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Ruling The Kingdom Of The Mind (Part 2)

Am I a powerful king? This is a question that each one of us needs to ask ourselves at the end of each day. Every night, call upon your ministers – the thoughts, feelings, and emotions in your kingdom court and have a heart-to-heart conversation with them regarding the kingdom and its people. The people are your attitudes, expressions, words, and actions. A court is also held to check the daily report of the behavior of the ministers. As the ministers of a kingdom, so its people (as mentioned above). To keep the kingdom in order, a positive king will train the ministers and its people to respond correctly to different negative situations and scenes that the kingdom is exposed to every day. This ability is the spiritual power of the king in action.

➤To train the ministers and people of the kingdom to respond correctly, a powerful king will, at the start of the day and at regular intervals in the day, give positive thoughts to the mind. These thoughts are of peace such as – I maintain my calm and respond peacefully to every situation; I keep my focus on my stable stage and look at others’ positive actions only; I keep a relationship of outer detachment to external situations as well as inner detachment to internal pressures.

➤I also have thoughts of love, such as I am a positive source of good feelings and good wishes; I focus on others’ strengths and specialties and respect them; I take inspiration from others’ virtues and radiate my virtues to others. Also, thoughts of joy such as I remain light and give others the same experience of lightness; I spread the wings of enthusiasm and fly high in joy constantly; I gift a smile and a good greeting to everyone I interact with.

➤And thoughts of power such as – I am successful at every step and in every sphere of life; I use the power of determination in everything I do; I destroy obstacles that obstruct my path, with my spiritual power. Also, these types of thought affirmations will in turn positively influence my thoughts, feelings, and emotions, the ministers of my kingdom, and my attitudes, expressions, words, and actions, the people of my kingdom. How? We shall explain that in tomorrow’s message.

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Message for Today

"To take responsibility for one's actions is to allow oneself to Grow"

"To take responsibility for one's actions is to allow oneself to Grow"

Points to think about:

It is easy to blame others or the situation for difficult situations. But if we make excuses all the time, we can't do anything to support our own growth. Life becomes a constant struggle and we begin to feel in control of circumstances.


When I realize my own growth, I have an awareness of my thoughts and feelings. I am aware of how they affect my behavior. Then, I can take responsibility for my choices and actions. Now I begin to feel free without being bound by any situation.

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