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  • Advance Murlis for May 2024

    Official Monthly Post➤ Advance Murlis PDF files of May 2024 month in Hindi and English languages, provided from the BabaMurli.NET murli website. Please SHARE this post, and send it to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Select Language Hindi (till 31.05) English (till 31.05) ✱Information ➤ Murli is provided 1 or 2 weeks in-advance to local RajYog sewa-kendra (BK centres) all over the world so that the connected regular students of those centres can continually read and revise the Gyan Murli. There are four subjects at BK Godly University which we all Brahma Kumari or Brahma Kumar study and practise in our daily lives. ➤ Visit useful links to get daily sustenance on this website. Visit Daily Murli audio to get♪ today's murli in Hindi and English. Hindi Murli PDF अव्यक्त इशारे 1 से 30 मई (बाबा की विशेष पालना: Hindi & English) विशेष पुरुषार्थ May 2024 (रोज के पुरुषार्थ, स्वमान, संकल्प PDF file में) English Murli PDF ➤Please SHARE this post with BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links Daily Murli audio (official page) All Advance Murlis (old & new) What is Gyan Murli? (article) Online Services (daily sustenance) Godly Resources (for BK souls) Explore Sitemap (Get Everything) BK Google⇗ (search engine)

  • Daily Thoughts: April 2024

    April 2024 official post: Get daily thought of the day written and sent from Madhuban (Brahma Kumaris Headquarters in Mount Abu, India). These are inspirations for our Purusharth and for better living in general. Get thought messages of the entire month on this post. Please SHARE and send this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ 1 April Whatever the circumstances I am faced with, I need to make special effort not to reduce my enthusiasm in any way. The more I am able to be enthusiastic, the more I am able to contribute to the progress of others too along with my own progress. 2 April When I have the feeling of being victorious, I would naturally want others too to experience the same. I would look for ways to give courage and support to the ones who are losing. This will never let me lose hope in myself or in others and will also win the trust and good wishes of others. 3 April Express your love to God always in your letters and strengthen your bond with Him. The more you do that, the more you will receive His love back and His spiritual sustenance will keep making you a more perfect and positive person. 4 April When I am able to take a closer look at myself, I am able to see which trait in my personality is getting in the way of my progress. This knowledge helps me accept myself with my shortcomings and yet have the courage to bring about a change easily. 5 April When I am able to act according to my thoughts and words, I am able to take inspiration to do more. For every positive action that I do, I experience support and good wishes from others which encourage me constantly. 6 April To donate virtues means to express virtues through one’s own words and actions. There is some or the other value revealed through all words and actions. The ones who constantly have the aim of donating virtues naturally bring benefit to all they come into contact with. No one would go away empty handed from such people. 7 April When I am able to maintain my inner peace under all circumstances and with all people, I am able to use the power of my thoughts to bring about a change in the mind of others too. I find myself discovering the power of my inner potential and am able to use it for my own benefit and that of others. 8 April Wisdom gives the understanding that life does not function haphazardly. It teaches that everything that happens in this theatre of life has deep meaning and significance. Wisdom also brings the understanding that what is reaped today is a result of what was sown yesterday. 9 April When I am detached, my internal stage is beyond fluctuation. I am able to enjoy each and every thing that comes my way and be light constantly. Also it enables me to be free of dependency. 10 April Program your mind to create strong relationships on the basis of pure and respectful thoughts for people. Let your purity flow into all your relationships. When your interactions are based on thoughts of love and care, then your powers of tolerance, adjustment and compassion increase. 11 April We always look for opportunities for success outside. But success is about who I, the being am, and not just about my doing. Each time we use our qualities of peace, love and happiness, we are successful. Each time we co-operate, show kindness or build a beautiful relationship, we are successful 12 April When there is cleanliness in the heart, I am able to win the love of those around me and also of God. I find that I become a mirror for the others and they are able to see their own perfection through me. 13 April When I am able to remain happy under all circumstances, I am able to be free from the influence of others' negativity. Instead, I will be able to become a major source of positive influence to those around me. 14 April The speciality of the ocean is to merge. The most beautiful pearl is made of the dirt that is thrown into the ocean. So also the power to merge actually allows one to look at the positivity in spite of the obvious negativity that is expressed by the other person. 15 April Whatever the circumstances I am faced with, I need to make special effort not to reduce my enthusiasm in any way. The more I am able to be enthusiastic, the more I am able to contribute to the progress of others too along with my own progress. 