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  • BK Shivani's Upcoming Events

    Brahma Kumari (BK) sister Shivani has appeared at seminars, BrahmaKumaris' events, online conferences, zoom sessions, and video lectures. She speaks on various topics relating to living a spiritually fulfilling life. We saw an increasing number of requests for sister Shivani's seminar over the years. Hence this official post will inform you if you want to attend an in-person event happening nearby. ✱Latest event is on 11 Feb 2024 (Sunday) (every week) Skip to Event details ➙ Foreword Over the recent years, sister Shivani has paid visits to schools, colleges, universities, companies, hospitals, and many social gatherings/events organised by BrahmaKumaris and its regional centres. She has delivered helpful and encapturing speeches on various topics like Self-management, Spirituality in daily life, Work-life balance, Relationship management, Stress-free living, RajYoga meditation, and some Awakening series related lectures; most of which are available on YouTube. For example, search: "Bk Shivani self management" Note This post will be updated regularly to provide news of the latest upcoming event of BK sister Shivani. Save/Bookmark this post link on your device. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Event Details Topic: "Connect with God for Unlimited Happiness" Subtitle: "When We Change, our World Changes" Date: 11 Feb 2024 (Sunday) Time: 6 pm to 8 pm (India time) Location: MJC ground, Manipal Full address: Ananth Nagar 1st Stage, Manipal, Karnataka 576104 See on Google Maps How To Attend? Entry is free. But you must📝REGISTER your entry using this form: 🌟 Organiser: Brahma Kumaris, Manipal Contact for more information on WhatsApp: +91 9414154660 Watch Event LIVE video Recording Watch the event LIVE on YouTube or even if you have missed the LIVE seminar, watch the recording on our YouTube channels BrahmaKumaris and BKShivani. Event Poster About the Speaker: BK Sister Shivani, a senior Raja Yog practitioner/teacher, and representative of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Godly Spiritual University (Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalay) Note: Upcoming events are first posted on this Facebook page. How to Attend? You can attend this seminar/event in-person if you are in Manipal on the given day. There is no need to register in advance. But we advise you to come as early as possible because the seats are limited. LIVE telecast of this program may be available on YouTube and Facebook (links given below) OR if you can't attend or miss the event otherwise, watch the video of this lecture/event which may be posted later on the official YouTube channel or/and Facebook page of sister Shivani. and Sometimes, this is also televised LIVE on our TV channels: Peace of Mind and Awakening TV. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links BK Shivani's Official Biography Video Gallery (most important videos) Audio Library (hear the divine) Godly Resources (for BKs) Online Services (for all)

