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  • Golden Age World (Satyug) » Brahma Kumaris

    Revelations on Satyug, Golden Age SHARE You will learn revelations by Shiv baba on the coming New world (Golden age/Satyug). The importance of peace in our life and How will the world kingdom be run by Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayan in Satyug? ​ Every human being asks God for Peace in life. Life is beautiful when there is peace and harmony in the world. Peace is certainly a feeling. Peace is our natural state. One experiences a deep connection with nature and entire creation when is in inner peace. But where is this peace, or where is the source? Isn't this an inner original nature? We asked God for peace thinking him only a source of peace to the world. We also understand now that we are his children (read: Soul , God ). So peace is our true nature. We become peace-less in situations as we forgot our true Spiritual identity, our connection with the Supreme, and connection with Mother Nature. ​ Here is the audio collection containing all points spoken in the Avyakt murlis on "New World (Golden Age)". Please listen to the below audio: Global Peace through Meditation Video: Satyug (The Golden Age) Let there be Peace in World PDF: Peace in the World Satyug/Heaven Images Revelations on Golden Age (Satyug) Shiv Baba, BapDada 00:00 / 43:04 Revelations on the coming new world, the Golden age. Source: Murli Golden Age: A World of Pe ace ​ ''Change is the only constant'' There is a world of peace, harmony, and thus happiness, remembered by us as the Heaven. This is actually the Golden Age (new wor ld) when everything in this world was 'new' or just made. This is when world cycle starts. All Souls are 'Satopradhan' (pure and perfect) In the Golden Age, the population of the world was very less (world starts at 900,000 population and grows up to 330 million souls by the end of Silver age (half the cycle). There are 2 phases of life every soul experiences i.e. Happiness and Sorrow. When there comes sorrow, whom do we remember? God. So it is a must that he gave us happiness. It is now known that there is 3/4 part of our journey in happiness (sukh) and only 1/4 part is we experience sorrow, that too only as the result of our bad karma . The world of happiness (heaven) is a place of dreams. God-Father creates such a perfect world there is no trace of sorrow, where every day is a festival, nature is perfect and peace-giving, and we human souls are pure, loving, blissful, and powerful fully filled with all divine virtues. So let's carefully listen to the revelations of the coming New World (play audio on right) Source: Avyakt Murli . Tip : Watch our video: Satyug Golden Age (English) or Satyug Gold en Age (Hindi)

  • Brahma Kumaris » Main Website

    Brahma Kumaris 2 July 2024 "Peace is sourced from the stillness of your mind. Stillness is achieved by focussing the thoughts and doing right karma." #Follow on SoundCloud What's New? Creator➤ Site Notice See More #Join WhatsApp & Telegram Daily Messages Welcome to the Golden website Message fo r today LIVE TV Satyug Images BK Sustenance BabaMurli.NET Daily Murli in 8 languages Soul Ref lections Daily Positive thou ghts for you . Daily Inspirations Daily thou ghts & q u otes that inspire you . About Us Who are Brahma Kumaris, Introduction to Shiv Baba, BKWSU, Murli, know our History, Revelations, and FAQs. Online Course The 7 days RajYoga meditation course: From Self-realisation to God-realisation through RajYoga meditation. Online Services Online Services on this website. Daily Murli, Forum, Blog, Daily Messages, Audio, Videos and Downloads. Murli Today Live TV BK forum (visit our official forum for life-guidance & insightful answers to general questions) In Brief About Brahma Kum aris, Murli & Rajyoga meditation ​ God has come. Brahma Kumaris Godly Spiritual University's foundation was established in 1937 by the incorporeal God ' Shiv ' through his medium Prajapita (ancestor of all human beings) Brahma (earlier na me was Lekhraj ). Organization expanded during the 1970s internationally as many people benefitted from the RajYoga meditation and the spiritual way of living taught here. Today, the organization has grown to over 112 countries with more than 9200 centres . Since the beginning, the study of Murli (teachings of God), is the source of 'self-transformation' for those w ho became a BK (Brahma Kumari/Kumar). With spiritual wisdom, we transform our old sanskaras and adopt divine virtues of purity, peace, and love. God comes at the end of the world cycle to re-establish the kingdom of p eace , which is remembered by us as the Golden Age, Satyug, or Paradise (heaven). ​ Raja Yoga or RajYog is a Yog (meditation/a connection) in which we visualize the Self as a tiny point of spiritual light in the centre of the forehead; and then remember the Supreme Soul as our spiritual father who is an ocean of peace, purity, love, and all powers. Read More audio video imges We value feedback from regular visitors of this main BK website. You may also send us your suggestions. Om Shanti . Send Feedback '' I am a BK and I loved the eBooks provided here and much more. By far the most useful site for BK. Thanks Bapdada '' ~ Sneha Parikh (India) '' Very helpful website. I took the online Rajyoga course on this site and now I am following daily Murli also. Wonderful service. Om Shanti.'' ~Deepak Mehta (India) '' Om Shanti. I get something new from 'resources' section every time. Very useful site for Baba's children who live far from a centre.'' ~Suraj Patel (USA) '' This website is a 'treasure' house for Baba's children. I appreciate the efforts to spread the knowledge.'' ~unknown Audi o Library Video Library Images Gallery

