Cut Off From Work & Technology Before Sleep
Being entangled in work-related communication late into the evening keeps the mind thinking about work even when we go to sleep and disturbs our sleep. We are aware that our technology usage is getting out of control and negatively impacting our daily lives. Using technology till bedtime for work communication is unhealthy for the mind and the body.
1● Before technology took over, your mind was with yourself and your family once you returned home from work. Today your mind is connected to work late at night, early morning, and even on holidays. You keep checking emails, making calls, or replying to messages.
2● Reading about issues from work just before sleep stimulates your mind to keep thinking about it for a long. An already tired mind gets more fatigued. So even if your body has rested at night, your mind does not get charged positively and you feel tired even after getting up.
3● Fix and follow the discipline of switching off from office communication, at least 2 hours before you go to sleep. Spend time with your family and with yourself. Don’t login just because someone else does it. Trust yourself that your tasks from that day are complete and perfect and you have the next day to finish any work that is pending.
4● Meditate for at least 10 minutes before bedtime. This silences your mind and prepares it for sleep. Your mind will get rest and become rejuvenated in the night. The next day you will be creative, intuitive, and more productive at work.
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Message for Today
"Doing something with love means consistently succeeding"

When we start doing something new, we usually do well in the beginning. But success doesn't last. This happens over and over again because we have to do something. When we are motivated by external pressure it becomes impossible to continue doing that thing.
Love brings continuous success. Once I experience the joy of doing something, I will never give it up. When I do what I love, I will use all my energy to make that thing successful. And I can do it better.
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