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14 Oct 2018 BK Murli today in English

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Brahma Kumaris murli today in English 14/10/18 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 18/02/84

Brahmin life is the invaluable life.

Today, the Ocean of Love has come to celebrate a meeting with the children who are always absorbed in love. Just as you remember the Father with love, in the same way, in order to give multi-million fold return to the loving children, the Father comes into the corporeal world to celebrate a meeting. The Father makes you children bodiless and incorporeal, the same as He is, and the children, with love, make the incorporeal and subtle fathers corporeal, the same as they are. This is the wonder of the children's love. Seeing the wonder of the children's love, BapDada is pleased. The Father sings songs of the children's virtues, of how they are becoming equal to the Father by being constantly coloured by the Father's company. BapDada calls such children who follow the Father obedient, faithful, trustworthy, true invaluable jewels. Compared to you children even physical diamonds and jewels are like dust. You are invaluable. Do you experience yourselves to be the victorious invaluable jewels of the garland around BapDada's neck? Do you have such self-respect?Double-foreign children have the intoxication and happiness that although they are very far away, BapDada has selected them from a faraway land and made them belong to Him. The world is looking for the Father whereas the Father has found you. Do you think of yourselves in this way? The world is calling out to Him to come here, and what song do all of you sing, numberwise? “I sit with You, I eat with You and I am constantly in your company.” There is such a big difference between calling out and being constantly in someone’s company. It is the difference of day and night, is it not? There is such a difference between souls who are thirsty for imperishable attainment even for a second and you souls who are embodiments of attainment. Those souls constantly sing songs whereas you are those who constantly sit in the Father's lap. They are those who cry out and you are those who follow His directions at every step. They are thirsty for just a glimpse (vision) and you are those whom the Father has made an image that grants visions. Let them experience a bit more pain and sorrow and then see how they come in front of you thirsting for a second's glimpse or a second's drishti from all of you.Now you invite them and call them. When the time comes, they will make a lot of effort to meet you for even a second: “Please let us meet you!” All of you will have the practical form of being an image that grants visions. Amongst you children too, you will recognise the importance of your elevated life and elevated attainment a lot more at such a time. Now, because of carelessness and being ordinary, you even forget your greatness and your speciality. However, when souls who lack attainment come in front of you thirsting for attainment, you will experience more who you are and who they are. At the moment, because you receive many treasures easily from BapDada, you sometimes consider your value and even the treasures to be ordinary. However, every elevated version, every second, and every breath of Brahmin life is so elevated. You will experience this a lot more as you progress further. Every second of Brahmin life creates not just a reward for one birth, but for birth after birth. A second gone means a reward for many births gone. You are the elevated souls with such an invaluable life. You are such special souls with an elevated fortune. Do you understand who you are? Baba has come to meet such elevated children. You double-foreign children constantly remember this, do you not? Or is it that you sometimes forget and sometimes remember? You have become embodiments of remembrance, have you not? Those who have become an embodiment can never forget. Don't become those who have to remember, but become embodiments of remembrance. Achcha.To those who constantly celebrate a meeting, to those who are constantly coloured by the Father's company, to those who understand the importance of all attainments of the self and of time, to those who constantly follow the Father at every step; to such long-lost and now-found obedient children, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.BapDada meeting new children who have come from Poland and other countries:Do all of you consider yourselves to be fortunate? What fortune do you have? To come to this elevated land is the greatest fortune of all. This land is the land of the great pilgrimage. To have arrived here is fortune anyway. So what more will you now do? Stay in remembrance; constantly continue to increase the practice of remembrance. However much each of you learns, continue to increase that. If you constantly continue to maintain a relationship, then with that relationship you will continue to attain a great deal. Why? In today's world, everyone wants both happiness and peace. So, both of these can be attained for all time through the practice of this Raja Yoga. If you want this attainment, this is the easy method. Don't let go of it. Keep it with you. You will receive a lot of happiness. It will be as though you have received a mine of happiness, through which you will be able to distribute true happiness to others. Relate this to others and also show this path to others. There are so many souls in the world, but out of all of those souls, it is you few souls who have reached here. This is also a sign of great fortune. You have reached the shanti-kund (power house). Peace is essential for everyone. To be peaceful themselves and continue to give everyone peace is the speciality of humans. If there is no peace, what is the life of a human being? You have spiritual, imperishable peace. You can show yourself and many others the way to attain real peace. You will become charitable souls. It is such great charity to give peace to a peaceless soul. First of all, become full yourself and then you can become charitable souls with others. There is no other charity like this. You can show unhappy souls the sparkle of peace and happiness. Where there is deep love, the thought of the heart is fulfilled. Continue to move along as messengers who give the message that you have just received from the Father.BapDada meeting servers:The lottery of service makes you full for all time. By doing service, you become full of treasures for all time. All of you did number one service. All of you are those who claim the first prize, are you not? The first prize is to remain content and to make everyone content. So, what do you think? For the number of days that you did service, did you remain content for all of that time and also make others content or did some of you become upset? If you remained content and made others content, you are number one. To be victorious in every task means to be number one. This is success. Don’t allow yourselves to be disturbed and don't disturb others. This is victory. Therefore, you are such victorious jewels for all time. Victory is the right of the confluence age because you are master almighty authorities.True serviceable souls are those who constantly have spiritual vision, a spiritual attitude and, as spiritual roses, make all spirits happy. So, for however long you served, did you serve as a spiritual rose? There weren't any thorns in between, were there? Did you always maintain spiritual awareness, that is, did you always stay in the stage of a