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Colouring Forgiveness On Mind (Part 3)

A painter, after walking by a beautiful garden, full of flowers and breathing their fragrance, cannot recreate the same picture while she is painting, if she is angry. She needs to support the positive beauty and rhythm of life emotionally, to create a beautiful painting of a scene of life. Similarly, we should remember the qualities of the other person and remember that we have also been forgiven so many times by others and that this is a journey of giving and receiving, and in this sharing, there is no higher or lower status. When our thoughts about a relationship are not tied negatively to every tiny mistake at the level of thoughts, words, or actions, that the other person has ever committed, we can see the other person as who he or she really is and create a beautiful relationship with them.

➤Once we have forgiven, we also want to share this newfound joy and lightness with the other soul. While creating a new painting, if the colours are applied imperfectly on a canvas and left to dry, it becomes hard to remove or blend them at a later stage. Similarly, we should bring our virtues into action immediately on the canvas of our mind and we should not take too long to forgive others, as it may cost us a beautiful relationship.

➤It then becomes a much longer and harder journey of forgiving oneself also. In any hurtful situation where we are both the giver and receiver of forgiveness, we have to be kind and gracious to our own selves and take soft steps. Practicing forgiveness in relationships is the key, as it is what creates a positive reality for the other soul and for us.

➤In this way, we are able to share our feelings with the other soul and remain light. Therefore, forgiveness is not just about letting go, it is also about carrying much more love for the other soul for life in future. Forgiveness does not erase the past, but looks upon it with greater compassion, mercy, and love. It liberates the soul and removes fear. It is not just about granting a pardon to someone else, but also about caring about our own emotional welfare. It is a beautiful and permanent change within ourselves, an acknowledgment of one’s inner power as well as an unconditional acceptance in the end.

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Message for Today

"My own talents are the way to attract others"

"My own talents are the way to attract others"

Points to think about:                              

When we want to influence others, we usually try to exert our power over them in a negative way through our words and our own attitude. Initially, others may respond, but after a while, we find that they stop responding positively.


The only way to create a positive impact on others is to use my unique talents. It is imperative that I recognize my own unique qualities and use them when interacting with others. It will automatically influence others in a positive way. Then I would never have to use my power in a negative way.

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