The Spiritual Way Of Cooking & Eating (Part 3)
The low subtle energy of certain tamsic foods like non-vegetarian food, alcohol, tobacco, and also onion and garlic is an obstacle in the purification of the soul, which is our life objective and they also affect the body negatively on an energy level. So consumption of such foods should be avoided. This is because these foods cause the mind to become agitated and aggressive and even bring the mind under the influence of other negative emotions like lust, greed, attachment, ego, jealousy, and hatred. You might say why not purify these foods by meditation and then consume them.
➤But giving these foods pure spiritual energy does not transform their inherent tamasic nature. It does not prevent them from having a negative effect on the mind and the body on an energy level. However, some of them may be known to have some positive effects on the body on a physical level, according to medical science.
➤Also, along with being selective about your meal menu ingredients and using the right recipes, it’s important to maintain a higher spiritual consciousness while cooking and eating meals. This can be done by creating positive and peaceful thoughts by playing a few peaceful spiritual songs or even playing soothing meditation tunes while cooking and eating food. This will remind everyone of their connection with God and pure spiritual love for their family members. Food should not be eaten while watching television, reading the newspaper, or using a mobile phone.
➤Also, before consuming any food item or even water, spend a few seconds creating a powerful thought of spiritual self-respect and focus your vision or drishti on the item. In this way, the food or liquid item will be charged with positive spiritual energy through your eyes and its negative nature, both on a physical as well as spiritual level, will be destroyed. Remember you are what you eat. Your thoughts are a direct reflection of the kind of energy-filled food you eat.
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Message for Today
"Being in the present means making the most of it"

Points to think about:
When we are dissatisfied with life, we have a tendency to look back and remember those experiences. Sometimes we long to go back to that particular moment in time. Or we think about what might have happened if we had made a different decision. Soon we get caught up in thoughts and memories and fail to make the most of the present.
I need to realize that all I have control over is this moment. And I have the power to make every moment worthwhile. The way I choose to spend my time now will affect my future. The only way to create a beautiful future for myself lies in making the best use of my present.
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