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Resources for Shivratri (Shiv Jayanti)

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In this post, we are providing all resources for the day of "Shiv Jayanti" (born day of God Shiv) which is also known and celebrated as "Shivratri" (the night of Shiv)

Providing: Hindi and English articles on Maha Shivratri, some written materials, images, Hindi poems on Shiv Jayanti, and VIDEOS to watch.

Shivratri or Shiv Jayanti



Hindi articles on Shivratri (शिवरात्रि पर विशेष लेख⇗)





Shivratri Classes (audio & video⇗)


"Shivratri" special VIDEOS

Maha Shivratri special short film (Hindi, by Godlywood)

Shivratri: Awakening, Meaning (by BK sister Shivani, Hindi)

"AVTARAN" full film (Shiv Baba's coming)


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