16 April The one who has the treasure of experience is able to bring benefit to others. He is clear in thinking and accurate in judgement. So he is naturally able to give directions or corrections based on his own experiences and is also successful in it 17 April Let us begin the day with ten minutes of healthy information. Spiritual information can be our friend on this journey. Information full of wisdom and deep insights which nurture the mind and empower us to create right thoughts in every situation and choose a beautiful destiny daily. 18 April When I am able to have love, I am able to receive hundred percent help and commitment from others too and so I am able to have the satisfaction of moving forward constantly. There is nothing difficult for me and I do everything with great ease. 19 April Give a blessing to everyone each day. The more we give blessings, the more happy people will feel in our presence. A blessing is a power or quality or a few sweet words of love and goodness. Look at everyone with a loveful and sweet vision and share your inner niceness and good wishes through your smile. 20 April Real change can come in people only when I am able to have a vision of mercy for them. With mercy I am able to percieve and bring out the best in people without actually being caught up with expectations. 21 April When there is determination in my thoughts, I am never afraid, whatever happens. In fact obstacles only serve to strengthen determination. I never give up what I have started. It is determination that enables me to add power to my thoughts and make them practical. 22 April When I am optimistic I am able to understand that there is something good that is hidden in everything that happens. I am able to enjoy seeing only this positive aspect, filling me with positivity. So my happiness spreads around and touches the lives of those around me. 23 April The one who is humble is free from desires and is in a state of appreciation and contentment of what he has. So he does not want to prove to himself that he is successful. He only enjoys the process of learning and progressing. 24 April Several times we find things happening unexpectedly. Yet, there should be the understanding that nothing is unexpected or a matter of chance but everything depends on the seeds previously planted. When there is this understanding there is no passiveness but there is an ability to take responsibility and better the situation. 25 April When I have the power to fly, i.e., to go above the situations, I do not feel the bondage of the situation. So when I am up above everything down below (even the biggest mountain) seems very tiny and insignificant. 26 April Whenever we start something new we need to prepare our mind that we are sure to be faced with obstacles. Along with it we also need to understand that these obstacles actually teach us something new and it is only with such situations we can learn and progress. 27 April When there is true love for the other person and there is a desire to see them improve, their negativity is not repeated again and again to oneself or to others. There is also genuine love and concern revealed in the words and so it helps the other person recognise his own specialities and he is encouraged to use them for his own benefit. 28 April Every morning, before you begin the tasks of your personal and professional life, make a timetable of how you will keep God in your thoughts and feelings in the day and follow the timetable. This will keep you connected to God and you will experience His beauty constantly. 29 April To donate virtues means to express virtues through one’s own words and actions. There is some or the other value revealed through all words and actions. The ones who constantly have the aim of donating virtues naturally bring benefit to all they come into contact with. 30 April To have the power of cooperation means to have the ability to see and use the specialities of others in any task that is to be done. It is the ability to respect and use the suggestions and ideas of each and everyone which contributes for the success of the task. ➥Please SHARE (WhatsApp⇗) this post. Send the post link to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Useful Links Thought for Today (official page) Daily Inspirations (section) Avyakt Ishare (Hindi & English) Online Services (daily sustenance) All Godly Resources (for BKs) BK Google⇗ (our search engine)

  • Advance Murlis for April 2024

    Official Monthly Post➤ Advance Murlis PDF files of April 2024 month in Hindi and English languages, provided from the BabaMurli.NET murli website. Please SHARE this post, and send it to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Select Language Hindi (30.04) English (till 30.04) ✱Information ➤ Murli is provided 1 or 2 weeks in-advance to local RajYog sewa-kendra (BK centres) all over the world so that the connected regular students of those centres can continually read and revise the Gyan Murli. There are four subjects at BK Godly University which we all Brahma Kumari or Brahma Kumar study and practise in our daily lives. ➤ Visit useful links to get daily sustenance on this website. Visit Daily Murli audio to get♪ today's murli in Hindi and English. Hindi Murli PDF अव्यक्त इशारे 1 से 30 अप्रैल (बाबा की विशेष पालना: Hindi & English) विशेष पुरुषार्थ April 2024 (रोज के पुरुषार्थ, स्वमान, संकल्प PDF file में) English Murli PDF ➤Please SHARE this post with BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links Daily Murli audio (official page) All Advance Murlis (old & new) What is Gyan Murli? (article) Online Services (daily sustenance) Godly Resources (for BK souls) Explore Sitemap (Get Everything) BK Google⇗ (search engine)

