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Remaining Free From Sarcasm In Relationships

When emotionally wounded, we taunt other people just to make us look better. Whether used in praise, criticism, or anger, sarcasm is negative energy. In the excuse of sounding humorous, witty or sharp, have you been sarcastic? Sarcasm inherently carries negative energy and hence weakens our relationships. Passing negative remarks about someone depletes our own aura and vibration.

1● Remember that a person at the receiving end of your taunts feels pained or angry. Sarcasm may not always make you sound smart or funny, but instead reveals that you carry hatred, jealousy, pain, anger or insecurity. It reduces your credibility as a person.

2● The root cause of sarcasm lies in your own emotional wounds. When you are uneasy internally, you become bitter with the world around you. Take responsibility to heal yourself, accepting that your emotions are completely your creation.

3● Every word you speak is energy, it either empowers or disempowers you and your environment. Meditate daily and study spiritual wisdom to think positively and emerge your virtues of kindness and compassion. You will then start choosing the right and positive words in your conversations.

4● Promise yourself to use only pure, high-energy words in every scene. People may not be right, or situations may be challenging. Don’t allow them to bring down your vibrations. A few days of attention will clean your vocabulary to finish sarcasm in your personality.

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Message for Today

"Love Makes Things Easy"

"Love Makes Things Easy"

Points to think about:

When a difficult thing needs to be done, we sometimes feel the wrong way about the task. If we look at it from a negative perspective, we can never like it. Things seem more difficult and this makes it harder for us to put in the effort needed to succeed.


When I approach things with love, I find ways to implement what I plan and accomplish the task. Nothing seems heavy or difficult. Love brings blessings and help from those around me. After that, everything is easy for me to accomplish.

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