12 Characteristics (qualities) of the Soul (Part 2)
7● A divine soul is like a mirror in which others can see God’s goodness and strengths and realise their weaknesses and anything lacking in them easily.
8● It will be very clean and true to God, and it will follow everything that God instructs without any doubts or fears of how it will bring everything into practice.
9● It is a clean and transparent medium that God uses at every moment to vibrate His wisdom, qualities, and powers into the Universe.
10● A divine soul will feel its eternal purity of the soul world, which is its spiritual home where it existed without a body as a spiritual being before coming down on Earth and the original purity of the Golden Age or Satyuga, which is the first yuga where it played its role through the physical body, constantly and radiate the same to others.
11● It will emanate a strong vibration of soul consciousness through its physical features and personality and bring everyone closer to the strong spiritual vibration of God.
12● It is connected to God constantly is full of humility and serves in the remembrance of God with a lot of lightness giving all the credit of the service it does, to God.
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Message for Today
"Generosity Brings Satisfaction"

Points to think about:
It is natural to share our resources with others. However , when we give something , we are not free from expectations. There is a tendency to expect cooperation from others to the extent that we compensate for what we have given. We do not always receive from others as much as we give. The disappointment continues.
True generosity brings satisfaction. I must appreciate the fact that there is joy in giving. When I can happily experience giving , it becomes a source of income. And I don't get caught up in expectations of what I'll get—giving means appreciating what I have and sharing it with others.
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