  • आज का स्वमान, April 2024

    अप्रैल २०२४ ➤ मधुबन से रोज बनाकर भेजा जा रहा विशेष "आज का स्वमान" आप यहाँ image/picture के रूप में प्राप्त कर सकते है। इसे रोज पढ़े और अपने मन में बिठाए, तो पुरुषार्थ सहज मेहसूस होंगा और तेज़ी से उन्नति होंगी। इसे अपने कनेक्शन के बी.के.भाई बेहनो को SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ ➤Daily "Aaj ka Swaman" (Today's Swamaan in Hindi) is prepared and sent from Madhuban. Read this every day and feel easiness in your Purusharth (spiritual effort-making) and feel soul-consciousness naturally throughout the day. Please SHARE this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Month: April 2024 Format: image (JPG) Languages: Hindi, English Folder Link ✱ अप्रैल २०२४ मास के सभी (1 से 30 तक के PDF ) स्वमान आप इस Google folder से download कर सकते हो ➜ (updated) इस विशेष आज का स्वमान के blog post को अपने कनेक्शन के बी.के.भाई बेहनो को ज़रूर SHARE करे। Please SHARE this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful links All monthly posts (Hindi & English) English Posts (on Blog) बाबा का विशेष पुरुषार्थ (on Blog) दैनिक ज्ञान मुरली (official) Thought for Today (DAILY) Godly Resources (for BKs)

  • Near Death Experiences (NDE)

