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Traffic Jam – On The Road or In The Mind

For many of us, traffic congestion, delays in public transport, missing a flight, or waiting in queues are sources of frustration, stress,s and anxiety. These could be routine, so how we respond each day contributes to our overall emotional health. Whether it is someone’s poor driving manners or a severe traffic jam, let’s accept the moment with stability and consciously stop the stream of negative thoughts.

➤Otherwise, we could create 1,000 wrong thoughts in 20 minutes – every single day of travel for decades. Traffic is not in our control and we are not alone. Getting upset isn’t going to make it go faster. Let’s either re-schedule or re-route our travel. Or let’s use the time to call or text someone, to relax, to take a nap, or to listen to music. Frustration that begins in traffic typically carries into subsequent scenes of the day. Our bad mood continues, shows up with people, and reflects in our work.

➤Individually and as a society we are all taught that speed is important in order to accomplish more in less time. So we do not always let life move at the pace it should. We do not also have patience for people who are not our way. Driving and traveling are scenes where our urgency and impatience take over.

➤Take a moment to teach your mind to go with the flow today instead of getting stressed about things that it cannot control. Create positive thoughts of calm as you travel today. Even if traffic on the road takes time to clear, the traffic of thoughts in your mind should not pile up. Teach your mind the art of remaining calm even in chaos. Finally, the vocabulary of irritation is obvious. The energy of peace and patience created will carry on to your subsequent scenes as you enter your workplace or home.

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Message for Today

"A calm mind allows you to make accurate decisions"

"A calm mind allows you to make accurate decisions"


When we have to make a precise decision in a challenge,  we tend to get nervous. Many negative thoughts come to our minds. In that state of mind, the decisions we make are likely to be wrong.


Before making decisions in challenging situations,  I need to guide my mind to a calm state. To do this,  I need long-term practice – even when the situation prompts me to increase the speed of my actions, long-term training of the mind helps me to keep my mind calm even in the most challenging situations.

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