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  • Avyakt Ishare: October 2023

    शिव बाबा की अनमोल शिक्षाएँ "अव्यक्त इशारे" के रूप में आप यहाँ PDF format में प्राप्त कर सकते है। बाबा रोज हम आत्मा बच्चों को यह विशेष पालना देते है, जो हमे ज्ञान, योग, धारणा और सेवा के पुरुषार्थ में मदद करती है। इस अव्यक्त इशारे post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ Month: October 2023 Format: PDF to view/download/print Language: Hindi, English अव्यक्त इशारे PDF अव्यक्त इशारे 1 से 31 अक्टूबर (Whole month in One PDF) विशेष पुरुषार्थ Oct 2023 (रोज के पुरुषार्थ, स्वमान, संकल्प PDF file में) संस्कार परिवर्तन चार्ट: जनवरी 2023 (special) These are the precious directions of beloved father SHIV BABA... in the form of "Avyakt Ishare" where Baba inspired us in Purusharth and Service. Please SHARE this post to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. इस अव्यक्त इशारे post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links अव्यक्त इशारे (old & new) Aaj ka Purusharth (audio, pdf) Advance Murlis (Hindi, English) Online Services (main page) PDF books (Hindi & English) BK Google⇗ (search engine)

  • Amritvela Messages: October 2023

    शिव बाबा की अनमोल शिक्षाएँ "अमृतवेला की प्रेरणा" के रूप में आप यहाँ image (jpg) में प्राप्त कर सकते है। बाबा रोज हम आत्मा बच्चों को यह विशेष पालना देते है, जो हमे ज्ञान, योग, धारणा और सेवा के पुरुषार्थ में मदद करती है। इस अमृतवेला विशेष post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ English: These are Shiv Baba's precious teachings & directions titled "Amritvela" >> Through these teachings, Baba inspires us children in the subjects of Knowledge, Yog (meditation), Dharna (imbibing Divine Virtues), and Service. Please SHARE this post with BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Month: Oct 2023 Format: JPG to view/download Languages: Hindi, English Amritvela Sandesh अव्यक्त इशारे 1 से 31 अक्टूबर (Avyakt Ishare in PDF: बाबा की विशेष पालना in Hindi & English) विशेष पुरुषार्थ Oct 2023 (रोज के पुरुषार्थ, स्वमान, संकल्प एक PDF file में) संस्कार परिवर्तन चार्ट: जनवरी 2023 (pdf) These are the precious directions of beloved father SHIV BABA... in form of "Amritvela Teachings" where Baba inspired us in Purusharth and Service. Please SHARE this post to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. इस अव्यक्त इशारे post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links Amritvela Messages (All months) अव्यक्त इशारे (All months: old & new) New Blog posts (latest) Advance Murlis (Hindi, English) Online Services (main) BK Google⇗ (search engine)

  • Thought for Today Calendars: October 2023

    Get Brahma Kumaris "Thought of the Day" calendars for all individual days from 1st to 31st October 2023 ➤View Hindi and English calendar (jpg image) or download a single PDF file (of the entire month) or get the "full version" of the daily inspirations on this google folder (for Oct 2023) ➥Please SHARE (WhatsApp⇗) this post. Send the post link to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Visit useful links for more resources and get daily sustenance on this website. Choose Calendar language: Hindi English ✦ Hindi Calendars ✦ कैलेंडर को पढ़ने के २ तरीके : 1. पुरे महीने का एक PDF ➤ Oct 2023 single PDF (coming on 30th) 2. दिन (1 से 31) 1.10.23 2.10.23 3.10.23 4.10.23 5.10.23 6.10.23 7.10.23 8.10.23 9.10.23 10.10.23 11.10.23 12.10.23 13.10.23 14.10.23 15.10.23 16.10.23 17.10.23 18.10.23 19.10.23 20.10.23 21.10.23 22.10.23 23.10.23 24.10.23 25.10.23 26.10.23 27.10.23 28.10.23 29.10.23 30.10.23 31.10.23 ✤ English Calendars ✤ There are 2 ways to access "Thought for Today" 1. Full Month in One PDF➤ Oct 2023 single PDF (coming on 30th) 2. Days (1 to 31) 1.10.23 2.10.23 3.10.23 4.10.23 5.10.23 6.10.23 7.10.23 8.10.23 9.10.23 10.10.23 11.10.23 12.10.23 13.10.23 14.10.23 15.10.23 16.10.23 17.10.23 18.10.23 19.10.23 20.10.23 21.10.23 22.10.23 23.10.23 24.10.23 25.10.23 26.10.23 27.10.23 28.10.23 29.10.23 30.10.23 31.10.23 ➥Please SHARE (WhatsApp⇗) this post to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. "Subscribe" (or see footer) to this website and receive regular updates via email. Useful Links Thought for Today (official page) Old Months Calendars (on Blog) Avyakt Ishare (Hindi & English) Online Services (daily sustenance) All Godly Resources (for BKs) BK Google⇗ (our search engine)

