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Visions of Future (Revelations in Avyakt Murlis)
Book Description
Capturing the essenceful points on revelations on the coming new world, and revelations on the scenes during the great world transformation are captured in this book named "Visions of Future" which delivers points taken from Avyakt murlis. This is "golden information" for those who knows its value!
This book is provided to you for free from the "Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Godly Spiritual University", Madhuban. This is PDF version, which you can download and print. To buy its hard copy, search on amazon, or our book store: (Get all links)
"Read - Understand - Become"~ with this Godly knowledge, bring transformation in your life, take the inheritance of peace, purity, love and powers from our long lost and now found spiritual father- Shiv Baba.
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Avyakt BapDada, Brahma Kumaris
Tags for this book
mystery, Revelations
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