  • Daily Thoughts: January 2024

    January 2024 official post: Get daily thought of the day written and sent from Madhuban (Brahma Kumaris Headquarters in Mount Abu, India). These are inspirations for our Purusharth and for better living in general. Get thought messages of the entire month on this post. Please SHARE and send this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ 1 Jan When I am courageous, but at the same time honest in the efforts that I put into achieving success, I'll never have ego. I will be able to get the cooperation and good-will of all, and especially the protection and help of God. 2 Jan When you find someone not cooperating with you, check within yourself why you are performing that task. If there is the slightest feeling of trying to prove yourself, remove it. Let there be the thought in the mind that you want only success in the task and nothing else. 3 Jan For the one who earns the blessings of others at every step, there is easy success. There is positivity and speciality revealed in every action and benefit for the self and others. Even the most difficult circumstances, don't deter such a person, but he has the power and the courage to move on. 4 Jan When I am able to free myself from waste and negative words, I am able to use the resource of my words in a positive and useful way. My words will be for the benefit of all. I would also notice that my words would be filled with the power of positivity and faith, faith in the self and faith in others. 5 Jan When I train my mind to think creatively I'm able to keep my mind busy. In this way, I'm able to free myself from thinking negatively and wasting it. Also, I find myself enjoying every scene that comes in front of me and I also find myself constantly progressing. 6 Jan When I have mercy for others, I can accept their feelings, emotions and behaviour and provide them with the right kind of mental support. Then I can give them courage without being influenced negatively by their feelings of pain and sorrow. 7 Jan Even when my best plan and ideas are rejected or criticised, I can remain cool and light because I regard others and their ideas. Because of this I am able toconstantly learn and experience progress. 8 Jan When I learn the art of forgiving I free myself from the burden of negative and waste thinking. So there is never any difficulty in giving corrections when necessary. The mind is free from the attitudes of the past and it creates harmony in relationships even if the opinions or personalities don’t match. 9 Jan Some people remember God more when they find a difficult change in their lives to deal with. But it's wiser to remember God all the time. The deeper the connection the sooner God gives us directions protects us in the wave of change and also guides us through it. 10 Jan What one cannot achieve with pressure can be very easily achieved with patience. Patience brings a state of calm inside which helps in finding the answers that already lie within. It gives courage to work on the problem in a cool and relaxed way till the solution is found. 11 Jan When I continue to have positive thoughts, I create a foundation for a beautiful life. I enjoy the beauty of whatever situations come up in my life. I am able to strengthen this foundation further because each positive thought multiplies as time passes by. So I am able to create a fertile ground for getting the best fruit from life. 12 Jan If your physical weight increases, the first result is that your physical appearance is affected. In the same way, if your thoughts are heavy and pile up, then your inner beauty is affected. After every hour, pause to check for any thoughts of stress, anger, fear, worry or pain. Change them immediately. 13 Jan When I have courage, I have hope. I will not give up the task mid-way, but will put in continued effort. Because of this, there is no difficulty experienced even whilst putting in extra effort but I do everything with enthusiasm and happiness. 14 Jan To be an embodiment of experience means to learn from everything that happens. So when I become an embodiment of experience, I am able to feel mastery over every situation that comes my way. The power of my experience enables me to move lightly through all situations. 15 Jan The one who has faith has total faith in the self and the progress of the self. The one who has faith is always successful because he gives his best in everything he does. He is never deterred by obstacles but progresses constantly. 16 Jan When I am able to have this one desire to help others be more happy, I am able to make a contribution to others' happiness and progress. I then find that others naturally appreciate my selfless contribution and their good wishes help me feel light and experience progress. 17 Jan When I have the power to fly, i.e., to go above the situations, I do not feel the bondage of the situation. So when I am up above everything down below (even the biggest mountain) seems very tiny and insignificant. So there is quick and steady progress experienced even when there are difficult situations in my life. 18 Jan When I am able to be enthusiastic under all circumstances, I am able to be tireless. This tirelessness gives me the courage to move on and experience constant success. I become aware of my own resources and make the best use of them. 19 Jan When I am ever ready I am able to be EASY. Because I am easy, all tasks seem easy for me and effort put in for the success of the task also becomes easy. So I don’t have to do a lot of effort but give my best. Thus I experience success every moment in all situations. 20 Jan Anything that brings benefit to people is that which brings contentment. Through out the day, if I pay attention to this one aspect of bringing contentment to people, I will be able to add meaning and significance to everything I do. 21 Jan There is always an expectation of getting respect from those around. The one who is totally dependent on others for their own sense of well-being tends to react to situations, even if they are very insignificant ones. On the other hand, the one who is able to give respect to the self gives respect to others too and so gets respect himself. 22 Jan When I remain happy even in negative situations, I am able to maintain my internal state of calm. And this is the best frame of mind where I am able to see things objectively and in a detached way and I am able to make the right decisions. So I find myself becoming a source of support. 23 Jan Real contentment is visible in such a way that others too are able to feel the happiness that is created. When there is real contentment, all thoughts, words and actions are filled with quality. 24 Jan Every human being in this world whom we connect to, is God's special child and angel. Making all our relationships full of contentment and God's qualities and goodness is a return to God of His deep love for us. The more we do that, the more God feels happy and blesses our hearts constantly. 25 Jan Several times we find things happening unexpectedly. Yet, there should be the understanding that nothing is unexpected or a matter of chance but everything depends on the seeds previously planted. When there is this understanding there is no passiveness but there is an ability to take responsibility and better the situation. 26 Jan When I have an easy nature, I am able to put a full stop in a second with great ease. I am not caught with the waste questions and exclamations. So I am able to enjoy everything that comes my way and move forward constantly with lightness. 27 Jan Since I am able to look at the weakness only and am trying to finish it, I will be free from negative feelings of dislike and hatred. There would be a genuine feeling of love, which in turn provides the right environment for the other person’s growth. 28 Jan An actor on a drama stage never identifies with his role and does not ever get attached to it. He knows the role is temporary and he has to return home to reality at the end of the day, after the role is played. One of the most significant causes of stress is the thought – I am the role, which is an incorrect consciousness. The correct consciousness instead is that I am a soul, a spiritual actor and the role is my act. 29 Jan Any thought which is added with determination automatically brings confidence. This confidence naturally fills the thought with power. When there is the thought, 'I can do it', there is surely the power to do it. Then there are no distractions, nor is there any comparison with others. 30 Jan When I act according to my thoughts and words, I am able to take inspiration to do more. For every positive action that I do, I experience support and good wishes from others which encourage me constantly. My account of positivity is always full and it takes me further to a cycle of positivity making it a habit. 31 Jan When I have love & compassion for others, I am able to accept their feelings, emotions and behaviour and provide them with the right kind of mental support. Then I am able to give them courage without being influenced negatively by their feelings of pain and sorrow. ➥Please SHARE (WhatsApp⇗) this post. Send the post link to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Visit useful links for more resources and get daily sustenance on this website. Useful Links Thought for Today (official page) Daily Messages (section) Avyakt Ishare (Hindi & English) Online Services (daily sustenance) All Godly Resources (for BKs) BK Google⇗ (our search engine)