    "A deep and long research on Near-Death Experiences initiated by a well-known psychologist and author Dr Raymond Moody has revealed God as a being of light and How Soul (we) decide our Next Life after leaving one body"; should have become a headline in every newspaper of the world. What can be more important than an out-of-body, impersonal experience that reveals and proves thereby that we are non-physical and immortal beings of pure consciousness who merely enter this body, experience life, perform karma, and leave the body when it is time to take another body! These experiences also revealed the existence of another world, a world of light and abundance, where the supreme light (God) also resides. Tip: Also read our post on Out of Body Experience (OBE) Index Common Reports Nine Elements of NDE Conclusion Essence NDE stories playlist NDE video interview Useful Links In the 1970s and 1980s, an initiative study by Dr Raymond Moody examined Near-Death-Experiences of many people recorded after they came back to life. A majority of them reported that they saw a powerful loving beautiful white light, incorporeal or personified (which they recognised as God) who showered them with the most precious experience of unconditional love, acceptance, peace, and comfort. Then they saw their life story and had to go back to the world in order to settle their karmic debts with souls. Common Reports Some also reported that they saw a film playing in front of them that shows their life journey. And at the end, they were given two choices; whether to stay or to go back and fulfil their leftover task. This ahead proves that we ourselves decide our birthplace, family, etc. while we are in our higher-conscious state. Most of the ND experiences did experience presence of a powerful light above them, whom now they would call 'god' who would also observe their life journey along with, but does not judge them. While this, they did experience 'unconditional love'. NDE is the most significant proof of afterlife and of God's existence Dr Moody's Nine Elements of NDEs Dr Raymond Moody is a well-known researcher in the field of out-of-body and near-death experiences, and in fact, the best-known expert in this field. Since 1976, he has been researching the cases of people who went into comma, or in simple words the stage where the body organs hibernated while the brain still functions. This research which he started at the medical college of Georgia in the USA, soon earned the attention of local and international media as he made eye-opening common conclusions after researching (interviewing) dozens of cases. 1. A Strange Sound A buzzing, or ringing noise, while having a sense of being dead. Before the subject left his or her body, they heard a soft and high sound. While as soon as they left the body, there was a sense of complete peace and stillness, as if life was merely, a dream. 2. Peace and Painlessness While people are dying, they may be in intense pain, but as soon as they leave the body the pain vanishes and they experience peace, serenity, and harmony with the entire existance. With this, many reported that they felt a deep connection with the entire world, all living beings. They could feel what other people are feeling in the world. "All life-experiences were merged in a wonderful melody. And I could feel an individual's life as I pay attention to a particular life experience, say of a political leader, of a famous artist, of an average family person, or of a person in pain. I could feel anything and everything as if you can see all the TV channels at once"; reports a young mother who had her NDE while giving birth to her first child. Source: Her NDE (youtube) 3. Out-of-Body Experience The dying often have the sensation of rising up and floating above their own body, while being detached from the body. Some do experience the feeling of being in a spiritual body that appears to be a sort of living energy field. They could see everything just as they see with physical eyes, but much more. They can see, know, and experience everything as there is no longer a physical restriction. Many reported that they could sense if someone was remembering them, no matter how far physically they are. 4. The Tunnel Experience The next experience is that as they move away from their body, they were pulled into a tunnel, at an extremely high speed, until reaching a realm of radiant white light. As soon as they enter the realm, they reported feeling at home, being complete and free from all burdens. Here, some even saw serene nature: vast beautiful gardens where flowers and grasses were all full of life. The sense that everything is made of pure energy. 5. Rising Rapidly into the Heavens Instead of a tunnel, some people report rising suddenly into the heavens and seeing the Earth and the celestial sphere as they would be seen by astronauts in space. 6. People of Light Once on the other side of the tunnel, or after they have risen into the subtle world, the dying meet people who glow with an inner light. Often they find friends and relatives who meet and greet them. (This reveals that we all have a subtle body of light, which we get for a short time after death and before taking the next birth) 7. The Being of Light (God) After (or before) meeting the other beings or angels of light, the experiencer often meets a powerful spiritual being, a deeply loving and mighty white light, whom most of them identified as God. They all reported that this white light gave them the highest experience of love, comforted them, and empowered them. This was much like a "refreshment" for the soul, in the presence of the Supreme Soul (God) 8. The Life Review Then either God himself or a being of light (angel) presents with a panoramic review of everything they have ever done in their life, a LIFE REVIEW if you may. That is, they re-live every act, every moment of their life once again. The amazing aspect of this "life-review" experience was that we get to experience life from the other person's point of view with whom we had an interaction. And the soul concludes that "love" is the most important thing. Having kindness, love and mercy for all was the offering of that moment. NOTE: The "life-review" experience was brief for almost everyone. This show is only a few seconds but covers all parts of your life. It is FELT more than it is seen. 9. Reluctance to Return The Being of Light sometimes tells the dying that they must return to life. Other times, they are given a choice of staying or returning. In either case, they are reluctant to return. The people who choose to return do so only because of loved ones they do not wish to leave behind. Conclusion At last, as we have to return (back to earth) and take the next life (birth), we are presented with some options on where to take birth. In most cases, there are 2 options. Those options are created as a result of our past life Karmic accounts. Thus, we have to take birth to a family with whom we had the most karmic accounts. And our future life will follow up. ➥ If for instance, a soul had a brief encounter with death and the person died due to an uncalled accident, then as many NDE survivors told, they were presented two options: Whether to go back to their family, or to stay with God in the world of light and bliss. And ofcourse, most of them instantly thought of staying... But as soon as they did, they were shown the scenes back on earth, the situation their families would go through just if they decide not to go back. Seeing this, all of them would opt to return. Though some also reported that they heard a voice (of God) asking them to return. "You cannot stay, you have not yet fulfiled the Purpose", they would hear. And the word "purpose" resonated through their soul, making them willing to go back to earth and fulfil their responsibilities and purpose of life. This is how this beautiful divine experience is created. Essence In essence, some great secrets of life are revealed: We are not this body (we are a being of light, a Soul) After death, we go to God We see our own life story and judge ourselves (God does not judge us) God does not decide our fate, our life. We decide. God is full of love. He grants us all he has and up to us is how to use it. A collection of NDE stories Here below, we would present you a video interview of a person (Nadia McCaffrey) who had her Out of Body (Near Death) experience when she was a child. Video interview by 'Anthony Chene'. NDE video interview NDE YouTube channels ➤ Follow this YouTube channel for Near-Death Experiences Interviews like the one above. ➤ Watch videos on The Other Side NDE (YouTube channel) with 80+ NDE interviews with animations. ➤ Watch videos on NDE dairy (YouTube channel) for 90+ audio/video interviews with beautiful presentations. ➤ Recommended Book: Awakenings from the Light (12 Life Lessons) by Nancy Rynes. Useful Links Who am I? - Self realisation Video Gallery (selected videos) Godly Message - English version BK Google - Search engine for BKs On Godly Service, 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖛 𝕭𝖆𝖇𝖆 𝕾𝖊𝖗𝖛𝖎𝖈𝖊𝖘 𝕴𝖓𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖊

