God, the Supreme Soul (Shiv Baba)
God is called the Supreme Soul or more accurately, the Supreme Soul is known to us as the God, the creator Almighty. He is supreme among all souls. Yet, like souls, God is a subtle point of light. But unlike human Souls, that Soul is beyond the cycle of birth and death and the effects of Karma (actions) in the form of experience of pleasure or pain. God is the Supreme Father, Mother, Teacher, and Guide of all human souls. We all remember Him only in our difficult times, it is built within us. So let us explore the truth about God, as revealed by himself through murlis.
Also visit: God's Message
Representations of incorporeal God
Being incorporeal, God is represented by an oval-shaped stone or light in many religions. In Hinduism, God is worshipped as an oval-shaped stone called Shivlingam or Jyotirlingam, meaning "a symbol of Shiva" or "a symbol of light". Muslims revere an oval-shaped black stone called Sang-e-Aswad (holy stone), which is placed in the Kaaba in the Grand Mosque in Mecca. Jesus Christ (Christianity) has said and described God as 'light '. Mahatma Buddha started deep meditation and found a spiritual existence of God, beyond the cycle of birth and death. Hence he describes the Self as such free beings detached and as a part of God. All religions point to the supreme soul in one or the other way. The common is clear that 'God is a being of Light' and so is worshipped as a metaphysical power or energy that is present everywhere and within us.
Name of God
Everything that exists in nature has a name and a form. We get a name when we are born. In each birth, our name is different. But what about the name of one who never takes birth, and is unborn? His name must be eternal. So God has revealed Himself with His eternal name 'Shiv' or 'Shiva' (when pronounced in English). The Sanskrit meaning of Shiv is 'One who is Ever Benevolent'. He is the one who brings benefit to everyone.

Residence of the Supreme Soul
Soul World (Home of eternal Peace and Light)
Till now, you have understood the reality of God the incorporeal supreme soul). Now let us turn to what we all souls call - 'Our sweet home'. This is also the home of our spiritual father (god). There is complete and eternal sweet silence. Why sweet? Because here we are merged in the ocean of love. There is no body-consciousness (as there is no physical body). We and God live there as divine points of light as an inverted tree-like structure (as shown in the picture), where God is the seed of the human tree, roots are souls who have a direct connection with the seed (Brahman souls) and branches represents the religions established in the world. Rest leaves are souls of those religions. As clearly shown, God the seed is the source of power for all the branches and leaves.
Names to represent Soul World : Home of eternal light, Home of Peace, Sweet silence home, Paramdhaam (Supreme home), incorporeal world, Nirvaan (beyond sound) and Mul Vatan (the original everlasting residence.
🎥 Watch this video (below) to receive an introduction of our Supreme Father.
Our Relationship with God
As the Father
Father is the word used for the creator. In Christianity also, God is called - The Father. He is our father because we get an inheritance of heaven (the golden age) from him. God did not create the souls (us). But he comes and re-creates the heaven on earth. Those who helped him shall also receive this great inheritance.
As a Teacher
Explained that the Godfather created heaven and gave it to his children who helped and followed his directions. But which direction? So the directions are his teachings. God is called the ocean of knowledge. He comes and imparts the entire knowledge of the creator and the creation to his children. He is also our Supreme Teacher. He gives us his advice on what is the right thing to do so as to receive the highest fruit.
As a Friend
Now as we have every relation with God, we can share anything with him. Did you make a mistake? Go and accept your mistake. Seek forgiveness. Such a friend who gives the best advice and is there for us anywhere and all the time.
As a Guide
This is the last relationship with God. We longed for liberation. After revealing the secrets of Karma, God teaches us the RajaYog through which we the souls are freed from the results of our past actions. God liberates us from all sorrow that we created for ourself. Liberating us like this, he takes us back home.
GOD, Shiv Baba's Decent
It is now understood that our relationship with God is of Father and Child, of Teacher and Student, of best friends, of a Guru and follower. But when are these relationships enjoyed? Because there should be a time all this God is knowledgeful, the ocean of love, etc, was experienced by all of us.
As discussed on the World Drama Cycle page, the world drama repeats. Golden Age comes after Iron age. This is depicted as the Transformation time. This small time is known as Confluence Age (Sangam). Hence something major has to happen now. In this time only God has to appear to perform the role of 'creator of the new world'. God needs a medium, a body to speak his knowledge. He comes and adopts us through the corporeal medium of Brahma. Brahma is the first human soul. God plays his role as the Creator through Brahma. So only in this time given about 100 years does God appear to impart us the knowledge of truth and give us the inheritance of the New World (heaven). To give you good news, it was around 1936 when this incognito part of God began. By now, the message is widely spread. And by the end, everyone would get the message.
One may observe that all the major events happened in these last 100 years only (Science, atomic power, new research, a rise of human talents, and fame). This is because God the source is himself here now. God fulfills the wishes of his children before it is time to go.
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