  • Amritvela Messages: January 2024

    शिव बाबा की अनमोल शिक्षाएँ "अमृतवेला की प्रेरणा" के रूप में आप यहाँ image (jpg) में प्राप्त कर सकते है। बाबा रोज हम आत्मा बच्चों को यह विशेष पालना देते है, जो हमे ज्ञान, योग, धारणा और सेवा के पुरुषार्थ में मदद करती है। इस अमृतवेला विशेष post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ English: These are Shiv Baba's precious teachings & directions titled "Amritvela" >> Through these teachings, Baba inspires us children in the subjects of Knowledge, Yog (meditation), Dharna (imbibing Divine Virtues), and Service. Please SHARE & send this post link to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ This post is updated daily Month: Jan 2024 Format: JPG to view/download Languages: Hindi, English Amritvela Sandesh अव्यक्त इशारे 1 से 31 जनवरी (Avyakt Ishare in PDF: बाबा की विशेष पालना in Hindi & English) विशेष पुरुषार्थ Jan 2024 (रोज के पुरुषार्थ, स्वमान, संकल्प एक PDF file में) संस्कार परिवर्तन चार्ट (pdf) These are the precious directions of beloved father SHIV BABA... in form of "Amritvela Teachings" where Baba inspired us in Purusharth and Service. Please SHARE this post to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. इस अव्यक्त इशारे post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links Amritvela Messages (All months) अव्यक्त इशारे (All months: old & new) New Blog posts (latest) Advance Murlis (Hindi, English) Online Services (main) BK Google⇗ (search engine)

  • Thought Of The Day: January 2024

    Get Brahma Kumaris "Thought for Today" calendar with all individual days from 1st to 31st January 2024 ➤View Hindi and English calendars (jpg image) or download a single PDF file (of the entire month) or get the "full version" of the daily inspirations on this google folder (for Jan 2024) ➥Please SHARE (WhatsApp⇗) this post. Send the post link to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Visit useful links for more resources and get daily sustenance on this website. Choose Calendar language: Hindi English ✦ Hindi Calendars ✦ कैलेंडर को पढ़ने के २ तरीके : 1. पुरे महीने का एक PDF ➤ Jan 2024 single PDF (coming on 30th) 2. दिन (1 से 31) 1.01.24 2.01.24 3.01.24 4.01.24 5.01.24 6.01.24 7.01.24 8.01.24 9.01.24 10.01.24 11.01.24 12.01.24 13.01.24 14.01.24 15.01.24 16.01.24 17.01.24 18.01.24 19.01.24 20.01.24 21.01.24 22.01.24 23.01.24 24.01.24 25.01.24 26.01.24 27.01.24 28.01.24 29.01.24 30.01.24 31.01.24 ✤ English Calendars ✤ There are 2 ways to access "Thought for Today" 1. Full Month in One PDF➤ Jan 2024 single PDF (coming on 30th) 2. Days (1 to 31) 1.01.24                2.01.24 3.01.24                4.01.24 5.01.24                6.01.24 7.01.24                8.01.24 9.01.24               10.01.24 11.01.24             12.01.24 13.01.24             14.01.24 15.01.24 16.01.24 17.01.24             18.01.24 19.01.24             20.01.24 21.01.24 22.01.24 23.01.24 24.01.24 25.01.24             26.01.24 27.01.24             28.01.24 29.01.24             30.01.24 31.01.24 ➥Please SHARE (WhatsApp⇗) this post to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. "Subscribe" (or see footer) to this website and receive regular updates via email. Useful Links Thought for Today (official page) Old Months Calendars (on Blog) Avyakt Ishare (Hindi & English) Online Services (daily sustenance) All Godly Resources (for BKs) BK Google⇗ (our search engine)

