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BK Sister Jayanti Biography

Writer: Website AdminWebsite Admin

Updated: Sep 29, 2023

Brahma Kumari (BK) Sister Jayanti is well-known not only within the Brahma Kumaris family but also outside. Mainly for her contributions to our TV shows, important ceremonies, lectures, being the director of BKWSU for Europe zone, and also being an ambassador of BKWSU at the UN (United Nations). In this official biography article, learn about Sister Jayanti's early life, spiritual life, her qualities, her role in services, and present news.

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BK Sister Jayanti

Sister Jayanti Early Life

Jayanti Kriplani was born to a well-doing Sindhi family in Pune (or Poona) city in India in 1949. Her father's occupation allowed the family to move to England when she was 8 years old. She completed her school life/high school education in England.

➥Her life changed forever when she came to India for the first time during her school holidays when she was about 19 years old. She came with her mother. While they were staying in their home in Pune, they got to know about a Satsang (holy gathering) running nearby. This was Geeta Pathshala of Brahma Kumaris... And to their fortune, Mamma herself had visited that centre and was staying for a few days. A family friend informed Jayanti's mother about this. "Must visit this Satsang"; she said "and listen to mamma explaining God's versions of Bhagavad Gita". Jayanti and her mother visited and met Mamma Saraswati for the first time.

Experience with Mamma

Sister Jayanti remembers: "I was quiet resistent to spirituality, and thus leaned not to go to the satsang. But as I got there, there was this divine energy, a state of real peace, and an unconditional motherly love around this women (referring to Mamma) who greeted us.. I cannot describe how spiritually attractive Mamma was to me that time... I sat down to listen Mamma's murli and felt a deep connection to my own self.."

➥This was the very first experience of Sister Jayanti with Mamma, and the BK organisation. She had a conversation with Mamma, who suggested they should visit Mount Abu (Madhuban). Later both Jayanti and her mother visited Madhuban and meet Prajapita Brahma Baba. This was how Sister Jayanti got connected with us.

Personality & Virtues

Being an emissary for peace at the UN for the last 45 years, Sister Jayanti always had a vision that is universal. Let it be universal love, brotherhood, peace, or spiritual identity. "We all are souls, children of the divine"; she reminds us. Sister BK Jayanti is an excellent speaker on spirituality topics and she connects with people. She has been an instrument in transforming the lives of many while she was serving in Europe, based in London. Her peaceful nature and calming voice further connect to people and they also experience how a person is transformed by spiritual wisdom, and connecting to God, the Supreme Soul.

➥Sister Jayanti sees the erosion of spiritual values at the heart of the underlying cause of the crises that the world is facing today. She has worked to promote positive thinking, religious harmony, moral and spiritual values in all sectors of society.

➥An elegant speaker, Sister Jayanti delivers a unique blend of spiritual wisdom from the East, and scientific knowledge from the West; explaining the deepest spiritual truths with clarity. Sister Jayanti has spoken on topics like spirituality in daily life, health, education, racial harmony, women´s needs, religions of the world, and peace in the world. We listed down some of her notable presentations:


From 2009-2020, she headed the BK delegation to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP), and has spoken internationally on the link between human consciousness and climate change. In January 2018, she led meditation sessions at the World Economic Forum in Davos, and at the European Commission’s EU Sustainable Energy Week Conference in Brussels.

Women’s Needs

She was a delegate to the International Women’s Year Conference, in Berlin in 1975, which caused the start of the United Nations Decade for Women.


Sister Jayanti is an advisor to the Council for the Parliament of the World´s Religions and gives a major representation at this Parliament. She is also a member of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Faiths and is a member of the Advisory Body of the International Interfaith Centre.

Sister Jayanti's role with the Brahma Kumaris

Her role within the Brahma Kumaris is very broad:

Based in the UK: Director of the BK international Co-ordinating Office in London, Global Co-operation House, Global Retreat Centre in Oxfordshire, and is the Director for BK Centres in over 3l countries in Europe and the Middle East.

Global Administration: At a young age she helped establish BK Centres in London, Hong Kong, the Caribbean, Japan, South Africa, and several European countries.

BK UN Representative: NGO representative to the United Nations, Geneva for the Brahma Kumaris, participating in UN conferences and projects connected to the environment and climate change, women, development, youth, and other major international projects for the UN. In this capacity, she has undertaken extensive research into the role of spiritual values in world change and their role in empowering humanity to deal positively with the challenges we face today.

Speaker: She is a much sought-after public speaker and broadcaster on a worldwide scale. She is an eloquent speaker who captivates her audience not just with her wisdom and depth of spirituality, but also her soothing voice. She has recorded hundreds of meditation commentaries.

Author: She has written several inspiring books on spirituality in daily life.

Teacher: Sister Jayanti’s day-to-day work includes spiritual teaching and providing spiritual guidance to the many students of the Brahma Kumaris.

Useful Links

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About Brahma Kumaris (Introduction)

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