  • Spiritual Significance of Dussehra

    दशहरा - Dussehra - Destroying The Ravan Within A Special Message on Dussehra this year 2023. A Godly message to overcome the five vices (lust, anger, greed, ego, attachment) which we call Ravan (Ravana), and to re-establish the inner kingdom of peace, purity, love, joy, and spiritual power. When the Soul who has fallen in the well of these five vices will now recognise its true spiritual identity as a child of the Supreme Soul (god) and thus receive spiritual knowledge from the Father (Shiv Baba). Tip: You may also listen to this article (audio⇗) So let's explore the truth behind the celebration of Dussehra (Dushera) after the nine days of Navratri and why is Ravana burned on the 10th day? What does it mean? What does 10 heads of Ravan signify? Who are Sita and Rama? You will know them in this article. To read many such useful articles, visit our Articles section. Who is Sita? In the old days, the saints and sages used to explain the wisdom of life and living by telling a story and then relating it to individual life. These then became our religious scriptures. One of the most revered religious scriptures of ancient India is "Ramayana", which is the life story of Lord Rama, the king of Ayodhya. As the story goes, Sita (wife of Lord Rama) who was residing in a forest was kidnapped by Ravana (an evil-minded king of Lanka). How does that happen? Well, a great wisdom of life is understood just from this incidence. The very scene in which the kidnap of Sita happens is full of spiritual meaning. Now we will explain the significance of the story while narrating it... Apharan of Sita Story: Sita was residing in a forest, along with Rama, and his brother Lakshman. One day, Rama went into the deeper forest to fulfill a wish (desire) of Sita, which was to get a deer which she saw and found very charming. After a while, when Rama did not return, Lakshman also followed him. Before that, he drew a 'Rekha' (a line), famously known as 'Lakshman Rekha' around the hut in which Sita stayed. This rekha would protect Sita from any danger. Meaning behind it: Observe how the names of characters taken here signify the meaning. Laksh, which means 'aim and objective' of our life. And lakshman-rekha would mean - the line of our principles (the Hindi word is Maryada). And when Sita, who represents us, the souls crosses our 'rekha' (line of Maryada) of values and principles, then the Ravana (representing the 5 vices) would take control on us (saying kidnap us) and take us to Lanka (representing a world of sorrow). As long as Sita was inside the line of values and principles, Ravana was helpless and could not do anything... But as soon as Sita crosses the line of Maryada, Ravan could easily take the control. The message we get here is: We all souls are a Sita who lives in this body. Rama, is our spiritual father, the supreme soul (Shiv Baba). As long as we stay in our Maryada (stick with our principle moral values), we are safe from the vices... If we become careless and cross our line of maryada, then the vices (lust, anger, greed, ego, attachment) would enter and take us to the world of sorrow (that is; our life becomes a misery). In order to free us souls from sorrow, God himself (Ram) has to cross the ocean (explaining that the Supreme soul lives in the soul world, while we live in this corporeal world, and hence in order to free us, he has to cross this ocean/border). Cross the ocean and enter the Lanka. In order to take us back to home, he has to first finish the Ravan (5 vices). And how does he do that? The story also describes that. Lord Rama targets the arrow (the Hindi word is bana) at the Navel (Nabhi) of Ravana and he falls down. Victory is achieved. Here, the navel (nabi) is taken as the 'root', which signifies that 'body-consciousness' actually is the root cause of all vices. Aim to finish body-consciousness and you get rid of all those 10 heads (5 vices both in male and female), and you get the victory. This victory of us souls over our own weaknesses (in the form of vices) is celebrated year after year. But when would we actually get this victory? Answer is: In order to overcome our weaknesses, we derive powers from our father, whom we have called God, the supreme soul. How? Through Yog (connection with God). This which we call RajaYog Meditation. ✱ Watch this video where BK Sister Shivani explains the meaning of Dussehra ✱ Victory over Weaknesses (Dussehra Significance): BK Shivani Dussehra celebration across India Many interesting and famous mythological stories of Dussehra or Vijayadashami, that celebrate the victory of righteousness over evil, are present in the world. On this day, a portrait of Ravana is created every year and is burned by a person who forms himself as Lord Rama. After this, a celebration is made to signify that we have burned the evil and a victory is achieved. This is celebrated across India in similar ways. As God, our spiritual father himself has revealed in the Murlis, we the souls were originally a sparkling star-like point of living energy, full of peace, purity, and bliss. When we spiritually powerful souls first came onto the world to play, our purity was naturally seen through the physical body, in the form of divine qualities like love, happiness, and joy. Refer to: World Drama Cycle. Slowly as we came in the cycle of birth and death, we started falsely identifying our-self with this physical body and forgot our eternal identity of that of a soul. We started getting attracted to the five senses and sense objects. The golden deer which had attracted Sita in the Ramayan is a symbolic representation of these material attractions (which we see today), while the internal stage of soul-consciousness is shown in the form of the Lakshman Rekha which Sita had crossed. This led to her getting kidnapped by vices and getting distanced from Rama (God). ✦Essence The episode of the kidnapping of Sita by Ravan refers to the kidnapping of the soul by the forces of Evil or the five vices namely lust, anger, greed, attachment, and ego. Ram comes in the world to free all the Sita from the lanka of Ravan (the five vices). Tip: Read our article on Navratri Message. Useful links General Articles - Hindi & English 7 days course online (Eng) About Brahma Kumaris - Introduction Online Services (daily sustenance 'online') Videos Library (watch our selected videos) BK Google⇗ (our Search engine)