  • दैनिक विशेष पुरुषार्थ | April 2024

    अप्रैल 2024 ➤ मधुबन से रोज बनाकर भेजा जा रहा विशेष पुरुषार्थ आप यहाँ प्राप्त कर सकते है। यह "विशेष पुरुषार्थ" में आज का स्वमान, संकल्प, पुरुषार्थ और आज का स्लोगन भी मिलेंगा। इसे अपने कनेक्शन के बी.के.भाई बेहनो को SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ This is a special Purusharth prepared and sent daily from madhuban. In this, you get today's thought, slogan, vardaan, amritvela message, and general messages altogether. Please SHARE this post and send it to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Month: April 2024 Format: PDF (download/print) Languages: Hindi, English Google Folder Link ✱ अप्रैल 2024 मास के सभी (1 से 31 तक के PDF) विशेष पुरुषार्थ आप इस Google folder से download कर सकते हो ➜ (You can download the entire April month's PDF files from the above given Google folder) इस विशेष पुरुषार्थ के पोस्ट को अपने कनेक्शन के बी.के.भाई बेहनो को ज़रूर SHARE करे। Please SHARE this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful links All monthly posts (on Blog) English Posts (on Blog) Online Services (section) दैनिक ज्ञान मुरली (official Audio) Thought for Today (daily) Godly Resources (for BKs)

  • Amritvela Messages: April 2024

    शिव बाबा की अनमोल शिक्षाएँ "अमृतवेला की प्रेरणा" के रूप में आप यहाँ image (jpg) में प्राप्त कर सकते है। बाबा रोज हम आत्मा बच्चों को यह विशेष पालना देते है, जो हमे ज्ञान, योग, धारणा और सेवा के पुरुषार्थ में मदद करती है। इस अमृतवेला विशेष post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ English: These are Shiv Baba's precious teachings & directions titled "Amritvela" >> Through these teachings, Baba inspires us children in the subjects of Knowledge, Yog (meditation), Dharna (imbibing Divine Virtues), and Service. Please SHARE & send this post link to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ This post is updated daily Month: April 2024 Format: JPEG image Languages: Hindi, English Amritvela Sandesh अव्यक्त इशारे 1 से 30 अप्रैल (बाबा की विशेष पालना in Hindi & English) विशेष पुरुषार्थ April 2024 (रोज के पुरुषार्थ, स्वमान, संकल्प एक PDF file में) संस्कार परिवर्तन चार्ट (pdf) These are the precious directions of beloved father SHIV BABA... in form of "Amritvela Teachings" where Baba inspired us in Purusharth and Service. Please SHARE this post to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. इस अव्यक्त इशारे post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links Amritvela Messages (All months) अव्यक्त इशारे (All months: old & new) New Blog posts (latest) Advance Murlis (Hindi, English) Online Services (main) BK Google⇗ (search engine)

