas or ages. In essence, God says that He manifests at the end of every cycle for the task of world transformation. He comes to transform the entire world from its degraded state to a pure, virtuous state .. (continues in next blog post) - See to know How God appears before us, among us.

  • First Avyakt Sandesh on 18 01 1969 morning through Dadi Gulzar

    18 जनवरी 1969 – पिताश्री जी के अव्यक्त होने के बाद – अव्यक्त वतन से प्राप्त दिव्य सन्देश" (गुलज़ार बहिन द्वारा) 1. आज जब हम वतन में गई तो शिवबाबा बोले - साकार ब्रह्मा की आत्मा में आदि से अन्त तक 84 जन्मों के चक्र लगाने के संस्कार हैं तो आज भी वतन से चक्र लगाने गये थे। जैसे साइंस वाले राकेट द्वारा चन्द्रमा तक पहुँचे - और जितना चन्द्रमा के नजदीक पहुँचते गये उतना इस धरती की आकर्षण से दूर होते गये। पृथ्वी की आकर्षण खत्म हो गई। वहाँ पहुँचने पर बहुत हल्कापन महसूस होता है। जैसे तुम बच्चे जब सूक्ष्मवतन में आते हो तो स्थूल आकर्षण खत्म हो जाती है तो वहाँ भी धरती की आकर्षण नहीं रहती है। यह है ध्यान द्वारा और वह है साइंस द्वारा। और भी एक अन्तर बापदादा सुना रहे थे - कि वह लोग जब राकेट में चलते हैं तो लौटने का कनेक्शन नीचे वालों से होता है लेकिन यहाँ तो जब चाहें, जैसे चाहें अपने हाथ में है। इसके बाद बाबा ने एक दृश्य दिखाया - एक लाइट की बहुत ऊँची पहाड़ी थी। उस पहाड़ी के नीचे शक्ति सेना और पाण्डव दल था। ऊपर में बापदादा खड़े थे। इसके बाद बहुत भीड़ हो गई। हम सभी वहाँ खड़े ऐसे लग रहे थे जैसे साकारी नहीं लेकिन मन्दिर के साक्षात्कार मूर्त खड़े हैं। सभी ऊपर देखने की कोशिश कर रहे थे लेकिन ऊपर देख नहीं सके। जैसे सभी बहुत तरस रहे थे। फिर थोड़ी देर में एक आकाशवाणी की तरह आवाज आई कि शक्तियों और पाण्डवों द्वारा ही कल्याण होना है। उस समय हम सबके चहरे पर बहुत ही रहमदिल का भाव था। उसके बाद फिर कई लोगों को शक्तियों और पाण्डवों से अव्यक्त ब्रह्मा का साक्षात्कार, शिवबाबा का साक्षात्कार होने लगा। फिर तो वह सीन देखने की थी कोई हसँ रहा था, कोई पकड़ने की कोशिश कर रहा था, कोई प्रेम में आंसू बहा रहा था। लेकिन सारी शक्तियाँ आग के गोले समान तेजस्वी रूप में स्थित थी। इस पर बाबा ने सुनाया कि अन्त समय में तुम्हारा यह व्यक्त शरीर भी बिल्कुल स्थिर हो जायेगा। अभी तो पुराना हिसाब-किताब होने के कारण शरीर अपनी तरफ खींचता है लेकिन अन्त में बिल्कुल स्थिर, शान्त हो जायेगा। कोई भी हल- चल न मन में, न तन में रहेगी। जिसको ही बाबा कहते हैं देही अभिमानी स्थिति। दृश्य समाप्त होने के बाद बाबा ने कहा - सभी बच्चों को कहना कि अभी देही अभिमानी बनने का पुरुषार्थ करो। जितना सर्विस पर ध्यान है उतना ही इस मुख्य बात पर भी ध्यान रहे कि देही अभिमानी बनना है। 