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Personal Guidance via Phone call

This is our New service, under our Samadhan initiative to provide help and guidance over the phone. If you want written guidance to your problem, please use our free service auto-form. The telephone guidance paid service is only available in the USA ($), UK (£), Austria (€), Brazil (BRL), Canada ($), Germany (€), Ireland (€), Italy (€), Spain (€), Netherlands (€) and South Africa ($).

Note: If you are in India, you can only pay using PayPal or Apple Pay.


Using this form, you can book a "call back request" and get personal spiritual guidance through a pre-arranged phone call. Please Note: We aim to call you within 3 days of submitting this form. This service is operated by the "Shiv Baba Services Initiative" and handled directly by the manager of this initiative from England, UK. This is merely a paid/premium support version of our free Samadhan service.


The payment collected here is an 'appointment fee' for giving dedicated time to listen to you, speaking to you, and giving special guidance that can help in your situation.

The Good Purpose: The money collected from here is going to the "Shiv Baba Services Initiative fund" which is used to run Godly services through many platforms (including this website). To know more about the online services running under the SBS initiative, please visit this page.


This is 100% safe and legit. In case we could not talk to you over the phone for a reason, a full refund will be given within 5 days. Any data you submit here is protected by the GDPR policy of the UK. Please know that it is your responsibility to provide correct phone number & email on this form.


Book a Phone call

Provide the required details, make the payment, and we will contact you within 3 days.

Select your country code & please provide your WhatsApp number if possible.

Text me on:
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Select Language

Request sent. Please check your Email.

Note: After submitting this form, you will receive our confirmation email with further information.

Our Previous Web-Logos

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Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalaya

(Godly Spiritual University)

Established by God, this is the World Spiritual University for Purification of Souls with the knowledge and RajaYoga taught by the Supreme Soul (God), giving his most beneficial advice. 

Established in 1936, by today has more than 8500 centres in around 140 countries. World transformation is taking place. Come and know .more

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