  • Thought Of The Day: April 2024

    Get Brahma Kumaris "Thought for Today" calendar with all individual days from 1st to 30th April 2024 ➤View Hindi and English calendars (jpg image) or download a single PDF file (of the entire month) or get the "full version" of the daily inspirations on this google folder (for April 2024) ➥Please SHARE (WhatsApp⇗) this post. Send the post link to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Visit useful links for more resources and get daily sustenance on this website. Choose Calendar language: Hindi English This post is updated daily ✦ Hindi Calendars ✦ कैलेंडर को पढ़ने के २ तरीके : 1. पुरे महीने का एक PDF ➤ April 2024 single PDF (coming on 30th) 2. दिन (1 से 30) 1.04.24 2.04.24 3.04.24 4.04.24 5.04.24 6.04.24 7.04.24 8.04.24 9.04.24 10.04.24 11.04.24 12.04.24 13.04.24 14.04.24 15.04.24 16.04.24 17.04.24 18.04.24 19.04.24 20.04.24 21.04.24 22.04.24 23.04.24 24.04.24 25.04.24 26.04.24 ✤ English Calendars ✤ There are 2 ways to access "Thought for Today" 1. Full Month in One PDF➤ April 2024 single PDF (coming on 30th) 2. Days (1 to 30) 1.04.24                2.04.24 3.04.24                4.04.24 5.04.24                6.04.24 7.04.24                8.04.24 9.04.24               10.04.24 11.04.24             12.04.24 13.04.24             14.04.24 15.04.24             16.04.24 17.04.24 18.04.24 19.04.24 20.04.24 21.04.24             22.04.24 23.04.24             24.04.24 25.04.24             26.04.24 ➥Please SHARE (WhatsApp⇗) this post to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. "Subscribe" (see page footer) to this website and receive regular updates via email. Useful Links Thought for Today (official page) Old Months Calendars (on Blog) Avyakt Ishare (Hindi & English) Online Services (daily sustenance) All Godly Resources (for BKs) BK Google⇗ (our search engine)

  • Avyakt Ishare: April 2024

    शिव बाबा की अनमोल शिक्षाएँ "अव्यक्त इशारे" के रूप में आप यहाँ PDF format में प्राप्त कर सकते है। बाबा रोज हम आत्मा बच्चों को यह विशेष पालना देते है, जो हमे ज्ञान, योग, धारणा और सेवा के पुरुषार्थ में मदद करती है। इस अव्यक्त इशारे post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ This post is updated daily Month: April 2024 Format: PDF to view/download/print Language: Hindi, English अव्यक्त इशारे PDF अव्यक्त इशारे 1 से 30 अप्रैल (whole month in one PDF) विशेष पुरुषार्थ April 2024 (रोज के पुरुषार्थ, स्वमान, संकल्प PDF file में) संस्कार परिवर्तन चार्ट (use daily) These are the precious directions of beloved father SHIV BABA... in the form of "Avyakt Ishare" where Baba inspired us in Purusharth and Service. Please SHARE this post to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. इस अव्यक्त इशारे post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links अव्यक्त इशारे (old & new) Advance Murlis (Hindi, English) Aaj ka Purusharth (audio, pdf) Online Services (main page) PDF books (Hindi & English) BK Google⇗ (search engine)

