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Experiencing God’s Love & Help (Part 2)

Are We Prepared For Negative Situations?

Situations arise in our lives regularly and at times suddenly. Life can bring us negative surprises. Being positive does not mean every scene will be perfect in our lives. It only means that while we cannot control life’s events, we are prepared to respond with stability to them. The preparation need not be with an anticipation for things to go wrong, but with an outlook that no matter what goes wrong outside, nothing can affect us negatively from within.

➤Many of us are emotionally attached to a comfort zone where things are positive, smooth, and pleasant. This makes it difficult to adjust to changes. Mental unpreparedness can escalate into physical health issues, especially with challenging circumstances like a death in the family, when a business fails, when diagnosed with certain illnesses, or even when a favourite team loses in sports. We hear about people experiencing heart attacks, panic attacks, or breathlessness in such events.

➤Life can be demanding so we all need sufficient mental toughness. Bringing in spirituality provides us a powerful way to overcome fear, remain calm, and face life courageously. Spirituality is both uplifting and comprehensive – it gives us an understanding of the reasons behind life’s different negative situations, helps us accept them, empowers us to work towards solutions, and sustains us till we safely cross over them.

➤Regular study of spiritual wisdom nourishes our mind to think about positive steps at a subtle level in terms of thoughts, and at a physical level in terms of words and actions to overcome negative situations. Meditation connects us to God and when the hand of God leads us, life starts moving in a positive direction in which we benefit positively.

(Continues tomorrow...)

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Message for Today

"A powerful person shows practical evidence of success instead of talking about success"

"A powerful person shows practical evidence of success instead of talking about success"


It is usually very easy for us to talk about how to do something. It is equally easy to tell others about it and give instructions. However the powerful person is not satisfied with just talking about it or proving to others about his success. He is more concerned with being successful.


We need to test whether what we talk about is being applied in our lives. We need to test whether we are putting it into practice. Only then, will we see progress in our lives. Then we will not need to talk about success, but our lives will reveal how successful we are. Then we will be an inspiration to many.

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