  • Advance Murlis for October 2023

    Official Monthly Post➤ Advance Murlis PDF files of October 2023 month in Hindi and English languages, provided from the BabaMurli.NET murli website. Please SHARE this post, and send it to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Select Language Hindi (till 31.10) English (till 29.10) ✱Information ➤ Murli is provided 1 or 2 weeks in-advance to local RajYog sewa-kendra (BK centres) all over the world so that the connected regular students of those centres can continually read and revise the Gyan Murli. There are four subjects at BK Godly University which we all Brahma Kumari or Brahma Kumar study and practise in our daily lives. ➤ Visit useful links to get daily sustenance on this website. Visit Daily Murli audio to get♪ today's murli in Hindi and English. Advance Murli Hindi PDF अव्यक्त इशारे 1 से 31 अक्टूबर (बाबा की विशेष पालना: One Monthly PDF) Advance Murli English PDF ➤Please SHARE this post with BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links Daily Murli audio (official page) Advance Murli section (old & new) What is Gyan Murli? (article) Online Services (very useful) All Godly Resources (for BK souls) Explore Sitemap (Get Everything)

  • आज का स्वमान, October 2023

    अक्टूबर 2023 ➤ मधुबन से रोज बनाकर भेजा जा रहा विशेष "आज का स्वमान" आप यहाँ image/picture के रूप में प्राप्त कर सकते है। इसे रोज पढ़े और अपने मन में बिठाए, तो पुरुषार्थ सहज मेहसूस होंगा और तेज़ी से उन्नति होंगी। इसे अपने कनेक्शन के बी.के.भाई बेहनो को SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ ➤Daily "Aaj ka Swaman" (Today's Swamaan in Hindi) is prepared and sent from Madhuban. Read this every day and feel easiness in your Purusharth (spiritual effort-making) and feel soul-consciousness naturally throughout the day. Please SHARE this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Month: Oct 2023 Format: image (JPG) Languages: Hindi, English Folder Link ✱ अक्टूबर २०२३ मास के सभी (1 से 31 तक के PDF ) स्वमान आप इस Google folder से download कर सकते हो ➜ (updated daily) इस विशेष आज का स्वमान के blog post को अपने कनेक्शन के बी.के.भाई बेहनो को ज़रूर SHARE करे। Please SHARE this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful links All monthly posts (on Blog) English Posts (on Blog) बाबा का विशेष पुरुषार्थ (on Blog) दैनिक ज्ञान मुरली (official) Thought for Today (DAILY) Godly Resources (for BKs)

  • अव्यक्त बाबा मिलन क्या है?