  • Daily Thoughts: March 2024

    March 2024 official post: Get daily thought of the day written and sent from Madhuban (Brahma Kumaris Headquarters in Mount Abu, India). These are inspirations for our Purusharth and for better living in general. Get thought messages of the entire month on this post. Please SHARE and send this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ 1 Mar A good practice whenever you meet someone is to ensure that you have shared something with the other person e.g. If a person comes to you and he is lacking love, just look at him and create a pure and positive thought in your mind that this person will experience his original quality of love and share the same with others. 2 Mar A very big negative influence on the heart is the anxiety associated in dealing with people of different natures and working with them either in the family or at the workplace. Looking at every soul's positive specialties with the help of spiritual wisdom read or listened to every day, helps us experience joy constantly and be free from any burdens 3 Mar Many times life brings situations, which are difficult and seem impossible to work on. But there should be the ability to transform something as big as a mountain into something as small as a grain of sand. To do this means to look for solutions instead of looking at problems. It also means to make effort to find the right answers for the problems. 4 Mar The ones who aim to become victorious never think of not being faced with obstacles. Instead, they look at each obstacle as a chance to use and express their own inner powers. So there is constant progress visible in them. 5 Mar The one who is simple is able to see through the complications of situations and people. He has the ability to only pick out what is useful and worthy from the expanse of all that is available. A simple person's words and actions are the ones that give happiness to those around. 6 Mar When I have courage, I have hope. I will not give up the task mid way, but will put in continued effort. Because of this there is no difficulty experienced even whilst putting in extra effort but I do everything with enthusiasm and happiness. So nothing seems difficult and I easily move towards success. 7 Mar Every day we meet so many people of different types of personalities, some positive and some negative also. Gift a pure smile full of humility and a positive greeting through your words to each and everyone. Bless the other soul with goodness. 8 Mar The ones with an easy nature constantly think of solutions instead of problems. So such individuals are free from the burden of problems and are constantly contributing to make things easy for themselves and others too. The right environment to bring out the best result is naturally created by them. 9 Mar Our home and workplace are the two places where we spend most of our time. If I as a responsible child of God take up the responsibility of making these two places full of God's qualities like peace, love and joy, I radiate these vibrations to the world and help in creating heaven in the world. 10 Mar The more we interact with and remain in the company of positive minded people and have positive conversations with them, we give and receive positive energy and the more our past gets erased from our consciousness. 11 Mar When I only continue to worry about my problems it is like cursing the darkness. It will not bring light. All I need to do is light a little lamp and I will find the light coming in slowly spreading all around. I find that it is very easy to find the solutions that are already within me. 12 Mar When I am honest with myself, I am able to find the joy of learning from my mistakes. Mistakes don’t make me heavy because I know I have something to learn from them. There is constantly enthusiasm to bring about a change and move forward. So I find that I am constantly progressing and also becoming an inspiration for many to bring about change. 13 Mar When I learn the art of speaking to my mind with love, I am able to free myself from waste thoughts without any feelings of suppression. Concentration too becomes easy and all thoughts are directed towards the right direction. 14 Mar The one who keeps checking himself is also able to bring about a change in himself. Such a person takes each situation as a chance to learn something new and bring about some change for the better. So there is constant improvement in his life. 15 Mar When you face any criticism from someone, see what you can learn from it, instead of feeling bad about it. Even things that go wrong have something to teach, for the ones who are willing to learn. With your humility continue to learn. 17 Mar To overcome any cravings towards addictions, meet many positive minded people, and share positivity and goodness with them. This will make you positive and fill you with a feeling of well-being and as you connect with them and become busy, addictions will become unimportant. 18 Mar The ones who are happy, always find something new. Even in the most ordinary and routine situations, they are able to find something interesting. So they are able to use everything that is with them in the best possible way. 19 Mar When I understand the importance of having good wishes for all, I am able to receive good wishes from others too. I am able to be free from the influence of the negativity of the situations and people. So I constantly experience inner happiness and contentment, even if I don't get something outwardly. 20 Mar I need to develop the art of looking at specialities in people. The more I am able to see their positive qualities, the more I am able to relate to them with that speciality. This encourages the other person further to use that speciality. This will naturally keep me constantly enthusiastic. 21 Mar Let us always carry a positive book or messages and talks on our phone. Any moment we feel disturbed or low, immediately read or listen. Even a 5-minute intake of elevated and positive information in the day stops the series of negative thoughts in our mind. The message may give us a solution to our problem. 22 Mar The one who is able to remain in the present is able to learn from the past and bring out the best from the self. Also there is a clear vision of the future, so all the energies are directed towards that vision. The mind is neither totally caught up with the past nor with the future. 24 Mar The best way to slow down your thoughts in the entire day is to begin your day with a deep connection with God - The Ocean Of Peace and Silence. In the morning our mind is very fresh and if we make it silent with meditation at that time, the whole day is influenced because of that and we hurry less and work more. 25 Mar To be accurate means to take up full responsibility for every task and do it to the best of one's ability. That means all resources that one has are used in the best possible way for the best result of the task. This naturally brings perfection in everything that is done. 26 Mar Each challenge actually brings forth some hidden strength, some latent power. The one who is able to understand this, is able to face and in fact invoke challenges. Such a person with constant and unshaken faith moves on towards victory. 27 Mar When I am free from excuses and free from comparison with others, I am able to be light even in the most challenging circumstances. I am not caught up with my own mistakes or those of others, but am able to constantly add on to my treasure store of experiences and be richer and richer with every new challenge I face. 28 Mar The one who has a clean heart is the one who always tries to do the best for those with whom he comes in contact. Thus, the person develops the ability to accept others as they are and ignore anything wrong done by them. 29 Mar When I consider myself to be fortunate I never experience fear inspite of difficult situations. I am always happy with whatever is happening. Along with it I also have the enthusiasm to make effort to better the situation. I never worry but am able to enjoy each and every moment and make the best use of it. 30 Mar The moment someone criticizes us, insults us or taunts us, emerge your soul conscious vision for them and see them as beautiful souls with beautiful original qualities and remind yourself that their anger and ego a temporary form of impurity, that was not a part of their original, pure nature. 31 Mar Love is reflected in the love that there is for the person and also for the task. When there is love for the person, there is the ability to give cooperation without any expectations or demands. And when there is love for the task there is the commitment for completing the task, whatever the obstacles that come up in the process of doing things. ➥Please SHARE (WhatsApp⇗) this post. Send the post link to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Useful Links Thought for Today (official page) Daily Messages (section) Avyakt Ishare (Hindi & English) Online Services (daily sustenance) All Godly Resources (for BKs) BK Google⇗ (our search engine)

