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The Habit Of Writing Other People’s Script

We are all actors in this drama of life, playing several roles. Every scene demands us to write and enact our own script. But, often we don’t spend time with our scripts. Instead, we are busy mentally writing out other people’s scripts – of what they should say, how they should behave when they need to respond… We get entangled in their roles and forget ours. People write their own scripts, they cannot enact as per our expectations.

1● Do you find yourself frequently evaluating other people, mentally writing out a script of how they should be and what they should do? Have you felt the futility of the exercise when they didn’t follow your script? Has that habit affected your own growth and development, since your time and energy get depleted by focusing on others?

2● We are all actors in this world of drama, playing several roles in our lives. We are the actor, director, and also the script-writer in each scene. But while playing our role with fellow actors, we start focusing on their performance, write their script mentally, and expect them to follow it. But other people cannot follow our script.

3● Our focus needs to be on our performance. Whatever may be the role, our personality of peace, love, and wisdom, should reflect in every role. Even if other actors don’t perform right, our performance can show them the path to correct themselves.

4● Be aware of perfecting your own script and not others' scripts. Cross every scene well, by being at ease, relaxed, and empowering your co-actors. Remind yourself – I bring out my personality of peace and compassion in every role, uninfluenced by the performances of my co-actors.

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Message for Today

"A balance between assertiveness and love can bring about change in others"

"A balance between assertiveness and love can bring about change in others"

Points to think about:

When we want to bring change to others, we need to speak up. But sometimes, when we don't combine this assertiveness with the right attitude, this assertiveness takes the form of disrespect.


When I want to help someone change, I need to be firm and kind at the same time. When balanced in this way my words and actions have the greatest impact on others. After that, I can easily bring about the result I want.

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