Are You Emotionally Overweight?
Taking care of the body to prevent excessive physical weight is normal. Do we pay attention to excessive emotional weight? We have piled up layers and layers of needless thoughts, hurtful feelings, limiting beliefs, and an overdose of content. There has never been greater awareness about physical fitness, weight loss therapies, and diet charts than we see today. We all take measures to not be physically overweight. But when it comes to emotional baggage, we are not even aware of the heavily negative weight we are carrying.
1 ● No-one else can clean the emotions you have held on to, in your mind. Practice meditation and consume spiritual wisdom daily to know how to clear emotional toxins.
2 ● Pay attention to what you think and feel about yourself and other people. Accept them and radiate respect. Abstain from gossip, judgment, and criticism. Think right for everyone. Be yourself, don’t copy others or seek public approval.
3 ● Don’t label small situations as challenges in life. Even if the worst has happened, never say – I cannot forget this or I cannot forgive this person. Releasing the past is one thought away.
4 ● Remaining internal light should be your priority. Love yourself and choose purity and positivity in your lifestyle. Focus on your goals and be disciplined in achieving them.
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Message for Today
"Silence helps one deal with difficult situations"

Points to think about:
In challenging situations, we have a tendency to overthink in an attempt to find the right solution. But often, when we overthink, the mind keeps thinking the same thing over and over again, and we drift away from the solution.
Inner silence means creating a state of inner calm. When I listen to my inner voice, I am able to overcome problems and find solutions. I can be confident about doing the right thing and I can use my talent, creativity and inner strength in a great way to get what needs to be done.
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