  • Be Happy for Others | Brahma Kumaris Messages

    ⇦Messages 2024-07-02 ⇦ ⇨ Be Happy For Others When we think or talk about someone’s weaknesses or failures, we tend to go on and on. But if we speak about their strengths or success, we state them in a single sentence. In today’s digitized world, many people take to social media to share some good news or accomplishments. How often do we feel happy for them? 1 ● Questioning someone’s success or being jealous of them depletes our energy. Check for yourself – if you are not appreciated but others are appreciated, if someone else does better than you – are you happy for them or jealous? 2 ● If you experience any negative feelings when people do well, it is a sign of insecurity which arises from a wrong belief that the one who does well is superior. Achievement does not make someone else a better person than you. Success is a result of their efforts, sincerity, and qualities. They did it, you can do it too. 3 ● Empower yourself daily with meditation to elevate your thinking. In a world where competition and jealousy are seen as natural, create an energy of co-operation and appreciation and radiate blessings to everyone. Share what you know with others. Learn from what others know. 4 ● Appreciate their efforts and celebrate their success as if it were your own. Bless them that they continue doing very well. Life will eventually reward you with immense success you had not even imagined. Suggested Link ➔ Read "How to Enjoy Life" Message for Today "Deriving Qualities & Powers through God's Remembrance" Look in the mirror of God’s remembrance every day and make yourself beautiful with all qualities & powers. You are a reflection of God’s goodness. Look at others with the vision of this goodness and they will also become beautiful. Previous Next day

  • Spiritual Identity | Brahma Kumaris Inspirations

    ⇦ Inspirations Messages ⇨ 2024-07-02 Spiritual Identity ⇦ ⇨ Spiritual identity refers to a person's sense of "self" that is connected to a 𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚎, 𝚍𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎, 𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢. I am a pure, peaceful, powerful, loveful, and blissful soul. This is the original identity of the soul. Let me sit with this thought for a moment every day and experience my true spiritual identity. Suggested Link ➔ Video: "Discover the Soul" Please SHARE this page link

  • 500 | Brahma Kumaris

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  • 500 | Brahma Kumaris

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  • 500 | Brahma Kumaris

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  • 500 | Brahma Kumaris

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  • 500 | Brahma Kumaris

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  • Permanent Happiness | Brahma Kumaris Messages

    ⇦Messages 2024-05-29 ⇦ ⇨ Creating Permanent Happiness Happiness is one of the most important and defining qualities of life. Everyone wants to be very happy all the time and no one wants to lose their happiness at any moment in their life. There is nothing more important than being happy in human life. It’s the top most priority of all humans. But at the same time everyone feels that happiness is not permanent and it comes and goes away very easily. ➤This is because the source of happiness of most people in the world today is external and external sources in our present lives keep changing and going through ups and downs. Some people in the world also feel that this is how happiness has been eternally – unstable and temporary in nature and there has never been any time in the world when happiness was permanent. But that is not true because God is the Ocean of Bliss and Joy and the original world that is created with His vibrations, words and actions is full of happiness, in which there is no sorrow of any type. ➤So ultimately, we need to realize that our original sanskars of the world of happiness in which we lived originally were of permanent happiness and not a temporary one. Another thing we need to realize is that although everything external, in the world of happiness was pure and perfect, our happiness was dependent on our internal soul fulfillment and not on anything outside. We loved and enjoyed everything outside like our physical beauty, our relationships, our roles, our perfect health, our immense wealth and the beautiful gifts of nature that it gave us. ➤But at the same time our happiness was not dependent on them. And these are the same sanskars that we need to fill ourselves with at the present moment – learning to be unconditionally happy, irrespective of what happens outside us. This is because the world now, after a few more years of transformation, will enter a phase of permanent happiness, which God is creating at the present moment again and we will be a part of it. We will carry our sanskars of the present, into the future. Suggested Link ➔ Article on "Purity/Celibacy" Message for Today "Being loving & caring to overcome weaknesses" Like a mother who accommodates the mistakes of the child, yet has the best wishes for the child to be free from them, we, too, need to deal with ourselves with love in order to finish the weakness that is working within us. We need to recognise and work with the qualities within us, which will help us overcome our weaknesses. Previous Next day

  • Attachment & its Types (part 1) | Brahma Kumaris Messages

    ⇦Messages 2023-05-09 ⇦ ⇨ Realizing Attachment And Its Different Types (Part 1) Attachment can be at two levels - either 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 or 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥. ✱Some common 𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬 of external attachments are: 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨: ➥ your own physical body, ➥ people (their physical body, physical personality, their role of any type, their actions, qualities, specialties or any other sanskars) ➥ objects, ➥ your position or role in your family, society or in your professional field, ➥ money, ➥ places, ➥ food, ➥ shopping and physical comforts, ➥ clothes, ➥ technology and different mediums of technology, ➥ the way you look or dress up or present yourself physically or your complete physical personality, ➥ a particular skill in action, ➥ a particular interest or hobby like watching movies, online social networking, etc. ➥ your routine or a certain way of working at home or at the workplace, ➥ respect from others, ➥ how people see you or behave with you or what they think of you and many others. We have mentioned a few examples, which we need to check closely and start overcoming. Spirituality teaches us 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 and also 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬. These are the two primary experiences, which empower the soul to overcome external attachments and its different forms, which prevent the soul from experiencing complete freedom. (To be continued tomorrow...) Suggested Link ➔ Overcome Emotional Attachment Message for Today "The one who understands God's love is himself loving too" Expression : The one who understands that 𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓱𝓪𝓼 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓷, unconditional and limitless love for all beings. No matter what you are, and what you do. Now.. there is the understanding that it is not the person who is negative, but it is only a negative quality working within that person at that time. A loving person's love discourages the other person to use the negativity and encourages to use the positive qualities instead. Experience : When I am connected with God, I am able to experience His love. Once I understand and experience His love, I am able to remain loving too - even with the most difficult people, even under a challening situation. I am then able to have good wishes for all, understanding that my love will make them positive too. I am never caught up with anyone's negativity, but am always happy as I only interact with positivity. Previous Next day

  • 500 | Brahma Kumaris

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