    ब्रह्माकुमारी व ब्रह्माकुमार आज जानते है की अव्यक्त बापदादा की मुरली द्वारा पालना देने का पार्ट अब समाप्त हुआ है। अर्थात अब हमे ज्ञान स्वरुप, अव्यक्त फरिस्ता स्वरुप बनना है। शिक्षक की शिक्षा तो हमारे साथ है ही है, और उसमे भी शिव बाबा हम बच्चो को योग में extra सहयोग दे रहे है। अच्छा, यह तो हुई हर एक आत्मा के पुरुषार्थ अनुसार उनके अनुभव की बात। हमारे अन्य लेख पढ़ने लिए General Articles जरूर विजिट करे। Visit General Articles यह लेख में आप जानेंगे की अव्यक्त में मिलन मनाना अर्थात क्या? जरूर पढ़े, समझे, अभ्यास में लाये, और अन्य बी.के.भाई बहनो को SHARE करे। बाबा मिलन क्या होता है ? ✦ सबसे पहले तो ये की हम ब्राह्मण आत्माये इतने प्यार से बाबा किसे कहते है तो "बाबा" शब्द जो हम बोलते रहते है वो हमारे आत्मिक पिता, पारलौकिक पिता शिव है, बाबा इसलिए कहते है क्योंकि बाबा शब्द एक बहुत प्यार का प्रतीक है, हम अपने अपने घर में भी अपने बड़े बुजुर्गों को प्यार से बाबा कहते है न, क्योंकि जिससे हम बहुत प्रेम करते हो और जो अनुभवों का भण्डार हो और जो हमारे जीवन के भविष्य में हमारे मददगार है। ✦ अब हम बाबा मिलन अर्थात परमात्म मिलन कहते है इसका तात्पर्य यह है कि जब इस दुनिया में विकारों की आंधी, सत्य का विनाश और अधर्म की हानि होती है, तब स्वयं परमात्मा इस धरा पर साधारण तन में प्रवेश कर हम आत्माओ को सत्यता, प्रेम ,सुख, शांति का पाठ पढ़ाते है, मानव को पुनः सच्चा मानव बनाते है, सत्कर्म व् सत्यधर्म का पाठ पढ़ाकर एक नया राज्य नयी दुनिया सतयुग के स्थापना के निमित्त बनाते है। ✦ भगवान् ने कहा है मैं किसी साधारण से रूप में इस धरा पर आकर तुमको अपना परिचय देता हूँ, तुममे से कोई विरला ही मुझे पहचान पायेंगे क्योंकि तुम मायानगरी में बिलकुल अंधे बन पड़े थे इसलिए मुझे तुम आत्माओ को जगाने आना होता है। तो जो आत्माये परमात्मा को पहचान लेते है और उनकी श्रीमत को पालन करते है वही वास्तव में परमात्मा से मिलन मनाते है। ✦ बाबा मिलन अर्थात जिस तरह हम इस दुनिया में लोगो से बात करते, मिलते, मिलन मनाते है उसी प्रकार हम आत्मा स्वरुप में टिक कर सुबह सुबह जो विशेष परमात्म की याद का समय होता है, उस समय परमात्मा रूह रिहान कर सकते है ,उनसे मन से ही ,अपने संकल्पों से बात कर सकते है ,उनसे प्रतिदिन मिलन मना सकते है तो ये बाबा मिलन होता है। ✦ और जब स्वयं आदिपिता प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा इस धरा पर जीवित थे तब परमात्मा उनके तन का आधार लेकर कभी भी आत्माओ से मिलन मनाने आजाते परंतु उनके देह त्यागने के बाद और सर्वश्रष्ठ पवित्र 8 में सम्मलित रत्न हमारी दादी जी की तन में आकर विशेष दिन फिक्स कर परमात्मा आत्माओ से डायरेक्ट इस धरा पर मिलन मनाते है तो इसे ही हम बाबा या बापदादा मिलन कहते है। यह वीडियो में आप सुनो ➞ अव्यक्त बापदादा से मिलन करने का योग (with guided commentary) ✤ Useful Links General Articles - Hindi & English RajYog guided commentaries (audio) Article: मुरली क्या है? Hindi Audio-Books (free listen/download) राजयोग कर्मयोग की विधि : course page BK Google (our search engine)

