The Subtle Role Play Of Thoughts & Visuals (Part 1)
The human soul is a subtle (non-physical) stage in which a subtle role-play of thoughts and images constantly takes place throughout the day and even while sleeping, although it is much less while sleeping. Our thoughts are of 3 main types – 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 which are based on virtues, which are related to day-to-day activities, 𝐖𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄 which are mainly unnecessary and related to the past, future, and other people, and 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 which are related to vices and other weaknesses.
In the same way, we also constantly create images, which are of the same 4 types. The soul is a spiritual energy made up of the mind, intellect, and sanskars. The mind thinks or speaks subtly and the intellect visualizes or sees subtly, almost all the time.
These two processes function, sometimes independent of each other as well as sometimes dependent on each other or influencing each other e.g. think of peace and that leads to visualizations related to the same. Visualize an unpleasant scene of anger and hatred and your thoughts are led in that direction.
Sometimes these two processes function at the same time and sometimes one at a time. Sometimes neither functions at all, which happens much more frequently while sleeping as compared to when we are awake. This subtle, physically invisible role play is the foundation of the physical role-play of words and actions that is visible to the self and to everyone else around us.
(Continues tomorrow...)
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Message for Today
"A meek mind makes perfect judgment"

Points to think about:
Whenever we have to make the right decision in a challenging situation, we tend to start panicking and worrying about whether we will make the right choice. Any decision we make in this state of mind is likely to be wrong.
In challenging situations, I need to make sure my mind is calm before I take any decisions. To be able to do this, I need to practice quieting my mind in daily life. Once I have mastered this art, I can make decisions very easily in different situations.
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