The Spiritual Way Of Cooking & Eating (Part 2)
When cooking a meal, switch on the role of a beautiful creator of pure energy filled food, which is the divine sustenance for the mind and body. Switch off the role of a hard-working mother, which makes cooking food a boring and difficult task to be done everyday. Create the following affirmation in your mind while cooking the food and bring it into practice – I love making a meal using the creations of nature, the ingredients that are given to me by the elements of nature. With my beautiful inner state of mind and by being connected with the Supreme Being of pure spiritual energy or God, I shall pass on this pure energy to the food I am cooking. By doing this, all those who eat the food, will be benefitted spiritually and physically.
➤So cooking a meal is respecting and loving these elements to the fullest. Also, although physical nature’s elements are eternal, it is important to know that when nature loses its purity, it’s God who purifies it and returns it to its original state. That is why God is incorrectly called the creator of nature, which he is not exactly, although he is a transformer of nature from impure to pure.
➤So the nature’s elements also, when in their purest state, give pure energy to the soul and the physical body. But, today as we all know, these elements have lost their purity on a physical level. This is because of causes like vehicle pollution, emission of poisonous gases from factories, deforestation, depletion of the ozone layer, global warming, etc. This is also because of the use of improper materials to grow vegetables and fruits that are harmful to the physical body.
➤The elements have also deteriorated on a subtle energy level, the spiritual energy level. This is because of the impure and peaceless emotions in the minds of human beings, which travel to the elements and make them impure and full of negative spiritual energy. So it’s important to purify your meal ingredients before their consumption.
(Continues tomorrow...)
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"True responsibility brings inner Lightness and Happiness"

Points to think about:
When we take on responsibility for something or someone, it can feel heavy. When responsibility overwhelms us, we feel trapped like a caged bird. We long to escape and spread our wings. When we feel this way, we don't fulfill our responsibilities to the best of our ability.
Merely taking care of duties is not real responsibility; Responsibility means being involved in a large amount of work and doing everything with purpose in mind. When I think about my responsibilities with this attitude, I find things happen more easily and I am helped every step of the way. I am able to multitask with ease and enjoy everything I do.
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