  • Avyakt Baba Milan Dates 2023-24

    Avyakt Baba milan programs are regularly held at Madhuban, Mount Abu (main headquarters of Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalay). These are final dates/fixtures for the year 2023, until March 2024. Official post by 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖛 𝕭𝖆𝖇𝖆 𝕾𝖊𝖗𝖛𝖎𝖈𝖊𝖘 𝕴𝖓𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖊 ( ➤ Please share this blog post & send the link to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. ➤ कृपिया इस पोस्ट को अपने सम्बन्ध संपर्क के बी.के. भाई बेहनो को share करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ Skip to Baba Milan dates or How to Attend? Please Note Since the lockdown period in India, we have organised 'online' programs on the dates of Avyakt BapDada Milan. And it is a signal of Drama to practice 'antar-mukhi' stage and do the Purusharth of soul consciousness and meet Shiv Baba and BaapDada in an Avyakt stage (in Sukshma vatan) ➥ Avyakt milan program begins with a 1-hour class by BK Suraj bhai, followed by 30-45 mins Yog (meditation) with red light. After this, bhog is arranged and the sandeshi (Sister Rukmani or Sashi) goes into trans (vatan/subtle world) and brings baba's message. We will have 'online milan programs' for the year 2023-24. That means, Avyakt murli of a selected date will be revised, along with other regular programs & classes be televised from madhuban. ✦Baba Milan Dates 15 October 2023 (Sunday): Gujarat, Eastern, Bhopal 2 November 2023 (Thursday): Maharashtra, Agra 30 November 2023 (Thursday): Nepal, Tamil Nadu 15 December 2023 (Friday): Mumbai 31 December 2023 (Sunday): Rajasthan, Indore 18 January 2024 (Thursday)➤ UP, Banaras, Nepal, Indore, Andhra Pradesh 2 February 2024 (Friday)➤ Eastern zones, Nepal 16 February 2024 (Friday)➤ Karnataka, Punjabi 7 March 2024 (Thursday)➤ Delhi 21 March 2024 (Thursday)➤ Mumbai, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh अव्यक्त बाबा मिलन मधुबन से मिले इस ऑफिसियल पत्र में आपको बाबा मिलन के प्रोग्राम का विवरण मिलेंगा ➔ Click Here How To Attend? मधुबन से प्रोग्राम LIVE कैसे देखे? Answer: The LIVE scenes from madhuban are broadcasted via these 2 YouTube channels: मधुबन से अव्यक्त मिलन का प्रोग्राम इस YouTube चेनल पर LIVE दिखाया जाता है : Madhuban Murli LIVE, and Avyakt Murli (get all video recorded Avyakt murlis here) ➤ Please share this blog post & send the link to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. ➤ कृपिया इस पोस्ट को अपने सम्बन्ध संपर्क के बी.के. भाई बेहनो को share करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links Monthly Posts (Hindi & English, for BKs) बाबा मिलन क्या है?: (Article) General Articles (Hindi & English) All Godly Resources (for BKs) Online Services (daily sustenance) *Explore the Sitemap

