Following are the four main subjects that we Godly students (BK - Brahma Kumar and Brahma Kumari) study through the nectar of Murli.
1. Gyaan (Knowledge)
Happiness is related to our wisdom (deep reflection of knowledge). Knowledge means 'understanding'. Knowledge is given to a child so that he understands the difference between right and wrong, and choose the right aspect. Otherwise said, it is the light which guides us to the path of life and liberation. God only awakens all souls by giving us the true knowledge which was covered by ignorance. He is incorporeal and gives speaks this knowledge of Murli through the mouth of Brahma baba. We are children of the ocean of knowledge (God), but our self-awakening is hidden and covered by 5 vices (lust, anger, greed, ego, attachment) and hence we call him for liberation. So how can the knowledge of the soul be uncovered? Source: What is Murli

2. Raja Yog (meditation on God)
Wisdom or knowledge of the soul is only uncovered when all vices are removed. RajYog or Raja Yoga is the supreme knowledge delivered to us by God himself -a direct connection and relationship with the Supreme being, through which we souls can become pure (original) and by which we attain liberation in life (Jeevan Mukti). In Raja Yog, we meditate upon the form of God, which is a point of light and might. We also consider our-self as a point of light, just as our father (God). This is an intellectual connection and hence is a matter of experience, not seeing. We clearly sense the love and powers coming into us. Raja Yoga basically awakens our 8 powers.
This subject of Yoga (Yog) is incognito, i.e. no one can know if you are in the state of meditation.
3. Dharna (being an embodiment of Knowledge)
'Practice makes us Perfect.' This is a subject that is visible to all. It is a practical adoption of knowledge. For example, we have knowledge that we are a Soul, but Dharna means to become an embodiment of Soul consciousness. In such a stage, the original virtues of peace, purity, love, royalty, bliss, and powers are visible in all our Karma (actions). This is practical life lived with Godly knowledge. It is the ability to which one grasps and inherits some information. Here we grasp the points from Murli and inherit its wisdom. It is known that just as the sun shines everywhere equally, god gives everyone equally. But we receive it according to our own capacity to inherit. Through this knowledge, we are becoming like Lakshmi and Narayan. This is Dharna of virtues within us. There are 7 original virtues.

4. World Service
When one is awakened, he lifts others just as a candle. So are we fortunate souls who received the knowledge through the supreme father are now serving the nectar of supreme knowledge to the whole world. Baba said: 'If you are awakened and are receiving your inheritance from me, it is also your duty to awaken your brothers and make their fortune.'
Day by day this knowledge is getting clearer. So many those who initially doubted are coming back. BKs gets the directions for services from the Murli that we daily study. ''This subject of service is beneficial for both Self and the World'' - Avyakt BaapDada. One who keeps his mind and intellect busy in serving others will also stay away and unaffected from all worldly matters. God has taught us how to live.! It is the best life which is lived for welfare and upliftment of the whole world. It requires virtues of love, mercy and detachment for being a noble world servant. Visit our Online Services page.

GOD's message to all
''In this time of great confluence (meeting of souls with the supreme soul), I have come again to defeat the kingdom of vices and establish the new world (heaven). For this, I give knowledge and teach you RajYog through which you shall attain Self-sovereignty and become a master of your senses, mind, and intellect. I give you power when you remember me. So dear child, forget this old impure world, as I am making the new world of peace and limitless happiness for you, where all of you children will be complete with virtues, happiness, wealth, and powers, as are you aware of the self as a soul. There is law followed by all in everything. The world is perfect.!''
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