spiritual rose? Just as you practised this here, in the same way, maintain such an elevated stage at your own places. Don’t come down, no matter what happens or what the atmosphere is like. Roses live amidst thorns and yet constantly continue to give fragrance; they don't become thorns whilst living amidst thorns. In the same way, spiritual roses always stay beyond the influence of the atmosphere and remain loving and detached. When you get back, don't write: What can I do? Maya came! You are going back as those who are constant conquerors of Maya, are you not? Don't give Maya permission to come. Keep the door closed for all time. The double lock is remembrance and service. Maya cannot come where there is a double lock.BapDada meeting Dadiji and other senior sisters:Just as the Father constantly increases the zeal and enthusiasm of you children, in the same way, it is you children who follow the Father. BapDada is especially congratulating all of you teachers who have come from this land and abroad for service. Each one of you, consider yourself to have a right to love and remembrance personally by name and give yourself love in that way. If Baba were to sing each one's praise individually, how many people's praise could He sing? All of you have made a lot of effort. You have progressed well since last year and, in the future too, you will continue to progress the maximum for yourself and also in service. Do you understand? Don't think that BapDada hasn't spoken to you. He is speaking to all of you. Devotees are making effort to remember the Father's name and are thinking that the Father's name should remain on their lips, whereas whose name is on the Father's lips? The names of you children are on the Father's lips. Do you understand? Achcha.Questions from double foreign brothers and sisters and BapDada's answers:Question: What is the new plan for this year’s service?Answer: In order to bring time close, you first have to do the service of making the atmosphere powerful through your attitude. For this, pay special attention to your attitude. Secondly, in order to serve others, especially make those souls emerge; who truly believe that the method for peace can only be found here. Let the sound emerge this year that, if there is to be peace, it will only be through this method. This is the only method. What the world needs is nothing else but this method. Let this atmosphere be created everywhere simultaneously. In Bharat or abroad, let the sparkle of peace be very visible way. Let everyone everywhere be touched and be attracted and say that if there is a right place, it is here. Just as the Government has the UNO, so that, when anything happens, everyone's attention is drawn there, in the same way, whenever something happens and it creates peacelessness, let everyone's attention be drawn to you as the souls who give the message of peace. Let them experience that this is the only place where they can remain safe from peacelessness and where they can seek refuge. Let this atmosphere be created this year. "The knowledge is good, your life is good, Raja Yoga is good." Everyone says this, but now let the sound be heard that real attainment can be attained here, that the world will benefit at this place with this method. Do you understand? For this, especially advertise peace: If anyone wants peace, you can find the method here. Have a Peace Week. Have a gathering for peace. Have yoga camps for giving them the experience of peace. Spread vibrations of peace in this way.Creating students through service is very good. That expansion definitely has to happen. However, now, just as you have a variety of nationalities and souls of different religions, let there be souls of all different occupations at every place. Anyone who goes to a centre should be able to find someone of his own occupation at that centre who can share his experience, just as you have workshops here, sometimes with doctors, sometimes with lawyers etc. When people of different occupations speak of the one subject of peace on the basis of their own occupation, they enjoy that. So, in this way, let people of every occupation relate their experience of peace to anyone who comes to the centre and this will have an impact on them. Let them experience that this is an easy method for people of all occupations. For instance, for some time now, there has been good advertising about this being the only method for those of all religions. Let there be this sound. So, now spread the sound in this way. This sound reaches those who are in contact with you and the students but, now, let there be a bit more attention paid to enable this sound to be spread in all directions. Only a few Brahmins have been created so far. The speed of becoming Brahmins numberwise cannot be said to be fast. There needs to be at least 900,000 now. At the beginning of the golden age you will rule over at least 900,000, will you not? There will be subjects in that number too, but only when they come into close contact with you now will they then become subjects. So, bearing this figure in mind, how fast should the speed be? As yet, the number is very small. What is the total number of those abroad? At the very least, the number of those abroad should be two to three hundred thousand. You are making very good effort. There isn't anything wrong but, now, let the speed be a little faster. The speed will increase through the general atmosphere. Achcha.Question: What is the way to create a very powerful atmosphere?Answer: You yourself become powerful. For this, pay special attention to checking whether in every action from amrit vela onwards your stage is powerful or not. When you are busy serving others and making plans for service, there is sometimes a little lightness (slackness) in your own stage. This is why the atmosphere doesn't become powerful. Service takes place, but the atmosphere doesn't become powerful. For this you have to pay special attention to yourself. Karma and yoga; together with karma, there has to be a powerful stage: this balance is lacking a little. When you are just being busy in service, your own stage doesn't remain powerful. Given the amount of time you give for service, and the extent to which you use your body, mind and wealth for service, you don't receive the hundred-thousandfold return of one that you should be receiving. The reason for this is that there isn't the balance of karma and yoga. Just as you make plans for service – you have leaflets printed, you have programmes on the TV and Radio – just as you use these external facilities, in the same way, first of all, have a special method to make the stage of your mind powerful. This attention is lacking. You then say that because you were busy, you missed out on this a little. There cannot then be double benefit.

Blessing: May you be a great renunciate who renounces the respect and status received through service and creates an imperishable fortune.

The practical fruit of the elevated actions that you perform and service that you children do is to be praised by everyone. A server receives a seat of elevated praise, he receives a seat of respect and status. Such a soul definitely receives this success. However, all of these forms of success are the steps of the journey and not the final destination. So, renounce this and become fortunate. This is known as being a great renunciate. The speciality of a great, incognito donor is to be a renunciate of even the renunciation.

Slogan: In order to be an angel, observe the part of every soul as a detached observer and give them sakaash.


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