Stand Back, Observe & Steer
Our lives are filled with different types of situations, which arise from time to time. We often find ourselves getting influenced by situations negatively and our inner power is reduced. Stand Back, Observe and Steer is a simple technique of spirituality with the help of which we can experience positivity in a negative situation and instead of getting influenced, we can influence the negative situation with our positivity and change it. It is a technique of detachment in which we stand back from the situation instead of getting attached to it, observe our thoughts closely, and then steer the thoughts of our mind or change them and take them in a positive direction, the way a plane or ship is steered when it sees an obstacle in front of it. How do we practice this technique? Here are 5 steps –
1● Fill your mind with positive thoughts in the morning by reading or listening to something positive. The more our mind is filled with positivity, the more strength we will have to become detached and leave the situation with our mind. Also, we will be able to steer our thoughts and experience peace and contentment.
2● Practice mind traffic control for one minute every hour. In that one minute, leave whatever you are doing and experience yourself as a peaceful, loveful, and powerful soul.
3● Practice affirmations the entire day for about 10-15 times. An affirmation is a positive thought that we repeat and experience again and again. This makes our mind stable and focused and it does not get influenced by any situation or person easily.
4● Make a Digital Detox plan for the day. The entire day, our minds are flooded with information from our mobiles, computers, televisions, and other electronic devices. Reduce the intake of negative information and negative news from these devices.
5● Keep God’s company throughout the day. By letting go of our burdens and giving them to God, we look at situations as detached observers and do not get entangled in them.
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Message for Today
"True service is always free from expectations"

Points to think about:
When we see others in need, it is natural for us to help them. At that moment we do not expect anything in return from them. When we need help or support, we expect help from those we have helped. When they don't offer help in return, we may feel hurt or disappointed.
When I help others, I need to remind myself that I should not expect anything in return. Any help I give will be returned to me in due course. The seeds that I have sown will not be wasted, but in due time they will bear fruit.
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