Experiencing Peace (Part 3)
To experience the eternal peace of the soul world, I do the simple exercise explained yesterday and then go a step further. Having created the thought about myself that I am a sparkling star-like energy situated at the center of the forehead, just above the eyebrows, visualized it and as a result experienced it, now my objective is visualizing my star-like form in the soul world. With this aim in mind, I now create a simple thought that the star-like energy will make a short journey to the soul world and back. So, I create simple thoughts and visualize side by side that I, the soul am leaving my physical body and flying upwards. Then I see my star-like form slowly fly past the ceiling of the room I am in and see myself suspended in the sky. I see myself as a point of radiant light high above many buildings and lights.
➤I then see my light form going higher, past the atmosphere going beyond the earth, and past many stars and planets in space. I then take this visualization further and see myself entering the soul world, a region of soft orange-red light, which is similar to how it looks like, at the time of sunset in the evening. This region is unlimited in size or expanse. I see my white or golden star-like form suspended in this region, radiating white or golden rays of peace in all directions. I also see other white or golden star-like souls just like me in the same region. In front of me I see God, a very radiant Supreme white or golden star, an Ocean of Peace, radiating His unlimited rays of peace in all directions, which fall on me, the star-like soul and I absorb them inside me. I spend some time in this region, in this experience. In this region my thoughts stop and I am only visualizing.
➤This is the eternal peace experienced while visualizing the spiritual self in the soul world. The peace experienced in this exercise is greater than in the exercise mentioned yesterday. Thus, the sanskara of peace created in the soul in this exercise is deeper. After a few minutes of this experience, I see my star-like form descending in the physical body in exactly the same way as I flew to the soul world.
➤This is just a visualization exercise or experience, and the soul does not actually leave the body and go anywhere. The two practical exercises explained in yesterday’s and today’s message can be used to experience the two types of peace mentioned. At one time, you can choose to either experience both types of peace or only the first one. You can start with a few minutes and increase the time gradually. Continuous practice will create deeper sanskaras of peace and take you closer to your original state of peace.
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Message for Today
"To respect one's own part means to play it well"

Often, we compare ourselves to others – their qualities, status in life, or possessions. But this doesn’t always help. We often feel like there’s something wrong with us because we don’t see the whole picture. This prevents us from appreciating our own qualities.
It is important to understand the uniqueness of my own role in life, accept it, and strive to make it better. When I do this, I will begin to appreciate the purpose of my role in this stage of life. And I will use my unique gifts in the right way.
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