2. आज जब मैं वतन में गई तो बापदादा हम सभी बच्चों का स्वागत करने के लिए सामने उपस्थित थे। और जैसे ही मैं पहुँची तो जैसे साकार रूप में दृष्टि से याद लेते थे वैसे ही अनुभव हुआ लेकिन आज की दृष्टि में विशेष प्रेम के सागर का रूप इमर्ज था। एक-एक बच्चे की याद नयनों में समाई हुई थी। बाबा ने कहा याद तो सभी बच्चों ने भेजी है, लेकिन इसमें दो प्रकार की याद है। कई बच्चों की याद अव्यक्त है और कईयों की याद में अव्यक्त भाव के साथ व्यक्त भाव मिक्स है। 75 बच्चों की याद अव्यक्त थी लेकिन 25 की याद मिक्स थी। फिर बाबा ने सभी को स्नेह और शक्ति भरी दृष्टि देते गिट्टी खिलाई। फिर एक दृश्य इमर्ज हुआ - क्या देखा सभी बच्चों का संगठन खड़ा है और ऊपर से बहुत फूलों की वर्षा हो रही है। बिल्कुल चारों और फूल के सिवाए और कुछ देखने में नहीं आ रहा था। बाबा ने सुनाया - बच्ची, बाप- दादा ने स्नेह और शक्ति तो बच्चों को दी ही है लेकिन साथ-साथ दिव्य गुण रुपी फूलों की वर्षा शिक्षा के रूप में भी बहुत की है। परन्तु दिव्य गुणों की शिक्षा को हरेक बच्चे ने यथाशक्ति ही धारण किया है। इसके बाद फिर दूसरा दृश्य दिखाया - तीन प्रकार के गुलाब के फूल थे एक लोहे का, दूसरा हल्का पीतल का और तीसरा रीयल गुलाब था। तो बाबा ने कहा बच्चों की रिजल्ट भी इस प्रकार है। जो लोहे का फूल हैं - यह बच्चों के कड़े संस्कार की निशानी थे। जैसे लोहे को बहुत ठोकना पड़ता है, जब तक गर्म न करो, हथोड़ी न लगाओ तो मुड़ नहीं सकता। इस तरह कई बच्चों के संस्कार लोहे की तरह है जो कितना भी भट्टी में पड़े रहें लेकिन बदलते ही नहीं। दूसरे है जो मोड़ने से वा मेहनत से कुछ बदलते हैं। तीसरे वह जो नैचुरल ही गुलाब हैं। यह वही बच्चे हैं जिन्होंने गुलाब समान बनने में कुछ मेहनत नहीं ली। ऐसे सुनाते- सुनाते बाबा ने रीयल गुलाब के फूल को अपने हाथ में उठाकर थोड़ा घुमाया। घुमाते ही उनके सारे पत्ते गिर गये। और सिर्फ बीच का बीज रह गया। तो बाबा बोले, देखो बच्ची जैसे इनके पत्ते कितना जल्दी और सहज अलग हो गये - ऐसे ही बच्चों को ऐसा पुरुषार्थ करना है जो एकदम फट से पुराने संस्कार, पुराने देह के सम्बन्धियों रूपी पत्ते छट जायें। और फिर बीजरूप अवस्था में स्थित हो जायें। तो सभी बच्चों को यही सन्देश देना कि अपने को चेक करो कि अगर समय आ जाए तो कोई भी संस्कार रूपी पत्ते अटक तो नहीं जायेंगे, जो मेहनत करनी पड़े? कर्मातीत अवस्था सहज ही बन जायेगी या कोई कर्मबन्धन उस समय अटक डालेगा? अगर कोई कमी है तो चेक करो और भरने की कोशिश करो।

