It is very important to remain POSITIVE during a setback in life (eg: illness or a disease). While you have to care for your body, also give positive vibrations so that the body is healed quickly. Here is our guidance on this. Do read and SHARE to those who need it.
Email received on 31 August 2019:
My mom is in cancer. And I am unable to take this setback. All thoughts of sometimes disobeying her as children come to my mind. She is the most purest soul ever. Can't get a hold of myself nor sleep.
Our Guided Response
We at BK RajYog centres, daily give sakash (vibrations) to all souls of world. ''Let good happen to all'' Dear divine Sister/Brother, You are observing such thoughts as a 'cause'. This is caused by the underlying thought that - 'I am going to lose my mother now'. To love someone means to have only and ONLY POSITIVE thoughts for them. So in love, only think that whatever will happen will happen for our good. This is the best way to live. In fact, even if you think that mother will survive from cancer, you are 'expecting' that to happen. But what if it doesn't happen? All happens for good for the soul. This is the nature of world drama. Also be aware that by giving her POSITIVE vibrations, you are helping in recovery. Do NOT and never create sorrow or negative thoughts. If such thoughts come, counter them with help of a 5 mins setback meditation. ''Your good thoughts have power to do wonders'' Raja Yog meditation has given wings to the souls of world. Through this Yog, we get a mental connection with GOD, our spiritual father, the Supreme soul. Thus receive peace, purity, love and powers from him. Please learn here -> What is Raja Yoga meditation? ----------- Also, we have a TV series called ''Awakening with Brahma Kumaris''. Sit with family to watch. VERY beneficial for your life. Here are ALL episodes -> or Watch on YouTube -> * Useful links for you * Our Videos -> Articles in English & Hindi-> Explore Sitemap -> Need anything else? Use BK Google - (Our search engine) namaste oo Signature: On Godfatherly (Godly) Service to the World Souls BKGU (BrahmaKumaris Godly University) Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India 00