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Slow Down – Don’t Rush Through Life

In today’s times where people try too hard to juggle many things at a time, we unconsciously go into the mode of rushing from one task to the next. There seems to be so much rush in our daily lives, that slowing down does not feel like an option anymore.

1● Do you draft emails while watching TV, talk to people while thinking of getting back to your work, eat food as quickly as possible, or engage in speedy driving? Bouncing between tasks does not mean we achieve more.

2● Rethink your ways of doing and being. Stop rushing, slow down, take in every experience, feel the vibrations of every scene, and radiate your energy into the scene. You can then appreciate what life offers you and what you can offer to the world.

3● Be fully present in the moment and mindful of whatever you do. If you do that, you can focus better, be more creative, and finish the task sooner with quality. Prioritize and commit only to important tasks. Check if you can share responsibility, postpone, or even ignore some of them. Pause between tasks to relax and get refreshed.

4● Go inwards to empower yourself to focus more on being and less on doing. Follow lifestyle disciplines of exercise, diet, activity, rest and relaxation. Notice how everything gets accomplished in time since the mind and body remain stress-free.

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Message for Today

"Those who know the art of communicating with others are the Winners"

"Those who know the art of communicating with others are the Winners"

Thoughts to ponder:

When someone doesn't treat us right, we tend to change our attitude towards them, the way we respond to them, and our behavior. We wait for the other person to change before we change ourselves. So we don't see any change in ourselves or in the other person.


When I learn the art of recognizing and relating to the unique qualities of others, I will always be a winner. Then I will not depend on the behavior of others for my own growth. I can see the positive aspects of everyone and absorb them into myself. Then, I gain the benefit of experience in every interaction.

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