  • Avyakt Ishare: January 2024

    शिव बाबा की अनमोल शिक्षाएँ "अव्यक्त इशारे" के रूप में आप यहाँ PDF format में प्राप्त कर सकते है। बाबा रोज हम आत्मा बच्चों को यह विशेष पालना देते है, जो हमे ज्ञान, योग, धारणा और सेवा के पुरुषार्थ में मदद करती है। इस अव्यक्त इशारे post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ This post is updated daily Month: January 2024 Format: PDF to view/download/print Language: Hindi, English अव्यक्त इशारे PDF अव्यक्त इशारे 1 से 31 जनवरी (daily version) OR अव्यक्त इशारे print version (4 pages) विशेष पुरुषार्थ Jan 2024 (रोज के पुरुषार्थ, स्वमान, संकल्प PDF file में) संस्कार परिवर्तन चार्ट (use daily) These are the precious directions of beloved father SHIV BABA... in the form of "Avyakt Ishare" where Baba inspired us in Purusharth and Service. Please SHARE this post to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. इस अव्यक्त इशारे post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links अव्यक्त इशारे (old & new) Advance Murlis (Hindi, English) Aaj ka Purusharth (audio, pdf) Online Services (main page) PDF books (Hindi & English) BK Google⇗ (search engine)

  • Advance Murlis for January 2024

    Official Monthly Post➤ Advance Murlis PDF files of January 2024 month in Hindi and English languages, provided from the BabaMurli.NET murli website. Please SHARE this post, and send it to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Select Language Hindi (till 31.01) English (till 31.01) ✱Information ➤ Murli is provided 1 or 2 weeks in-advance to local RajYog sewa-kendra (BK centres) all over the world so that the connected regular students of those centres can continually read and revise the Gyan Murli. There are four subjects at BK Godly University which we all Brahma Kumari or Brahma Kumar study and practise in our daily lives. ➤ Visit useful links to get daily sustenance on this website. Visit Daily Murli audio to get♪ today's murli in Hindi and English. Advance Murli Hindi PDF अव्यक्त इशारे 1 से 31 Jan (बाबा की विशेष पालना: One Monthly PDF) OR अव्यक्त इशारे print version (1 to 31) Advance Murli English PDF ➤Please SHARE this post with BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links Daily Murli audio (official page) Advance Murlis section (old & new) What is Gyan Murli? (article) Online Services (very useful) Godly Resources (for BK souls) Explore Sitemap (Get Everything)

  • आज का स्वमान, January 2024

    जनवरी २०२४ ➤ मधुबन से रोज बनाकर भेजा जा रहा विशेष "आज का स्वमान" आप यहाँ image/picture के रूप में प्राप्त कर सकते है। इसे रोज पढ़े और अपने मन में बिठाए, तो पुरुषार्थ सहज मेहसूस होंगा और तेज़ी से उन्नति होंगी। इसे अपने कनेक्शन के बी.के.भाई बेहनो को SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ ➤Daily "Aaj ka Swaman" (Today's Swamaan in Hindi) is prepared and sent from Madhuban. Read this every day and feel easiness in your Purusharth (spiritual effort-making) and feel soul-consciousness naturally throughout the day. Please SHARE this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Month: Jan 2024 Format: image (JPG) Languages: Hindi, English Folder Link ✱ जनवरी २०२४ मास के सभी (1 से 31 तक के PDF ) स्वमान आप इस Google folder से download कर सकते हो ➜ (updated daily) इस विशेष आज का स्वमान के blog post को अपने कनेक्शन के बी.के.भाई बेहनो को ज़रूर SHARE करे। Please SHARE this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful links All monthly posts (on Blog) English Posts (on Blog) बाबा का विशेष पुरुषार्थ (on Blog) दैनिक ज्ञान मुरली (official) Thought for Today (DAILY) Godly Resources (for BKs)