  • आज का स्वमान, March 2024

    मार्च २०२४ ➤ मधुबन से रोज बनाकर भेजा जा रहा विशेष "आज का स्वमान" आप यहाँ image/picture के रूप में प्राप्त कर सकते है। इसे रोज पढ़े और अपने मन में बिठाए, तो पुरुषार्थ सहज मेहसूस होंगा और तेज़ी से उन्नति होंगी। इसे अपने कनेक्शन के बी.के.भाई बेहनो को SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ ➤Daily "Aaj ka Swaman" (Today's Swamaan in Hindi) is prepared and sent from Madhuban. Read this every day and feel easiness in your Purusharth (spiritual effort-making) and feel soul-consciousness naturally throughout the day. Please SHARE this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Month: March 2024 Format: image (JPG) Languages: Hindi, English Folder Link ✱ मार्च २०२४ मास के सभी (1 से 31 तक के PDF ) स्वमान आप इस Google folder से download कर सकते हो ➜ (updated) इस विशेष आज का स्वमान के blog post को अपने कनेक्शन के बी.के.भाई बेहनो को ज़रूर SHARE करे। Please SHARE this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful links All monthly posts (Hindi & English) English Posts (on Blog) बाबा का विशेष पुरुषार्थ (on Blog) दैनिक ज्ञान मुरली (official) Thought for Today (DAILY) Godly Resources (for BKs)

  • Amritvela Messages: March 2024

    शिव बाबा की अनमोल शिक्षाएँ "अमृतवेला की प्रेरणा" के रूप में आप यहाँ image (jpg) में प्राप्त कर सकते है। बाबा रोज हम आत्मा बच्चों को यह विशेष पालना देते है, जो हमे ज्ञान, योग, धारणा और सेवा के पुरुषार्थ में मदद करती है। इस अमृतवेला विशेष post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ English: These are Shiv Baba's precious teachings & directions titled "Amritvela" >> Through these teachings, Baba inspires us children in the subjects of Knowledge, Yog (meditation), Dharna (imbibing Divine Virtues), and Service. Please SHARE & send this post link to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. Share on WhatsApp⇗ Month: March 2024 Format: JPG to view/download Languages: Hindi, English Amritvela Sandesh अव्यक्त इशारे 1 से 31 मार्च (बाबा की विशेष पालना in Hindi & English) विशेष पुरुषार्थ March 2024 (रोज के पुरुषार्थ, स्वमान, संकल्प एक PDF file में) संस्कार परिवर्तन चार्ट (pdf) These are the precious directions of beloved father SHIV BABA... in form of "Amritvela Teachings" where Baba inspired us in Purusharth and Service. Please SHARE this post to BK brothers and sisters in your connection. इस अव्यक्त इशारे post को अपने सम्बन्ध के ब्राह्मण आत्माओं को, अर्थात बी.के भाई बेहनो को जरूर SHARE करे। Share on WhatsApp⇗ Useful Links Amritvela Messages (All months) अव्यक्त इशारे (All months: old & new) New Blog posts (latest) Advance Murlis (Hindi, English) Online Services (main) BK Google⇗ (search engine)

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