  • दैनिक विशेष पुरुषार्थ | October 2023

    अक्टूबर 2023 ➤ मधुबन से रोज बनाकर भेजा जा रहा विशेष पुरुषार्थ आप यहाँ प्राप्त कर सकते है। यह "विशेष पुरुषार्थ" में आज का स्वमान, संकल्प, पुरुषार्थ और आज का स्लोगन भी मिलेंगा। इसे अपने कनेक्शन के बी.के.भाई बेहनो को SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ This is a special Purusharth prepared and sent daily from madhuban. In this, you get today's thought, slogan, vardaan, amritvela message, and general messages altogether. Please SHARE this post and send it to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Month: October 2023 Format: PDF (download or print) Languages: Hindi, English Google Folder Link ✱ अक्टूबर २०२३ मास के सभी (1 से 31 तक के PDF ) पुरुषार्थ आप इस Google folder से download कर सकते हो ➜ (You can download the entire month's PDFs through the above given Google folder link) इस विशेष पुरुषार्थ के पोस्ट को अपने कनेक्शन के बी.के.भाई बेहनो को ज़रूर SHARE करे। Please SHARE this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful links All monthly posts (on Blog) English Posts (on Blog) Online Services (section) दैनिक ज्ञान मुरली (official Audio) Thought for Today (daily) Godly Resources (for BKs)

  • Amritvela Messages: September 2023

    शिव बाबा की अनमोल शिक्षाएँ "अमृतवेला की प्रेरणा" के रूप में आप यहाँ image (jpg) में प्राप्त कर सकते है। बाबा रोज हम आत्मा बच्चों को यह विशेष पालना देते है, जो हमे ज्ञान, योग, धारणा और सेवा के पुरुषार्थ में मदद करती है। इस अमृतवेला विशेष post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ English: These are Shiv Baba's precious teachings titled "Amritvela" >> Through these teachings, Baba inspires us children in the subjects of Knowledge, Yog (meditation), imbibing Divine Virtues, and Service. Please SHARE this post with BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Month: Sep 2023 Format: JPG to view/download Languages: Hindi, English Amritvela Sandesh अव्यक्त इशारे 1 से 30 सितम्बर (Avyakt Ishare in PDF: बाबा की विशेष पालना in Hindi & English) विशेष पुरुषार्थ Sep 2023 (रोज के पुरुषार्थ, स्वमान, संकल्प एक PDF file में) संस्कार परिवर्तन चार्ट: जनवरी 2023 (pdf) These are the precious directions of beloved father SHIV BABA... in form of "Amritvela Teachings" where Baba inspired us in Purusharth and Service. Please SHARE this post to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. इस अव्यक्त इशारे post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links Amritvela Messages (All months) अव्यक्त इशारे (All months: old & new) New Blog posts (latest) Advance Murlis (Hindi, English) Online Services (main) BK Google⇗ (search engine)

