This is the official biography of Brahma Kumar (BK) brother Nirwair (Mount Abu), who is the general secretary of BKWSU, managing trustee of Global Health & Research Centre (GHRC hospital), and vice-president of the Janki Foundation (London).
Update: Beloved and respected brother Nirwair has left the physical world for the subtle abode at around 11:30 pm (India time) on 19th September 2024 while under treatment and observation at the Apollo Hospital in Ahmedabad, India.
Note: The following biography was written in mid-2022 and should be thus read in the present tense.
Nirwair bhai is well known in the brahman family as an elder brother of yagya who has overseen the development of Diamond Hall at Mount Abu (madhuban) where Avyakt BapDada milan and murli has taken place since 1996. He has also contributed as the incharge of GHRC hospital.

Nirwair bhai's Early Life
B.K Nirwair was born on 20 November 1938 in Punjab, India. He belonged to a good cultured and religious Hindu family. He used to read the writings of Swami Vivekananda and Swami Ramtirath while in high school. This brought in him good values and a desire to know the spiritual truth. He grew up in Punjab, passed his school life smoothly, and after the independence of India, he earned a college degree and then served in the Indian Navy for nine years, where he trained as an Electronics Engineer. He had been a true seeker of truth since his early adulthood and had read the Bhagavad Gita (prime scripture of Bharat) many times.
First Contact with BrahmaKumaris
It was in the year 1959 when Nirwair bhai was in his home state Punjab and Mateshwari ji (Mamma Saraswati) came to visit the area where a BrahmaKumari centre was recently opened. Nirwair bhai, being a spiritual seeker went to attend mamma's class.
Here is how he described his first experience with Mamma:
"I came to know that a Brahma Kumari center was recently opened nearby my residence; and Mateshwari ji, who was the chief of Brahma Kumaris have come to visit. I thought, let me go and see what they teach, so I went in during the evening class. When I entered the centre's classroom, I saw Mamma, whom I never meet before was sitting in a Yogi position and as soon as I saw her divine face, I instantly felt deep peace and love within me. I stood still for a minute. Then mamma called me, and I went near and sat down in the first row. There were many people in the classroom but I somehow did not and could not notice them. Mamma began the evening class... I don't exactly remember the words, but it was a divine experience listening to mamma speaking the knowledge flawlessly and so clear. After the class, mamma called me and gave me drishti and gave me toli. I got to have a short conversation with Mamma before we had to leave.."

"After this, Nirwair bhai continues; I took the RajYoga course (7 days course) and received the knowledge of Soul, the Supreme soul, World drama, cycle, and RajYog. Hence to say, it was mamma through whom I came in Gyan"; says Nirwair bhai in his interview."
In this way BK Nirwair came in contact with the Yagya (BKWSU) when he was 21 years old, and later he surrendered in the Yagya in 1963 and progressed ahead in the mentorship of Prajapita Brahma and Saraswati Mamma, who are lovingly called "Mama-Baba".
BK Nirwair's Global Services
He started to serve as a valuable and effective instrument in spreading the teachings of the Brahma Kumaris, both in India and abroad. He has been the brain behind many programmes, conferences, retreats, and seminars organised by the PBKIVV. His interactions with others have brought about tremendous change in the way people view themselves, which in turn has helped shape the institution to which he owes his allegiance. He has been the source of inspiration behind the setting up of large World Renewal Spiritual Exhibitions, Spiritual Art Galleries, the making of documentary films and other projects on Spirituality in Art. In 1982, he represented the University at the Second Special Session on Disarmament (SSOD) held at the United Nations HQ, where he officially met the U.N.Secretary General Javier Perez De Cuellar and other dignitaries.
While sharing the spiritual wisdom with leaders from various professional fields, he has shouldered the responsibility of acting as the Secretary-General of BKWSU in international conferences. The International Headquarters in Mount Abu have hosted a number of such conferences over the years on the themes of "Universal Peace", "Global Co-operation for a Better World", "Universal Harmony", "Spiritual Response to Changing Times", "Our Efforts for a Value- Based Society" etc. and continues to do so. Many distinguished dignitaries have inaugurated these conferences - ex-President Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, exPrime Minister Mr. Rajiv Gandhi - and been addressed by Mr. Robert Muller, other UN representatives and world leaders including the Dalai Lama, Lord David Ennals, Prime Minister Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee and others.
✤ Nirwair bhai regularly appears on Brahma Kumaris TV channel: Awakening TV and gives a short message.

Services- India & Outside
Nirwair bhai have visited all five continents to propagate the teachings and principles of the BKWSU. B.K. Nirwair has not only shown his competence in the realm of spirituality but also in humanitarianism and penmanship. One only needs to spend a few seconds with him to feel his unconditional love and respect for humanity. His concern for fellow human beings cuts all barriers of colour, caste and creed; his brain-child, the Global Hospital & Research Centre, Mt. Abu, substantiates this fact. He has been instrumental in over-seeing the construction and set-up of major projects of Brahma Kumaris:
'Gyan Sarovar, Academy for a Better World', Mount Abu
'Diamond Jubilee Complex', Talheti, Abu Road (Rajasthan)
Om Shanti Retreat Centre', Goregaon (near New Delhi)
'Spiritual Art Gallery', Agra
'Shanti Sarovar Retreat Centre', Hyderabad
Present News
At present (Feb 2021), apart from being serving as the General-Secretary of BKWSU and trustee of GHRC hospital at Mount Abu, Nirwair bhai is also chief-editor of an English monthly spiritual magazine, "The World Renewal". He has been writing articles on spirituality in Hindi and English. He is also the chariperson of Education wing of Brahma Kumaris.
He occasionally speaks during online seminars on bringing baba's shrimat and adopting divine virtues in our practical life. He wrote book like "Spiritual Treasures" and "Insights of a Rajyogi".
Awards to BK Nirwair bhai
Over the years, his selfless service to humanity has made him recipient of the following awards: - 'Rising Personalities of India Award' by International Penguin Publishing House, in 1999. - 'Morarji Desai Peace Education International Award for Year 2001' under Gujarat Gaurav Awards, by the Governor of Gujarat, in 2001. Endowed with a pious disposition and compassionate heart, he is always ready to serve society with the aim of helping people live a life of dignity, peace and welfare.
Useful Links
Biography of Great Souls (section)
Brahma Kumaris Introduction (About Us)
BK Google - our divine 'search engine'