  • दैनिक विशेष पुरुषार्थ | January 2024

    जनवरी 2024 ➤ मधुबन से रोज बनाकर भेजा जा रहा विशेष पुरुषार्थ आप यहाँ प्राप्त कर सकते है। यह "विशेष पुरुषार्थ" में आज का स्वमान, संकल्प, पुरुषार्थ और आज का स्लोगन भी मिलेंगा। इसे अपने कनेक्शन के बी.के.भाई बेहनो को SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ This is a special Purusharth prepared and sent daily from madhuban. In this, you get today's thought, slogan, vardaan, amritvela message, and general messages altogether. Please SHARE this post and send it to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Month: January 2024 Format: PDF (download/print) Languages: Hindi, English Google Folder Link ✱ जनवरी 2024 मास के सभी (1 से 31 तक के PDF ) विशेष पुरुषार्थ आप इस Google folder से download कर सकते हो ➜ (You can download the entire month's PDFs through the above given Google folder link) इस विशेष पुरुषार्थ के पोस्ट को अपने कनेक्शन के बी.के.भाई बेहनो को ज़रूर SHARE करे। Please SHARE this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful links All monthly posts (on Blog) English Posts (on Blog) Online Services (section) दैनिक ज्ञान मुरली (official Audio) Thought for Today (daily) Godly Resources (for BKs)

