Going Beyond Negative Influences (Part 1)
The thoughts that we create are of different types, different intensity, and their quantity also varies from time to time while awake and while sleeping and also depending on what action we are performing at that particular moment of time or not performing any action at all. They possess immense potential or power, both positive and negative. They can either empower us or weaken us. This depends on what we think and how much we think.
➤The mind tends to jump from one place to another. Many of our thoughts are filled with doubts, fears, insecurity, irritation, worry, and comparisons which give rise to emotions like jealousy, hatred, inferiority complexes, ego, desires, unenthusiasm, stress, etc. are useless thoughts and weaken us. They unfocus us and reduce our inner clarity. Sometimes we keep repeating certain types of thoughts inside our mind. Most of the time, these repetitive thoughts are negative or waste in nature related to the emotions mentioned above.
➤Sometimes repetitive thoughts can be necessary also. Even necessary thoughts, when repeated again and again, turn into unnecessary or wasteful. So it’s important to think in a higher, concentrated way – think less and think more powerful. Such thoughts have a lot of clarity, focus, and spiritual force that help us to put them into practice more successfully.
➤A single negative or waste thought or a series of negative or waste thoughts can block the capacity to feel content and awakened spiritually and make us sorrowful. On the other hand, a single positive thought or a series of positive thoughts can be the key to opening the door that allows us to access, enjoy, and experience the richness of our inner self. But it has to be a pure, strong, clear, and concentrated thought or thought.
(Continues tomorrow...)
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Message for Today
"Satisfied people are true servants"

Points to think about:
Sometimes, we try to fill the void in our lives by doing something good or serving others. But we may be motivated by the satisfaction that comes from service rather than the opportunity to help others.
Before I can serve others, I must be satisfied with myself. Only when I am satisfied, I can serve selflessly by any means necessary. When I am content I am free from expectations and can use all my resources for the benefit of others.
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