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All Avyakt Murlis on "Shiv Jayanti"

Shiv Jayanti Avyakt Murlis book

Book Description

This eBook (pdf book) contains all murlis of Avyakt BapDada spoken on the auspicious occasions of "Shiv Jayanti" (Shivratri) every year, from 1969 to 2016. (यह विशेष शिव जयंती (शिवरात्रि) पर अव्यक्त बापदादा द्वारा बोले गए महावाक्य है, अव्यक्त वाणियों की बुक है।) Language of eBook: English You can find invividual year's murli using the "INDEX" page provided on page 2. View or Download the PDF to print and make a notebook.


Avyakt BapDada

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Purusharth, Avyakt Murli

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