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Colouring Forgiveness On Mind (Part 2)

Forgiveness is a virtue colour with beautiful shades that we can use creatively in difficult situations, to build an inner state of love and generosity. Like a painter often comes full circle and revisits the earlier phases of his painting with new understandings, we too can build the capability within us, to circle back to the beautiful foundation of all our precious relationships and see them, this time, with a new set of spiritual eyes full of forgiveness.

➤How can we create the beautiful colour of forgiveness on the canvas of our minds? We need an understanding of what practical steps to take to imbibe a certain value within us. Real forgiveness cannot be earned. It is unconditional. Sometimes, we feel that it is safer to give a good practical reason for the other person’s behaviour and not an emotional one.

➤If we do that, it also stops us from looking at the other person as a capable soul, who is in charge of his or her actions and is not just a product of circumstances. Hence, real forgiveness requires us to be aware of the situation and be brave, to lay focus on the root word give. It is similar to a situation where however beautiful a set of virtue colours you may have on the palette of your nature, you still need a canvas of your mind to paint and use careful strokes to blend these colours to create the colour of forgiveness on it.

➤This is forgiveness in action and the application of different basic virtues which we possess like peace, love and truth. In real-life situations, where we need to forgive unconditionally, love and humility are the foundation of forgiving and becoming free of negative memories. If we practice this art of forgiveness regularly, it can become second nature.

(Continues tomorrow...)

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Message for Today

"A bold step brings more Progress"

"A bold step brings more Progress"

Points to think about:

Often times we feel fearful when we face a difficult situation. At a time when we should be brave , we are overcome by fear and anxiety. These feelings drain our energy and we find it difficult to do anything to change the situation.


When I realize how much potential I truly have, I find the courage to take a step forward. For every step taken with courage, a hundred-fold help is received. When I face my fears and take a courageous step forward, I can make more progress.

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