Late Hridaya Mohini ji, more lovingly known as Dadi Gulzar, was the chief administrative head of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University from April 2020 to March 2021. Dadi Gulzaar joined the Yagya (institution) at the age of 8, at its very beginning (in 1936) through a boarding school for children called 'Om Niwas' founded by Dada Lekhraj (later named Brahma Baba). Dadi's age was 92 years old when she passed away.
News: Dadi Gulzar left her body at about 8:40 am (India time) on 11 March 2021, while she was under treatment at Saifee Hospital, Mumbai.
Read➤ Official Post on Dadi Gulzar's death news (English)
Hindi ➤ मधुबन से दादी रतन मोहिनी का पत्र (pdf)
Hindi ➤ गुलज़ार दादी प्रति भोग सन्देश (new)
Watch➤ Last Rites of Gulzar dadi (LIVE from Mt Abu)
Read➤ Condolences for Dadi
Read➤ Dadi Gulzar's Passing Message (by Brahma Kumaris UK)
Update: The new chief administrative head of BKWSU now is Dadi Ratan Mohini.
You may also read the official letter from BK Nirwair (18 Feb 2021) and the letter from Gamdevi centre (late 2020) by BK Sunita.

LAST picture of Gulzar Dadi taken at the Gamdevi centre (Mumbai) on 10 Mar 2021➞