This is a question anyone who comes in Gyan would have in their mind. As you may know, Shiv baba has not given an exact date when he started speaking Gyan (murli) through medium of Brahma. On this post, we will provide you the most accurate information and the recorded original voice murlis from 1963 to 1969. Read till the end.
Email we received in Aug 2019:
I have been listening to baba's murli regularly for more than a year. I really feel overwhelmed on listening to the points of gyaan. I saw a video on the history of Brahma kumaris and got to know that Brahma baba felt the incarnation of Shiv Baba in 1936 for the first time. As baba started appearing regularly, he used to give gyan through Brahma baba and those lessons were later recorded as murlis. Is it true that murli started in 1936? If yes, where can I read the murlis of the earliest dates (1936 onwards)? Please guide.
Om shanti
This divine knowledge is of 'Soul', the 'Supreme Soul' and 'Drama cycle' which touches the very heart of the soul as this is our own story! Receiving this knowledge that God whom we worshipped for this long, birth after birth we called him, is indeed our own spiritual father who has now come to play his elevated role to tranform the old world (iron age) into new (golden age) where we souls who become pure through RajYog (remembrance of Shiv Baba). Now we are receiving his inheritance - plus protection from kaliyugi world. This spiritual knowledge and experience of God's company through RajYog does elevate and nurture the soul like nothing else.
➥ Shiv baba's incognito part began around 1936 which we know today. But when exactly Murlis started, no one knows. Baba has said himself in Sakar Murli that; ''You children think that Shiv baba came when Brahma started that school (Om Niwas) and murlis began thereafter. But that is inaccurate. This is a play of drama in which no one can certainly know. Only one father will know.''
Although it is promised that at the end of drama play, we will know all the secrets which for now are yet hidden for a purpose.
1936 to 1948
Murlis spoken in Karachi (Pakistan) from 1939 to 1948 were burned down as per Shiv baba's direction... Om Mandli members had a written record of murlis spoken by this divine entity (Shiv baba) through Dada Lekhraj (later named Prajapita Brahma). Everyone had their own dairy in which they noted down daily murli points from 1937 till 1948. But as baba gave directions in late 1948 murlis to forget what was taught earlier (referring to soul being a "ball" of light, instead of a "point" of light which now we understand), everyone including Brahma baba and Mamma discarded their personal dairies closed in a container.
✱ You will know that whole story when you listen to our History series (in Hindi, mostly narrated by Dadi Prakashmani) ➤
OR read on our History page.
Side Note ➤ Listen the above playlist on our ''Sound Cloud channel''. First install Sound Cloud app on your phone, and then ''follow'' our main audio channel (above link) to get Daily Murli, Aaj ka Purusharth and important classes and audio messages. Find more on PLAYLISTS.
1950 to 1962
In May 1950, the Om Mandli came and settled to Mount Abu as per baba's directions. During this time, services across India started. Murlis were written, then printed/copied, and sent to the newly opened centres in India. But these murlis are not revised today because the original audio was not recorded to verify the murli versions.
Recorded Murlis (1963-69)
Murlis from January 1963 to January 1969 were recorded and preserved. Get all old original preserved murlis in PDF on our Old Sakar Murlis page and the original recorded voice/audio can be found here. These murlis are still revised everyday. Learn more on our official page ➤ What is Gyan Murli
✱ Also, if you just want to 'know' what was taught in early 1940s murlis in Karachi, I can tell you.
Main points of those days murlis were:
➥ ''Lesson of being a "soul" and not this physical body
➥ ''Lesson that God and Soul both are made of Brahm - 5th element''
➥ ''God is a being of light''
➥ ''Dhyan Yog and Karma Yog are emphasised''
➥ "God has come to make you prince and princesses of Satyug (golden age) which is inevitable to come.
On Godly Service,
SBSI team