  • BK Sister Jayanti Biography

    Brahma Kumari (BK) Sister Jayanti is well-known not only within the Brahma Kumaris family but also outside. Mainly for her contributions to our TV shows, important ceremonies, lectures, being the director of BKWSU for Europe zone, and also being an ambassador of BKWSU at the UN (United Nations). In this official biography article, learn about Sister Jayanti's early life, spiritual life, her qualities, her role in services, and present news. Tip: Visit our Biography section to learn about the life stories of great souls (in both English & Hindi languages). Skip to Useful links for more related topics. Sister Jayanti Early Life Jayanti Kriplani was born to a well-doing Sindhi family in Pune (or Poona) city in India in 1949. Her father's occupation allowed the family to move to England when she was 8 years old. She completed her school life/high school education in England. ➥Her life changed forever when she came to India for the first time during her school holidays when she was about 19 years old. She came with her mother. While they were staying in their home in Pune, they got to know about a Satsang (holy gathering) running nearby. This was Geeta Pathshala of Brahma Kumaris... And to their fortune, Mamma herself had visited that centre and was staying for a few days. A family friend informed Jayanti's mother about this. "Must visit this Satsang"; she said "and listen to mamma explaining God's versions of Bhagavad Gita". Jayanti and her mother visited and met Mamma Saraswati for the first time. Experience with Mamma Sister Jayanti remembers: "I was quiet resistent to spirituality, and thus leaned not to go to the satsang. But as I got there, there was this divine energy, a state of real peace, and an unconditional motherly love around this women (referring to Mamma) who greeted us.. I cannot describe how spiritually attractive Mamma was to me that time... I sat down to listen Mamma's murli and felt a deep connection to my own self.." ➥This was the very first experience of Sister Jayanti with Mamma, and the BK organisation. She had a conversation with Mamma, who suggested they should visit Mount Abu (Madhuban). Later both Jayanti and her mother visited Madhuban and meet Prajapita Brahma Baba. This was how Sister Jayanti got connected with us. Personality & Virtues Being an emissary for peace at the UN for the last 45 years, Sister Jayanti always had a vision that is universal. Let it be universal love, brotherhood, peace, or spiritual identity. "We all are souls, children of the divine"; she reminds us. Sister BK Jayanti is an excellent speaker on spirituality topics and she connects with people. She has been an instrument in transforming the lives of many while she was serving in Europe, based in London. Her peaceful nature and calming voice further connect to people and they also experience how a person is transformed by spiritual wisdom, and connecting to God, the Supreme Soul. ➥Sister Jayanti sees the erosion of spiritual values at the heart of the underlying cause of the crises that the world is facing today. She has worked to promote positive thinking, religious harmony, moral and spiritual values in all sectors of society. ➥An elegant speaker, Sister Jayanti delivers a unique blend of spiritual wisdom from the East, and scientific knowledge from the West; explaining the deepest spiritual truths with clarity. Sister Jayanti has spoken on topics like spirituality in daily life, health, education, racial harmony, women´s needs, religions of the world, and peace in the world. We listed down some of her notable presentations: Environment From 2009-2020, she headed the BK delegation to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP), and has spoken internationally on the link between human consciousness and climate change. In January 2018, she led meditation sessions at the World Economic Forum in Davos, and at the European Commission’s EU Sustainable Energy Week Conference in Brussels. Women’s Needs She was a delegate to the International Women’s Year Conference, in Berlin in 1975, which caused the start of the United Nations Decade for Women. Interfaith Sister Jayanti is an advisor to the Council for the Parliament of the World´s Religions and gives a major representation at this Parliament. She is also a member of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Faiths and is a member of the Advisory Body of the International Interfaith Centre. Sister Jayanti's role with the Brahma Kumaris Her role within the Brahma Kumaris is very broad: Based in the UK: Director of the BK international Co-ordinating Office in London, Global Co-operation House, Global Retreat Centre in Oxfordshire, and is the Director for BK Centres in over 3l countries in Europe and the Middle East. Global Administration: At a young age she helped establish BK Centres in London, Hong Kong, the Caribbean, Japan, South Africa, and several European countries. BK UN Representative: NGO representative to the United Nations, Geneva for the Brahma Kumaris, participating in UN conferences and projects connected to the environment and climate change, women, development, youth, and other major international projects for the UN. In this capacity, she has undertaken extensive research into the role of spiritual values in world change and their role in empowering humanity to deal positively with the challenges we face today. Speaker: She is a much sought-after public speaker and broadcaster on a worldwide scale. She is an eloquent speaker who captivates her audience not just with her wisdom and depth of spirituality, but also her soothing voice. She has recorded hundreds of meditation commentaries. Author: She has written several inspiring books on spirituality in daily life. Teacher: Sister Jayanti’s day-to-day work includes spiritual teaching and providing spiritual guidance to the many students of the Brahma Kumaris. Useful Links Biography Section (for all BKs) About Brahma Kumaris (Introduction) FAQs on BKWSU Question Answers (general) General Articles (English & Hindi)

  • Ganesh Chaturthi Material

    In this post, we are providing links to all important material relating to the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi (The Day of Remembrance and Celebration of Ganesha, the lord of intelligence and prosperity) Please SHARE this post and send its link to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ गणेश चतुर्थी का आध्यात्मिक रहस्य (PDF⇗) गणेश चतुर्थी पर आर्टिकल/लेख (Google Drive⇗) गणेश समान स्वमान की धारणा (PDF⇗) चतुर्थी पर १० दिवस के चार्ट (Google Drive⇗) Video: Spiritual Significance of Ganesh Chaturthi by BK sister Shivani (Hindi audio) Video 2: आध्यात्मिक रहस्य (must watch) (BK Shivani: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris) Happy Ganesh Chaturthi Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links General Articles (Hindi & English) Audio Library (very useful) PDF books (free to download) Video Library (BK videos) BK Google⇗ (our Search engine)

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