  • Daily Thoughts: December 2023

    December 2023 official post: Get daily thought of the day written and sent from Madhuban (Brahma Kumaris Headquarters in Mount Abu, India). These are inspirations for our Purusharth and for better living in general. Get thought messages of the entire month on this post. Please SHARE and send this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ 1 Dec Meditate daily. It purifies your thoughts. Even if people or situations are not your way, your mind will be perfect. You will readily be able to accept the change, detach emotionally, think right, consult your wisdom, and respond correctly. 2 Dec When I know to recognise and appreciate my own uniqueness and respect myself on this basis, I am able to be free from ego or a feeling of inferiority. I am also able to recognise naturally the uniqueness of the other person and respect him for it. 3 Dec When I have an easy nature, I am able to put a full stop in a second with great ease. I am not caught with the unnecessary questions and exclamations. So I am able to enjoy everything that comes my way and move forward constantly with lightness. 4 Dec The one with faith in the intellect always remains at a distance from waste, whether it is waste thoughts, waste words, or waste actions. To move away from waste means to be victorious. The one who is free from waste is busy with the positive and useful. 5 Dec The one who is optimistic is able to spread the rays of happiness all around. Never does he stop or move back with life’s challenges. On the other hand, he has the courage and determination to move on making the best out of the situation. 6 Dec Like you remain connected to your children always, be connected to your mind and guide it at every step. While fulfilling responsibilities like household work, family, career and health, your priority should be the child within. 7 Dec The ones who are loving are able to involve others in everything they do with their love. So whatever the task maybe, they find it to be very easy and are able to accomplish the biggest task with ease. 8 Dec Pause every hour for a minute to regulate the traffic of thoughts. Whether you are at home, at work, or anywhere, withdraw from whatever you are doing, check your thoughts, check how your mind responded in the last hour to people and situations. If there was any hurt, worry, confusion, anger, clean the mind with the understanding that you are a pure soul. Happiness and peace are your nature. 9 Dec When I am able to have love, I am able to receive hundred percent help and commitment from others too and so I am able to have the satisfaction of moving forward constantly. There is nothing difficult for me and I do everything with great ease. 10 Dec Sleeping well and peacefully is a very important aspect of a spiritual lifestyle. Sleeping too less can make your brain heavy and body tired and sleeping too much can make you lazy. So, pack up all your thoughts and give all your burdens to God before sleeping to have good and dreamless sleep and wake up fresh for good meditation. 11 Dec A good way to feel happy the entire day is to be free of all burdens and surrender all your life's problems to God. The more you do that, the more God will protect you in every situation and you will never lose your happiness in any moment of your life. 12 Dec When my words are to the point, there is a lot of lightness experienced within me and my physical energy is saved too. Others too experience benefit through my words and so I naturally get blessings from them, which helps me move forward with lightness. 13 Dec The one who is humble is free from desires and is in a state of appreciation and contentment of what he has. So he does not want to prove to himself that he is successful. He only enjoys the process of learning and progressing. He is never deterred by criticism and takes it in the right spirit. 14 Dec A hero actor is one who has great attention for every act of his. He makes sure that none of his words or actions are ordinary or waste. He ensures perfection in everything he does. This naturally brings the best out of him. 15 Dec Sometimes when sharing their feedback, people are rude, they criticize you. Pause and think through the criticism, check if it is valid. If yes, thank them and improve yourself. If not, let go, do not create any thoughts about what they say. Remain stable and don’t react or argue or defend. 16 Dec When I bring about transformation in myself according to time, without just expecting others to change, I am able to get the love and good wishes of all. Because of the ability to mould myself, my thoughts too would be easy and light. 17 Dec The aim to achieve the best enables me to have the courage to take a step forward in all situations. So I am able to be light yet powerful under all circumstances. Because I also find myself receiving help, I am able to further increase my own courage. 18 Dec The ones with an easy nature constantly think of solutions instead of problems. So such individuals are free from the burden of problems and are constantly contributing to make things easy for themselves and others too. 19 Dec Talk to God as a friend in every action throughout the day and use his mind and your hands to perform actions. In this way, your actions will be positive and powerful, without any mistakes and you will be able to face all situations easily. 21 Dec When I am free from giving excuses and reasons for things going wrong, specially to myself, I am able to experience progress in my life. For everything that happens, instead of blaming others I am able to take some new learning and use it for my own self-progress. 22 Dec For the one who has faith, in the self and in things, there is only positivity. Under all circumstances, there are only opportunities and treasures seen. Each moment is an inner urge to discover these hidden treasures and make the best use of them. 23 Dec All life's situations are lessons for bringing about progress, for the one who is committed to perfection. Such a person never expects others to be perfect, knowing that every human being has his own weaknesses. He is instead able to accommodate others' weaknesses. 24 Dec Whenever the mind is confused, make a quiet appointment with God for a few minutes, share the situation with Him, and ask Him the solution. God is the most intelligent and wise Supreme Soul, who has the key to solving all problems and making our minds silent and full of contentment. 25 Dec When I am detached, my internal stage is beyond fluctuation. I am able to enjoy each and every thing that comes my way and be light constantly. Also it enables me to be free of dependency. So I am able to make use of all facilities, and yet be free from negative feelings when I am deprived of them. 26 Dec When I humbly learn from all situations. I am able to enrich my own knowledge. This knowledge further enables me to become more and more practical. So during all difficult situations, I am able to remain light and internally stable. There will be no fluctuation experienced within, whatever the challenges may be. 27 Dec When I am able to keep my mind sweet, i.e., free from any kind of bitterness or ill-feelings, I am able to experience the beauty of life. There is no feeling of sorrow or negativity but the mind is nurtured to further positivity with everything that comes its way. 28 Dec To take up responsibility means to be ready to bear the consequences of the action done. The one who is responsible will never give excuses, but will be able to take the responsibility of correcting the situation. Under all circumstances, such a person will be able to give his best without situations hindering his output. 29 Dec When I am able to remain happy even in negative situations, I am able to maintain my internal state of calm. And this is the best frame of mind where I am able to see things objectively and in a detached way and I am able to make the right decisions. 30 Dec When I am able to face the challenge of working on my own weaknesses, instead of moving away from the situation I am able to experience progress at every step. Then there will be no feeling of helplessness but I will be able to have full control on the situation. 31 Dec Any thought that is added with determination automatically brings confidence. This confidence naturally fills the thought with power. When there is the thought, 'I can do it', there is surely the power to do it. Then there are no distractions, nor is there any comparison with others. ➥Please SHARE (WhatsApp⇗) this post. Send the post link to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Visit useful links for more resources and get daily sustenance on this website. Useful Links Thought for Today (official page) Daily Messages (section) Avyakt Ishare (Hindi & English) Online Services (daily sustenance) All Godly Resources (for BKs) BK Google⇗ (our search engine)