  • Creation of World, Evolution of Life - Part 2

    God reminds souls that He is their spiritual father and that they can fill themselves with His powers and virtues simply by being aware that they are souls and remembering Him. Such remembrance of God is called Rajyoga. Since this is an easy method of meditation and does not involve any physical rigours, chanting or other rituals it is also called easy yoga. Being easy, it can be practised constantly. Regular practise of this form of meditation eventually makes one naturally soul conscious — aware that one is a soul, a sentient point of light separate from the body but living within the body and using it as a medium to think, feel, see, hear, smell, speak and act. This mental link with the Supreme Soul also fills the soul with God’s powers and virtues. When the soul is enriched and strengthened in this way, it is no longer influenced by vices and consequently gets liberated from sorrow. The thoughts, words and actions of such purified souls spread peace and happiness all around. When a critical number of humans start transmitting positive energy all over the world in this way, all negativity begins to get eliminated and the elements of nature also get purified. In this process the world undergoes a major transformation whereby the Iron Age ends and the planet returns to its pristine state for the Golden Age to dawn once again. God and all human souls return to the soul world at this time, just as the director and actors in a play go home at the end of a performance, to come down again and play their respective roles when the drama begins anew as the wheel of time begins to turn a new circle. This cyclical process goes on eternally, with rejuvenation taking place at the end of each turn of the wheel of time through the intervention of God. This cyclical process goes on eternally, with rejuvenation taking place at the end of each turn of the wheel of time through the intervention of God. The soul of Brahma, by virtue of being the first soul to achieve complete self-transformation and playing a key role in bringing about this rejuvenation, goes on to play the most prominent role in the Golden Age – that of Shri Krishna. However, since the Supreme Soul is always incorporeal and Brahma was His visible medium, people have attributed the task of creation of the new world to Brahma. They have also mistakenly credited Shri Krishna with giving humans spiritual knowledge in the form of the Bhagavad Gita as is depicted in the Mahabharata. The battle shown in the Mahabharata is a spiritual one that each soul has to fight within itself to overcome vices and negative tendencies. God helps us in this battle by reminding us of our original goodness and empowering us to return to that state. Those who recognize the truth revealed by God and make the effort to transform themselves attain the powers and virtues that entitle them to play a leading role in the world drama right from the start of the Golden Age. It is an entitlement God offers to all His children. Claiming it is up to us. Om Shanti.

  • Creation of World, Evolution of life

    Scientific theories about time and the evolution of human life, and religious concepts about the same have for long been subjects of heated debate. Evolutionary theory says life on earth originated about 3.7 billion years ago and then evolved, as Charles Darwin has theorised, by a process of natural selection. Prehistoric man is said to have evolved from apes and progressed, according to archaeological chronology, from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age and Iron Age in terms of the ability to extract metals from ores and manufacture implements from them. Extending this chronology to the present times we can say that humanity is now in the space age. Rapid advances in science and technology over the past century have transformed our lives, but the challenges facing humanity have also become more complex and varied, spurring humans to push further the frontiers of science. Futurists speak of humans living on synthetic food, getting transplanted with manufactured organs and colonising outer space in future. However, nobody has a clear vision of where our ‘progress’ will lead eventually. There is just hope that science will find the answers to all our problems and life will carry on. Religious concepts of time speak of the creation of humanity by God and a gradual moral decline of humankind, culminating in an apocalypse or Last Judgement, after which different eschatological traditions speak of various scenarios for human souls. Such scenarios, too, do not give a convincing or complete picture of what will eventually happen to human souls or life on Earth as we know it. However, the spiritual concept of cyclical repetition of time is an exception. The cycle of time tells us that what we call life is a drama taking place on the vast stage of the Earth, with souls as actors and the elements of nature too playing an active role. This drama begins in the Golden Age, when human souls as well as nature are in their perfect state and live a life of complete happiness. Not all human souls are present in the world at this time, as each comes from the soul world to play its role in this drama at its own appointed time. Over the Golden and Silver Ages (Satyug and Treta) the souls lose some of their spiritual power but are still free of all sorrow. By the time the Copper Age (Dwapar Yug) begins, the souls forget their true identity and start to identify themselves with their bodies. This body-consciousness gives rise to vices such as lust, anger, ego, greed and attachment, which corrupt the thinking, speech and actions of souls, leading to pain and sorrow. The degradation of souls and their actions also affects the forces of nature, which start becoming violent and causing natural disasters. By the end of the Iron Age (Kaliyug), when the wheel of time is about to complete a full circle and begin a new one, the souls — all of whom are now present on Earth — are completely in the grip of vices and desperately searching for ways to escape sorrow. This is when God intervenes to salvage humanity. God performs the task of eliminating all evil and restoring souls and nature to their original, pure state. He recreates heaven or the Golden Aged world out of the Iron Age. It is for this reason that He is referred to as the Destroyer and Creator. God, the Supreme Soul, performs this task by helping human souls rid themselves of vices and making them instruments for transforming the world. He reminds humans of their true identity and teaches them Rajyoga — the way to connect mentally with God to draw His powers and virtues. For this, he incarnates in a human medium, who comes to be known as Brahma. God does not take birth like humans, as is shown in scriptures, and nor does He take the form of animals. And the very fact that He incarnates makes it clear that He is not omnipresent. He uses the human medium of Brahma to communicate with humans and give them spiritual knowledge... (continue in next blog post..)

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