This question was asked by Deksha Pandey on 18 July 2018 . Essence: What should i do in life, how to make a right choice, career advice, etc.
Original Question:
My name is Deeksha Pandey. I am 25 years old working currently as a Software engineer in an IT firm in Bangalore from last 2.8 years. I completed my bachelors in Information and technology in 2015. It was not my will to go for engineering but things happened. But after i joined this job, initially i was very excited but then i lost interest in it. It doesn't make me feel as if i belong here. I don't feel excited about going to work every day. I tried studying for MBA but couldn't concentrate. I don't know which field should i get into to move ahead successfully in my career. I feel i am not going anywhere in my life and just stuck with what i have. I want to grow, make a successful career but i need a direction and i don't know where to find it.
Please help me get all this. Help me get a direction. Which career should i choose and how do i get there!
Will be eagerly waiting for your response.
Thank you,
Deeksha Pandey
Our Answer:
To: Deeksha (and everyone reading) Sweet divine sister
Your letter is received. First of all you need to know, that no one other than you should take a decision of your life. You are responsible . Even if you take a wrong step, you will learn from that. Hence nothing is wasted. Learn when you fall down. However if you wish to get advice, then that best advice is:
''Wake up very early in morning (around 4:45 am) and sit in silence. Do not sleep. Try and practice this everyday and you will then automatically wake up on time. See, when you get up, sit down and concentrate all your thoughts. Merge them in 1 single thoughts - I am a peaceful soul. I am light. I am powerful. I am pure.- These all thoughts should be merge in 1 thought - ''I am a Soul'' - this is 1st step of meditation.
When you will practice, you will definitely find a solution yourself - as you will awaken your inner powers. All the answers are within. Go within. Ask yourself then, what do i want? OR do I really WANT anything!! Answer is no. I am complete without anything.
When you are happy and take your decisions with patience, your decisions are right. Otherwise wrong.
This is our advice. You should follow all points and see the result. Never do anything tin desire of a result. No. Just do as you love to do. Enjoy your life. Tomorrow may or may not come .
JUST be careful - you should NOT give or take sorrow from anyone. Do whatever your inner self says. It should not harm anyone, then it is good.
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