The Cycle Of Karmic Connections (Part 2)
Continuing from yesterday’s message, let’s look at the cycle of karmic connections from a broader perspective. If we have a conflict in a relationship in one birth, the next time we meet, the conflict will carry forward. This can then continue for many births till one of us decides to change the quality of the karmic account. Everyone around us, including family, friends, and colleagues, we meet, but we are not meeting most of them for the first time.
➤We have met them before and there was an exchange of energy earlier. What we are experiencing today with them is only a carry-forward of the last meeting. If someone is not being nice to us or has cheated us, let us remember they are only returning what we have given them before. They are not wrong, it’s all very fair. We cannot change what they are doing, that is a return of our past karma, but we have a choice of how to feel and behave now because that is our present karma that will decide our destiny today and our future.
➤If we choose to create hurt, anger, and revenge now, we are then continuing the vicious cycle of negative karmic accounts with that soul. If we choose forgiveness, compassion, and stability, we are changing the quality and beginning a positive karmic account. We are creating our destiny.
➤From today, let us look at other souls and remember we have met before and we will meet again. We cannot change our past but let us be careful in the present and perform only positive actions with every soul. Remember situations today are the return of our past. Our response today will decide our present and future.
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Message for Today
"Being a detached observer makes us the protagonist"

Thoughts to ponder:
Obstacles or difficulties arise when we become attached to behaving or understanding in a certain way.
If I want to succeed, I must think of myself as a detached observer. That is, detached from the body and listening from the soul. The soul is my best guide. It will also show me how to become a hero. I will allow the soul to be my master.
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