  • Amritvela Messages: December 2023

    शिव बाबा की अनमोल शिक्षाएँ "अमृतवेला की प्रेरणा" के रूप में आप यहाँ image (jpg) में प्राप्त कर सकते है। बाबा रोज हम आत्मा बच्चों को यह विशेष पालना देते है, जो हमे ज्ञान, योग, धारणा और सेवा के पुरुषार्थ में मदद करती है। इस अमृतवेला विशेष post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ English: These are Shiv Baba's precious teachings & directions titled "Amritvela" >> Through these teachings, Baba inspires us children in the subjects of Knowledge, Yog (meditation), Dharna (imbibing Divine Virtues), and Service. Please SHARE & send this post link to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Month: Dec 2023 Format: JPG to view/download Languages: Hindi, English Amritvela Sandesh Amritvela December 2023 (Full month: Google folder) अव्यक्त इशारे 1 से 31 दिसंबर (Avyakt Ishare in PDF: बाबा की विशेष पालना in Hindi & English) विशेष पुरुषार्थ Dec 2023 (रोज के पुरुषार्थ, स्वमान, संकल्प एक PDF file में) संस्कार परिवर्तन चार्ट (pdf) These are the precious directions of beloved father SHIV BABA... in form of "Amritvela Teachings" where Baba inspired us in Purusharth and Service. Please SHARE this post to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. इस अव्यक्त इशारे post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links Amritvela Messages (All months) अव्यक्त इशारे (All months: old & new) New Blog posts (latest) Advance Murlis (Hindi, English) Online Services (main) BK Google⇗ (search engine)

  • Thought Of The Day: December 2023

    Get Brahma Kumaris "Thought for Today" calendar with all individual days from 1st to 31st December 2023 ➤View Hindi and English calendars (jpg image) or download a single PDF file (of the entire month) or get the "full version" of the daily inspirations on this google folder (for Dec 2023) ➥Please SHARE (WhatsApp⇗) this post. Send the post link to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Visit useful links for more resources and get daily sustenance on this website. Choose Calendar language: Hindi English ✦ Hindi Calendars ✦ कैलेंडर को पढ़ने के २ तरीके : 1. पुरे महीने का एक PDF ➤ Dec 2023 single PDF (coming on 30th) 2. दिन (1 से 31) 1.12.23 2.12.23 3.12.23 4.12.23 5.12.23 6.12.23 7.12.23 8.12.23 9.12.23 10.12.23 11.12.23 12.12.23 13.12.23 14.12.23 15.12.23 16.12.23 17.12.23 18.12.23 19.12.23 20.12.23 21.12.23 22.12.23 23.12.23 24.12.23 25.12.23 26.12.23 27.12.23 28.12.23 29.12.23 30.12.23 31.12.23 ✤ English Calendars ✤ There are 2 ways to access "Thought for Today" 1. Full Month in One PDF➤ Dec 2023 single PDF (coming on 30th) 2. Days (1 to 31) 1.12.23 2.12.23 3.12.23 4.12.23 5.12.23 6.12.23 7.12.23 8.12.23 9.12.23 10.12.23 11.12.23              12.12.23 13.12.23              14.12.23 15.12.23              16.12.23 17.12.23              18.12.23 19.12.23              20.12.23 21.12.23              22.12.23 23.12.23              24.12.23 25.12.23              26.12.23 27.12.23              28.12.23 29.12.23              30.12.23 31.12.23 ➥Please SHARE (WhatsApp⇗) this post to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. "Subscribe" (or see footer) to this website and receive regular updates via email. Useful Links Thought for Today (official page) Old Months Calendars (on Blog) Avyakt Ishare (Hindi & English) Online Services (daily sustenance) All Godly Resources (for BKs) BK Google⇗ (our search engine)

  • Avyakt Ishare: December 2023

    शिव बाबा की अनमोल शिक्षाएँ "अव्यक्त इशारे" के रूप में आप यहाँ PDF format में प्राप्त कर सकते है। बाबा रोज हम आत्मा बच्चों को यह विशेष पालना देते है, जो हमे ज्ञान, योग, धारणा और सेवा के पुरुषार्थ में मदद करती है। इस अव्यक्त इशारे post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ Month: December 2023 Format: PDF to view/download/print Language: Hindi, English अव्यक्त इशारे PDF अव्यक्त इशारे 1 से 31 दिसंबर (Whole month in One PDF) विशेष पुरुषार्थ Dec 2023 (रोज के पुरुषार्थ, स्वमान, संकल्प PDF file में) संस्कार परिवर्तन चार्ट: जनवरी 2023 (special) These are the precious directions of beloved father SHIV BABA... in the form of "Avyakt Ishare" where Baba inspired us in Purusharth and Service. Please SHARE this post to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. इस अव्यक्त इशारे post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links अव्यक्त इशारे (old & new) Aaj ka Purusharth (audio, pdf) Advance Murlis (Hindi, English) Online Services (main page) PDF books (Hindi & English) BK Google⇗ (search engine)

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